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丁肖冠 赵开君 谢耀禹 陈志鹏 陈忠勇 杨州军 高丽 丁永华 温思宇 胡莹欣



丁肖冠, 赵开君, 谢耀禹, 陈志鹏, 陈忠勇, 杨州军, 高丽, 丁永华, 温思宇, 胡莹欣
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241364

Effects of turbulence spreading and symmetry breaking on edge shear flow during sawtooth cycles in J-TEXT tokamak

DING Xiaoguan, ZHAO Kaijun, XIE Yaoyu, CHEN Zhipeng, CHEN Zhongyong, YANG Zhoujun, GAO Li, DING Yonghua, WEN Siyu, HU Yingxin
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241364
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 锯齿振荡引起热脉冲和湍流脉冲可以传播到边缘等离子体中增强边缘剪切流并诱发低约束模到高约束模的转换. 在J-TEXT托卡马克上观测了锯齿振荡期间湍流传播和对称性破缺对边缘剪切流的影响. 采用快速往复静电探针阵列测量了边缘等离子体湍流和剪切流等, 观测到锯齿崩塌后, 芯部的热脉冲和湍流传播至边缘等离子体, 且湍流脉冲快于热脉冲. 本文发现了锯齿崩塌后在边缘等离子体中引起湍流对称性破缺, 湍流传播和对称性破缺可以增强湍流雷诺协强, 从而驱动剪切流. 这些结果阐明了锯齿崩塌对边缘湍流和剪切流的增强作用过程.
    The effect of sawteeth on plasma performance and transport in the plasma of tokamak is an important problem in the fusion field. Sawtooth oscillations can trigger off heat and turbulence pulses that propagate into the edge plasma, and thus enhancing the edge shear flow and inducing a transition from low confinement mode to high confinement mode. The influences of turbulence spreading and symmetry breaking on edge shear flow with sawtooth crashes are observed in the J-TEXT tokamak. The edge plasma turbulence and shear flow are measured using a fast reciprocating electrostatic probe array. The experimental data are analyzed using some methods such as conditional average and probability distribution function. After sawtooth crashes, the heat and turbulence pulses in the core propagate to the edge, with the turbulence pulse being faster than the heat pulse. The attached figures (a)–(e) show the core electron temperature, and the edge electron temperature, turbulence intensity, turbulence drive and spreading rates, Reynolds stress and its gradient, and shearing rates, respectively. After sawtooth crashes, the edge electron temperature increases and the edge turbulence is enhanced, with turbulence preceding temperature. The enhanced edge turbulence is mainly composed of two parts: the turbulence driven by local gradient and the turbulence spreading from core to edge. The development of the estimated turbulence spreading rate is prior to that of the turbulence driving rate. The increase in the turbulence intensity can cause the turbulent Reynold stress and its gradient to increase, thereby enhancing shear flows and radial electric fields. Turbulence spreading leads the edge Reynolds stresses to develop and the shear flow to be faster than edge electron temperature. The Reynolds stress arises from the symmetry breaking of the turbulence wave number spectrum. After sawtooth collapses, the joint probability density function of radial wave number and poloidal wave number of turbulence intensity becomes highly skewed and anisotropic, exhibiting strong asymmetry, which can be seen in attached figures (f) and (g). The development of turbulence spreading flux at the edge is also prior to the particle flux driven by turbulence, indicating that turbulent energy transport is not simply accompanied by turbulent particle transport. These results show that the turbulence spreading and symmetry breaking can enhance turbulent Reynolds stress, thereby driving shear flows, after sawtooth has crashed.
      通信作者: 赵开君, kjzhao@ecut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12075057)和江西省自然科学基金(批准号: 20202ACBL201002)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: ZHAO Kaijun, kjzhao@ecut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12075057) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, China (Grant No. 20202ACBL201002).

    Hastie R J 1997 Astrophys. Space Sci. 256 177Google Scholar


    Von Goeler S, Stodiek W, Sauthoff N 1974 Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 1201Google Scholar


    Wanger F, Fussmann G, Grave T, Keilhacker M, Kornherr M, Lackner K, McCormick K, Müller E R, Stäbler A, Becker G, Bernhardi K, Ditte U, Eberhagen A, Gehre O, Gernhardt J, Gierke G V, Glock E, Gruber O, Haas G, Hesse M, Janeschitz G, Karger F, Kissel S, Klüber O, Lisitano G, Mayer H M, Meisel D, Mertens V, Murmann H, Poschenrieder W, Rapp H, Röhr H, Ryter F, Schneider F, Siller G, Smeulders P, Söldner F, Speth E, Steuer K H, Szymanski Z, Vollmer O 1984 Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 1453Google Scholar


    Ido T, Kamiya K, Miura Y, Hamada Y, Nishizawa A, Kawasumi Y 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 055006Google Scholar


    Martin Y R, Team TCV 2004 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 46 A77Google Scholar


    Moyer R A, Burrell K H, Carlstrom T N, Coda S, Conn R W, Doyle E J, Gohil P, Groebner R J, Kim J, Lehmer R, Peebles W A, Porkolab M, Rettig C L, Rhodes T L, Seraydarian R P, Stockdale R, Thomas D M, Tynan G R, Watkins J G 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 2397Google Scholar


    Burrell K H 1997 Phys. Plasmas 4 1499Google Scholar


    Manz P, Xu M, Thakur S C, Tynan G R 2011 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 53 095001Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Cheng J, Diamond P H, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Hong W Y, Xu M, Tynan G, Miki K, Huang Z H, Itoh K, Itoh S I, Fujisawa A, Nagashima Y, Inagaki S, Wang Z X, Wei L, Song X M, Lei G J, Li Q, Ji X Q, Liu Y, Yang Q W, Ding X T, Duan X R, HL-2A Team 2013 Nucl. Fusion 53 123015Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Nagashima Y, Guo Z B, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Itoh K, Itoh S I, Li X B, Li J Q, Fujisawa A, Inagaki S, Cheng J, Xu J Q, Kosuga Y, Sasaki M, Wang Z X, Zhang H Q, Chen Y Q, Cao X G, Yu D L, Liu Y, Song X M, Xia F, Wang S 2022 Plasma Sci. Technol. 25 015101Google Scholar


    Zhang J Y, Zhao K J, Yang Z J, Chen Z P, Guo Z B, Dong J Q, Itoh K, Chen Z Y, Shi Y J, Ding Y H, Li J Q, Xie Y Y, Zhang H Q, Chen Y Q, Li R, Cao X G, Du J J, Jiang J M, Zhang G S, Cheng J, Xu J Q, Xiang L, Wang N C, Wang L, Liang Y F, J-TEXT team 2023 Phys. Plasmas 30 082305Google Scholar


    Grenfell G, Van Milligen B PH, Losada U, Ting W, Liu B, Silva C, Spolaore M, Hidalgo C, TJ-II Team 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 016018Google Scholar


    Long T, Diamond P H, Ke R, Chen Z P, Xu X, Tian W J, Hong R J, Cao M Y, Liu Y M, Xu M, Wang L, Yang Z J, Yuan J B, Zhou Y K, Yan Q H, Yang Q H, Shen C S, Nie L, Wang Z H, Hao G Z, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Li J Q, Chen Wei, Zhong W L 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 066011Google Scholar


    Long T, Diamond P H, Ke R, Chen Z P, Cao M Y, Xu X, Xu M, Hong R J, Tian W J, Yuan J B, Liu Y M, Yan Q H, Yang Q H, Shen C S, Guo W X, Wang L, Nie L, Wang Z H, Hao G Z, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Pan Y, Li J Q, Chen W, Zhong W L 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 064002Google Scholar


    Ding Y H, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Xia D H, Yang Z J, Chen Z P, Zheng W, Yan W, Li D, Zhou S, Xu X, Zhang X Y, Mao F Y, Fang J G, Ren Z K, Chen X X, Zhang J L, Zhang X B, He Y, Zhang Q, Li Y, Bai W, Mou L K, Li F, Long T, Ke R, Gao L, Shi P, Shen C S, Liu J X, Guo W X, Wang L, Li H H, Jiang Z H, Zhang X Q, Li J C, Rao B, Cheng Z F, Zhu P, Liu M H, Xu T, Ma S X, Yang Y, Li C, Wang Z J, Zhang M, Yu K X, Hu X W, Liang Y, Yu Q, Gentle K W, Pan Y, the J-TEXT Team 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 112005Google Scholar


    Liang Y F, Wang N C, Ding Y H, Chen Z Y, Chen Z P, Yang Z J, Hu Q M, Cheng Z F, Wang L, Jiang Z H, Rao B, Huang Z, Li Y, Yan W, Li D, Liu H, Zeng L, Huang Y, Huang D W, Lin Z F, Zheng W, Hu F R, Zhao K J, Jiang M, Shi Y J, Zhou H, Peng S T, Guo W X, Gao L, Wang Z J, Zhang M, Yu K X, Hu X W, Yu Q, Zhuang G, Gentle K W, Pan Y, the J-TEXT Team 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 112016Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Lan T, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Hong W Y, Yu C X, Liu A D, Qian J, Cheng J, Yu D L, Yang Q W, Ding X T, Liu Y, Pan C H 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 255004Google Scholar


    Xie Y Y, Zhao K J, Yang Z J, Chen Z P, Dong J Q, Chen Z Y, Shi Y J, Tan M Z, Gao L, Ding Y H, Chen Y Q, Zhang H Q, Li R, Cao X G, Du J J, Jiang J M, Zhang G S, Cheng J, Xu J Q, Zhang J Y, Xiang L, Wang N C, Wang L, Liang Y F 2025 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 67 015008Google Scholar


    Manz P, Ribeiro T T, Scott B D, Birkenmeier G, Carralero D, Fuchert G, Müller S H, Müller H W, Stroth U, Wolfrum E 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 022308Google Scholar


    Wu T, Diamond P H, Nie L, Xu M, Yu Y, Hong R J, Chen Y H, Xu J Q, Long T, Zhang Y, Yan Q H, Ke R, Cheng J, Li W, Huang Z H, Yan L W, Chu X, Wang Z H, Hidalgo C 2023 Nucl. Fusion 63 126001Google Scholar


    Long T, Diamond P H, Ke R, Nie L, Xu M, Zhang X Y, Li B L, Chen Z P, Xu X, Wang Z H, Wu T, Tian W J, Yuan J B , Yuan B D, Gong S B, Xiao C Y, Gao J M, Hao Z G, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Yang Z J, Gao L, Ding Y H, Pan Y, Chen W, Hao G Z, Li J Q, Zhong W L, Duan X R 2021 Nucl. Fusion 61 126066Google Scholar


    Gürcan Ö D, Diamond P H, Hahm T S 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 052306Google Scholar


    Hahm T S, Diamond P H 2018 J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73 747Google Scholar


    Wolf R C 2003 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 45 R1Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Chen Z P, Shi Y J, Diamond P H, Dong J Q, Chen Z Y, Ding Y H, Zhuang G, Liu Y B, Zhang H Q, Chen Y Q, Liu H, Cheng J, Nie L, Rao B, Cheng Z F, Gao L, Zhang X Q, Yang Z J, Wang N C, Wang L, Li J Q, Jin W, Xu J Q, Yan L W, Liang Y F, Xie Y Y, Liu B 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 106030Google Scholar


    Diamond P H, Kim Y B 1991 Phys. Fluids B 3 1621Google Scholar


    Xu Y H, Yu C X, Luo J R, Mao J S, Liu B H, Li J G, Wan B N, Wan Y X 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 3867Google Scholar


    Diamond P H, Kosuga Y, Gürcan Ö D, McDevitt C J, Hahm T S, Fedorczak N, Rice J E, Wang W X, Ku S, Kwon J M, Dif-Pradalier G, Abiteboul J, Wang L, Ko W H, Shi Y J , Ida K, Solomon W, Jhang H, Kim S S, Yi S, Ko S H, Sarazin Y, Singh R, Chang C S 2013 Nucl. Fusion 53 104019Google Scholar

  • 图 1  静电探针结构图

    Fig. 1.  Structure of electrostatic probe array.

    图 2  等离子体放电参数 (a)等离子体电流; (b)线积分电子密度; (c)环向磁场; (d) $ r/a=0.01 $处的电子温度; (e) $ r/a=0.88 $处的悬浮电位; (f)探针位移

    Fig. 2.  Plasma discharge parameters: (a) Plasma current; (b) line integrated electron density; (c) toroidal magnetic field; (d) electron temperature at $ r/a=0.01 $; (e) floating potential at $ r/a=0.88 $; (f) probe positions.

    图 3  不同径向位置处的电子温度和湍流相对强度

    Fig. 3.  Electron temperature and relative intensities of turbulence at various radial positions, respectively.

    图 4  (a) $ r/a=0.01 $处的电子温度; (b) $ r/a=0.90 $处的电子温度; (c) $ r/a=0.90 $处的悬浮电位; (d) $ r/a=0.90 $处的湍流强度; (e) $ r/a=0.90 $处的$ \boldsymbol{E}\times \boldsymbol{B} $极向速度; (f) $ r/a=0.90 $处的剪切率; (g) $ r/a=0.90 $处的电子温度和湍流强度的李萨如图; (h) $ r/a=0.90 $处锯齿崩塌前后悬浮电位的自功率谱

    Fig. 4.  (a) Electron temperature at $ r/a=0.01 $; (b) electron temperature at $ r/a=0.90 $; (c) floating potential at $ r/a=0.90 $; (d) turbulence intensity at $ r/a=0.90 $; (e) $ \boldsymbol{E}\times \boldsymbol{B} $ poloidal velocity at $ r/a=0.90 $; (f) shearing rate at $ r/a=0.90 $; (g) trajectory of electron temperature and turbulence intensity at $ r/a=0.90; $ (h) auto-power spectra of the floating potential before and after sawtooth collapse at $ r/a=0.90 $.

    图 5  (a) $ r/a=0.01 $处的电子温度; (b) $ r/a=0.90 $处的湍流强度; (c) $ r/a=0.90 $处的湍流驱动率; (d) $ r/a=0.90 $处的湍流传播率

    Fig. 5.  (a) Electron temperature at $ r/a=0.01 $; (b) turbulence intensity at $ r/a=0.90 $; (c) turbulence drive rates at $ r/a=0.90 $; (d) turbulence spreading rates at $ r/a=0.90 $.

    图 6  (a) $ r/a=0.01 $的电子温度; (b) $ r/a=0.90 $处的湍流传播通量; (c) $ r/a=0.90 $处的湍流粒子通量; (d) $ r/a= $$ 0.90 $处的湍流传播平均射流速度; (e) $ r/a=0.90 $处的粒子输运速度

    Fig. 6.  (a) Electron temperature at $ r/a=0.01 $; (b) turbulence spreading flux at $ r/a=0.90 $; (c) turbulence particle flux at $ r/a=0.90 $; (d) mean jet velocity of turbulence spreading at $ r/a=0.90; $ (e) particle transport velocity at $ r/a=0.90 $.

    图 7  (a) $ r/a=0.01 $处的电子温度; $ ({\mathrm{b}})\;r/a=0.90 $处的径向电场强度; (c) $ r/a=0.90 $处的压强梯度; (d) $ r/a=0.90 $处的极向流对径向电场的贡献

    Fig. 7.  (a) Electron temperature at $ r/a=0.01 $; (b) radial electric fields intensity at $ r/a=0.90 $; (c) contributions of the pressure gradient at $ r/a=0.90; $ (d) poloidal flows to the radial electric field at $ r/a=0.90 $.

    图 8  (a) $ r/a=0.01 $处的电子温度; (b) $ r/a=0.90 $处的电子温度; (c) $ r/a=0.90 $处的雷诺协强; (d) $ r/a=0.90 $处的雷诺协强梯度; (e) $ r/a=0.90 $处的雷诺功; (f) $ r/a=0.90 $处的剪切率

    Fig. 8.  (a) Electron temperature at $ r/a=0.01 $; (b) electron temperature at $ r/a=0.90 $, (c) Reynolds stress at $ r/a=0.90 $; (d) gradient of Reynolds stress at $ r/a=0.90 $; (e) Reynolds power at $ r/a=0.90; $ (f) shearing rate at $ r/a=0.90 $.

    图 9  $ r/a=0.90 $处锯齿崩塌前(a)和崩塌后(b)的湍流径向和极向波数联合几率密度分布

    Fig. 9.  Joint probability density function of radial and poloidal wave numbers of turbulence intensity before (a) and after (b) sawtooth collapse at $ r/a=0.90 $.

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    Hastie R J 1997 Astrophys. Space Sci. 256 177Google Scholar


    Von Goeler S, Stodiek W, Sauthoff N 1974 Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 1201Google Scholar


    Wanger F, Fussmann G, Grave T, Keilhacker M, Kornherr M, Lackner K, McCormick K, Müller E R, Stäbler A, Becker G, Bernhardi K, Ditte U, Eberhagen A, Gehre O, Gernhardt J, Gierke G V, Glock E, Gruber O, Haas G, Hesse M, Janeschitz G, Karger F, Kissel S, Klüber O, Lisitano G, Mayer H M, Meisel D, Mertens V, Murmann H, Poschenrieder W, Rapp H, Röhr H, Ryter F, Schneider F, Siller G, Smeulders P, Söldner F, Speth E, Steuer K H, Szymanski Z, Vollmer O 1984 Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 1453Google Scholar


    Ido T, Kamiya K, Miura Y, Hamada Y, Nishizawa A, Kawasumi Y 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 055006Google Scholar


    Martin Y R, Team TCV 2004 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 46 A77Google Scholar


    Moyer R A, Burrell K H, Carlstrom T N, Coda S, Conn R W, Doyle E J, Gohil P, Groebner R J, Kim J, Lehmer R, Peebles W A, Porkolab M, Rettig C L, Rhodes T L, Seraydarian R P, Stockdale R, Thomas D M, Tynan G R, Watkins J G 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 2397Google Scholar


    Burrell K H 1997 Phys. Plasmas 4 1499Google Scholar


    Manz P, Xu M, Thakur S C, Tynan G R 2011 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 53 095001Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Cheng J, Diamond P H, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Hong W Y, Xu M, Tynan G, Miki K, Huang Z H, Itoh K, Itoh S I, Fujisawa A, Nagashima Y, Inagaki S, Wang Z X, Wei L, Song X M, Lei G J, Li Q, Ji X Q, Liu Y, Yang Q W, Ding X T, Duan X R, HL-2A Team 2013 Nucl. Fusion 53 123015Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Nagashima Y, Guo Z B, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Itoh K, Itoh S I, Li X B, Li J Q, Fujisawa A, Inagaki S, Cheng J, Xu J Q, Kosuga Y, Sasaki M, Wang Z X, Zhang H Q, Chen Y Q, Cao X G, Yu D L, Liu Y, Song X M, Xia F, Wang S 2022 Plasma Sci. Technol. 25 015101Google Scholar


    Zhang J Y, Zhao K J, Yang Z J, Chen Z P, Guo Z B, Dong J Q, Itoh K, Chen Z Y, Shi Y J, Ding Y H, Li J Q, Xie Y Y, Zhang H Q, Chen Y Q, Li R, Cao X G, Du J J, Jiang J M, Zhang G S, Cheng J, Xu J Q, Xiang L, Wang N C, Wang L, Liang Y F, J-TEXT team 2023 Phys. Plasmas 30 082305Google Scholar


    Grenfell G, Van Milligen B PH, Losada U, Ting W, Liu B, Silva C, Spolaore M, Hidalgo C, TJ-II Team 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 016018Google Scholar


    Long T, Diamond P H, Ke R, Chen Z P, Xu X, Tian W J, Hong R J, Cao M Y, Liu Y M, Xu M, Wang L, Yang Z J, Yuan J B, Zhou Y K, Yan Q H, Yang Q H, Shen C S, Nie L, Wang Z H, Hao G Z, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Li J Q, Chen Wei, Zhong W L 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 066011Google Scholar


    Long T, Diamond P H, Ke R, Chen Z P, Cao M Y, Xu X, Xu M, Hong R J, Tian W J, Yuan J B, Liu Y M, Yan Q H, Yang Q H, Shen C S, Guo W X, Wang L, Nie L, Wang Z H, Hao G Z, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Pan Y, Li J Q, Chen W, Zhong W L 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 064002Google Scholar


    Ding Y H, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Xia D H, Yang Z J, Chen Z P, Zheng W, Yan W, Li D, Zhou S, Xu X, Zhang X Y, Mao F Y, Fang J G, Ren Z K, Chen X X, Zhang J L, Zhang X B, He Y, Zhang Q, Li Y, Bai W, Mou L K, Li F, Long T, Ke R, Gao L, Shi P, Shen C S, Liu J X, Guo W X, Wang L, Li H H, Jiang Z H, Zhang X Q, Li J C, Rao B, Cheng Z F, Zhu P, Liu M H, Xu T, Ma S X, Yang Y, Li C, Wang Z J, Zhang M, Yu K X, Hu X W, Liang Y, Yu Q, Gentle K W, Pan Y, the J-TEXT Team 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 112005Google Scholar


    Liang Y F, Wang N C, Ding Y H, Chen Z Y, Chen Z P, Yang Z J, Hu Q M, Cheng Z F, Wang L, Jiang Z H, Rao B, Huang Z, Li Y, Yan W, Li D, Liu H, Zeng L, Huang Y, Huang D W, Lin Z F, Zheng W, Hu F R, Zhao K J, Jiang M, Shi Y J, Zhou H, Peng S T, Guo W X, Gao L, Wang Z J, Zhang M, Yu K X, Hu X W, Yu Q, Zhuang G, Gentle K W, Pan Y, the J-TEXT Team 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 112016Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Lan T, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Hong W Y, Yu C X, Liu A D, Qian J, Cheng J, Yu D L, Yang Q W, Ding X T, Liu Y, Pan C H 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 255004Google Scholar


    Xie Y Y, Zhao K J, Yang Z J, Chen Z P, Dong J Q, Chen Z Y, Shi Y J, Tan M Z, Gao L, Ding Y H, Chen Y Q, Zhang H Q, Li R, Cao X G, Du J J, Jiang J M, Zhang G S, Cheng J, Xu J Q, Zhang J Y, Xiang L, Wang N C, Wang L, Liang Y F 2025 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 67 015008Google Scholar


    Manz P, Ribeiro T T, Scott B D, Birkenmeier G, Carralero D, Fuchert G, Müller S H, Müller H W, Stroth U, Wolfrum E 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 022308Google Scholar


    Wu T, Diamond P H, Nie L, Xu M, Yu Y, Hong R J, Chen Y H, Xu J Q, Long T, Zhang Y, Yan Q H, Ke R, Cheng J, Li W, Huang Z H, Yan L W, Chu X, Wang Z H, Hidalgo C 2023 Nucl. Fusion 63 126001Google Scholar


    Long T, Diamond P H, Ke R, Nie L, Xu M, Zhang X Y, Li B L, Chen Z P, Xu X, Wang Z H, Wu T, Tian W J, Yuan J B , Yuan B D, Gong S B, Xiao C Y, Gao J M, Hao Z G, Wang N C, Chen Z Y, Yang Z J, Gao L, Ding Y H, Pan Y, Chen W, Hao G Z, Li J Q, Zhong W L, Duan X R 2021 Nucl. Fusion 61 126066Google Scholar


    Gürcan Ö D, Diamond P H, Hahm T S 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 052306Google Scholar


    Hahm T S, Diamond P H 2018 J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73 747Google Scholar


    Wolf R C 2003 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 45 R1Google Scholar


    Zhao K J, Chen Z P, Shi Y J, Diamond P H, Dong J Q, Chen Z Y, Ding Y H, Zhuang G, Liu Y B, Zhang H Q, Chen Y Q, Liu H, Cheng J, Nie L, Rao B, Cheng Z F, Gao L, Zhang X Q, Yang Z J, Wang N C, Wang L, Li J Q, Jin W, Xu J Q, Yan L W, Liang Y F, Xie Y Y, Liu B 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 106030Google Scholar


    Diamond P H, Kim Y B 1991 Phys. Fluids B 3 1621Google Scholar


    Xu Y H, Yu C X, Luo J R, Mao J S, Liu B H, Li J G, Wan B N, Wan Y X 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 3867Google Scholar


    Diamond P H, Kosuga Y, Gürcan Ö D, McDevitt C J, Hahm T S, Fedorczak N, Rice J E, Wang W X, Ku S, Kwon J M, Dif-Pradalier G, Abiteboul J, Wang L, Ko W H, Shi Y J , Ida K, Solomon W, Jhang H, Kim S S, Yi S, Ko S H, Sarazin Y, Singh R, Chang C S 2013 Nucl. Fusion 53 104019Google Scholar

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