非平衡量子关联体系是近年来受到广泛关注的一类新型量子系统, 其研究对象不局限于某一特定的物理分支, 而是涉及凝聚态物理、原子分子物理和量子光学、量子调控与量子计算、非平衡统计物理等诸多现代物理学的前沿领域. 这些不同体系中涌现出来的非平衡量子关联现象, 既融合了各自体系的不同特征, 又展现出普适的一般规律. 由于其新颖性和复杂性, 这类系统中存在大量未知的基本物理问题和新奇的物理现象, 是当前量子科学理论研究的难点和重点. 同时, 由于量子技术的飞速发展, 理解这类复杂系统对于以量子计算和量子调控为代表的新一代量子科学技术的发展具有重要的现实意义. 本文简要总结了近年来本课题组在非平衡量子多体物理方面的几个代表性工作, 着重讨论了与时间相关的对称性(破缺)导致的新的非平衡量子物态, 准粒子及其中的动力学普适行为.Non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems have attracted considerable attention in the past decades. The scope of the research of this kind of novel system involves interdisciplinary research of condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, quantum information and quantum computation, as well as the non-equilibrium statistical physics. The non-equilibrium phenomena emerging from the aforementioned quantum systems can exhibit rich and universal behaviors, which have far from being well understood due to the novelties and complexities of these systems, and hence the quantum many-body physics becomes the research highlight. At the same time, with the rapid development of quantum techniques, the understanding of these complex systems is of important practical significance due to their potential applications in quantum computation and quantum manipulation. In this paper, we show our recent progress of non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems. We focus on the novel phenomena closely related to the temporary symmetry breaking, including the exotic quantum matter, quasi-particles as well as the dynamical universality classes in non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems.
- non-equilibrium quantum matter /
- effect of time dimension /
- spontaneous symmetry breakings
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[1] 张广铭, 于渌 2010 物理 39 543
Zhang G M, Yu L 2010 Physics 39 543
[2] Fausti D, Tobey R I, Dean N, Kasier S, Dienst A, Hoffmann M C, Pyon S, Takayama T, Takagi H, Cavalleri A 2011 Science 331 189
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[14] Braun S, Friesdorf M, Hodgman S S, Schreiber M, Ronzheimer J P, Riera A, del Rey M, Bloch I, Eisert J, Schneider U 2015 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112 3641
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[17] Struck J, Ölschläger C, Weinberg M, Hauke P, Simonet J, Eckardt A, Lewenstein M, Sengstock K, Windpassinger P 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 225304
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[27] Khemani V, Lazarides A, Moessner R, Sondhi S 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 250401
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[29] Zhang J, Hess P W, Kyprianidis A, Becker P, Lee A, Smith J, Pagano G, Potirniche I Q, Potter A C, Vishwanath A, Yao N Y, Monroe C 2017 Nature 543 217
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[30] Su W P, Schrieffer J R, Heeger A J 1979 Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 1698
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[40] Kardar M, Parisi G, Zhang Y C 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 889
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[41] Lüschen H P, Bordia P, Hodgman S S, Schreiber M, Sarkar S, Daley A J, Fischer M H, Altman E, Bloch I, Schneider U 2017 Phys. Rev. X 7 011034
[42] Bouganne R, Aguilera M B, Ghermaoui A, Beugnon J, Gerbier F 2020 Nat. Phys. 16 21
[43] Cross M Greenside H 2009 Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
[44] Pethick C J, Smith H 2002 Bose–Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
[45] Daley A J, Kollath C, Schollwöck U, Vidal G 2005 J. Stat. Mech. P04005
[46] Mitra A, Giamarchi T 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 075117
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[47] Kamenev A 2011 Field Theory of Non-equilibrium Systems (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
[48] Cai Z, Schollwock U, Pollet L 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 260403
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[49] Aoki H, Tsuji N, Eckstein M, Kollar M, Oka T, Werner P 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 779
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