The conventional acoustic holography method is not suitable for the measurement of the moving sound source, because the Doppler effect exists in the sound signal, and the beam-forming approach is unable to make quantitative analysis. The approach proposed in this paper establishes the time-space relation between the measurement field, the radiating field and the acoustic holography field, and puts forward a method of nonlinear time-mapping between the sound source and the measured signal. Based on the acoustic source eigen-function, the acoustic pressure distribution of the acoustic holography field in the time domain is obtained, in which the Doppler effect is eliminated. The sound field of the surface of the moving sound source is reconstructed by acoustic holography method, and the quantitative analysis of the major sound source is realized. This method has been used in the experiment of measuring the moving sound sources, and satisfactory results proved the effectiveness of the method.
- acoustic holography /
- moving sound source /
- Doppler effect /
- identification of sound source
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[1] King III W F 1977 J. Sound Vib. 54 361
[2] King III W F, Bechert D 1979 J. Sound .Vib. 66 311
[3] Barsikow B 1996 J .Sound. Vib. 193 283
[4] Torii A, Takano Y 1992 Proceedings of Inter-Noise 1992 1171
[5] Sakamoto I, Tanaka T 1993 Proceedings of SAE No. 930199
[6] Kwon H S, Kim Y H 1998 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104 1734
[7] Park S H, Kim Y H 2001 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 110 2326
[8] Bi C X, Chen J, Chen X Z, Li W B, Yu F 2005 Acta Phys. Sin.54 1253(in Chinese)[毕传兴、陈 剑、陈心昭、李卫兵、于 飞 2005 54 1253]
[9] Bi C X, Chen J, Chen X Z, Li W B 2006 Acta Phys. Sin.55 1264(in Chinese)[毕传兴、陈 剑、陈心昭、李卫兵 2006 55 1264]
[10] Jiang W K, Wan Q, Zhang H B 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 313(in Chinese)[蒋伟康、万 泉、张海滨 2008 57 313] 〖11] Zhang H B, Wan Q, Jiang W K 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 58 333 (in Chinese) [张海滨、万 泉、蒋伟康 2009 58 333]
[11] Yang D G, Zheng S F, Li Y K, Lian X M, Jiang X Y 2001 Acta Acustica 26 56 (in Chinese)[杨殿阁、郑四发、李俞康、连小珉、蒋孝煜 2001 声学学报 26 56]
[12] Yang D G, Zheng S F, Luo Y G, Lian X M, Jiang X Y 2002 Acta Acustica 27 357 (in Chinese)[杨殿阁、郑四发、罗禹贡、连小珉、蒋孝煜 2002 声学学报 27 357]
[13] Yang D G, Liu F, Zheng S F, Lian X M, Jiang X Y 2001 Automotive. Eng. 23 329(in Chinese) [杨殿阁、刘 峰、郑四发、连小珉、蒋孝煜 2001 汽车工程 23 329]
[14] Maynard J D, Williams E G, Lee Y 1985 J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 75 1395
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