对于第一类液滴(尺度远大于界面层的厚度),无论是远离固体壁面的液体球或附着在壁面上的球冠,其内外压力差(简称"附加压力")均适用经典Laplace公式,并且特别对球冠情况给出了一种新的整体性证明.还澄清有关争论:指出[曹治党、郭愚1999 481823]一文对附壁面第一类液体球冠所推导出的附加压力与接触角有关的公式是错误的,而[闵敬春2002 512730]是正确的.
- Laplace 公式 /
- 附加压力 /
- 液滴 /
- 自由能
For a liquid drop of first kind (with the size much bigger than the interface thickness), whether on or far away from a solid surface, it is proved that the classical Laplace equation is valid and the related arguments are clarified. The formula of additional pressure for the liquid drop of the first kind dependent on contact angle, given in Ref. 48 1823] is wrong, the comment of Ref. is correct.-
- Laplace formula /
- additional pressure /
- liquid drop /
- free energy
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[1] Cao Z J, Guo Y 1999 Acta Phys.Sin.48 1823 (in Chinese)[曹治觉、郭 愚1999 48 1823]
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[8] Rowlinson J S, Widom B 1982Molecular Theory of Capillary (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
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[10] Bartell J L S2001 J. Phys. Chem. B 105 11615
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[12] Wang X D, Peng X F, Min J C,Liu T, Wang B X 2002 J. Engng. Therm. 23 67 (in Chinese) [王晓东、彭晓峰、闵敬春 2002 工程热 23 67]
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