Based on the normalized raindrops size distribution,dielectric model of raindrop and Mie scattering theory,the scattering characteristic of raindrop cluster in the microwave and millimeter domain are calculated,the effect of raindrop size distribution,rain-rate,incidence wave frequency and temperature on the microwave transmission are discussed. The results show that the scattering capabilities of raindrop clusters decrease in the order of JD,MP,Gamma and JD. The effect of rain-rate on microwave transmission is the strongest,the incidence wave frequency takes second place,and the temperature is the weakest. These results will be helpful to the evaluation of the effect of precipitation on microwave transmission and the improvement of the precipitation detection precision of millimeter radar and precipitation-measuring radar,etc.
- microwave transmission /
- raindrop size-distribution /
- Mie scattering /
- scattering and attenuation
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[21] ]Christian M 2002 Effects of Rain on Propagation,Absorption and Scattering of Microwave Radiation Based on the Dielectric Model of Liebe. Research Report No. 2002-10
[1] [1]Sun X M,Han Y P,Shi X W 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2098 (in Chinese)[孙贤明、韩一平、史小卫 2007 56 2098]
[2] [2]Chen B J,Li Z H,Liu J C 1998 Acta Meteorologica Sinca. 56 506 (in Chinese)[陈宝君、李子华、刘吉成 1998 气象学报 56 506]
[3] [3]Oguclu T 1983 Proceeding of the IEEE 71 1029
[4] [4]Laws J O,Parsons D A 1943 Trans. Am. Geophys. Union. 24 452
[5] [5]Marshall J S,Palmer W M 1948 J. Meteor 5 165
[6] [6]Willis P T 1984 J. Atmos. Sci. 41 1648
[7] [7]Joss J,Thames J C,Waldvogel A 1968 Proc. Internat. Conf. on Cloud Physics 3 69
[8] [8]Keuchi D M 1978 Preprints of Conf. Cloud Physics and Atmospheric Electricity Amer. Meteor. Soc. 154
[9] [9]Ulbrich C W 1981 Preprints of 20th Conf. Radar Meteorology Amer. Meteor. Soc. 276[10]Wolf D A 2001 Radio Science 36 639
[10] ]Meyers M P,Walko R L,Harrington J Y et al 1997 Atmos. Res. 45 32
[11] ]Olsen R L,Rogers D V,Hodge D B IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop. AP-26 318
[12] ]Christian M 2002 Drop-Size Distributions and Mie Computations for Rain,Research Report No.2002-16
[13] ]Sauvageot H 1992 Radar Meteorology,(Boston:Artech House),MA
[14] ]Atlas D,Srivastava R C,Sekhon R S 1973 Rev. Geophys. 11 1
[15] ]Zhou X J,Yao S C,Yao K Y 1991 Advanced Atmospheric Physic (Beijing:Meteorology Press) p438 (in Chinese)[周秀骥、陶善昌、姚克亚 1991 高等大气物理学(北京:气象出版社)第438页]
[16] ]Liebe H J,Hufford G A Manabe T 1991 Internat. J. Infrared and mm Waves 12 659
[17] ]Jonathan H J,Dong L W 2004 Atmos. Sci. Let. 5 146
[18] ]Wang Q H,Zhang Y Y,Lai J C,Li Z H,He A Z 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1203 (in Chinese)[王清华、张颖颖、来建成、李振华、贺安之 2007 56 1203]
[19] ]Zhang H Y,Zhao W J,Ren D M 2008 The Journal of Light Scattering 20 102 (in Chinese)[张合勇、赵卫疆、任德明 2008 光散射学报 20 102]
[20] ]Huang C J,Liu Y F,Wu Z S,Sun Y Q,Long S M 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2397 (in Chinese)[黄朝军、刘亚锋、吴振森、孙彦清、龙姝明 2009 58 2397]
[21] ]Christian M 2002 Effects of Rain on Propagation,Absorption and Scattering of Microwave Radiation Based on the Dielectric Model of Liebe. Research Report No. 2002-10
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