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80.5 MeV/u碳离子诱发铜靶的放射性剩余产物测量

周斌 于全芝 张宏斌 张雪荧 鞠永芹 陈亮 阮锡超


80.5 MeV/u碳离子诱发铜靶的放射性剩余产物测量

周斌, 于全芝, 张宏斌, 张雪荧, 鞠永芹, 陈亮, 阮锡超

Measurement of radioactive residual nuclides induced in Cu target by 80.5 MeV/u carbon ions

Zhou Bin, Yu Quan-Zhi, Zhang Hong-Bin, Zhang Xue-Ying, Ju Yong-Qin, Chen Liang, Ruan Xi-Chao
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 高能重带电粒子能直接穿透靶原子核外电子层, 与原子核发生直接碰撞, 发生散裂反应, 产生一系列具有放射性的剩余产物核. 重带电粒子诱发靶材放射性剩余核与辐射防护和人员安全有着密切联系, 当前, 大部分剩余核产额主要依靠蒙特卡罗粒子输运程序进行模拟计算, 其准确程度亟需通过实验测量进行准确评估. 本文利用能量为80.5 MeV/u的12C6+ 粒子对薄铜靶开展了辐照实验与伽玛射线测量, 结合伽玛谱学分析方法, 得出了辐照产生的18种放射性剩余产物的初始活度和产生截面值, 并与PHITS模拟结果进行对比. 结果表明, PHITS模拟程序对放射性剩余核种类的估计具有较高可靠性, 在其绝对产额方面, 与实验测量仍具有较大偏差.
    Radioactive residual nuclides, which are usually closely related to radiation protection and personnel safety, will be generated when target materials are irradiated by high energy particles. Based on different nuclear reaction models, Monte Carlo code is a usual method to obtain residual nuclide production. The simulation accuracy needs to be evaluated by experimental data. In this paper, an irradiation experiment of thin copper target irradiated by 12C6+ particles with energy of 80.5 MeV/u is carried out. The radioactivities and cross-sections of 18 radioactive residual nuclides are obtained by gamma spectrometry analysis. Compared with the Monte Carlo simulation by PHITS, the results show that the spallation model of PHITS has a high reliability in estimating the types of radioactive residual nuclei, and it could be optimized in the aspect of the absolute yield.
      通信作者: 于全芝, qzhyu@iphy.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11575289)与中国科学院关键技术人才项目资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Yu Quan-Zhi, qzhyu@iphy.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11575289) and CAS Key Technology Talent Program

    Xia J W, Zhan W L, Wei B W, et al. 2002 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 488 11Google Scholar


    Wei J, Chen H S, Chen Y W, et al. 2009 Nucl. Instumr. Methods Phys. Res., A 600 10Google Scholar


    朱升云, 郭刚, 何明, 吴振东, 袁大庆, 隋丽, 焦学胜, 常宏伟, 左义, 范平, 葛智刚, 陈东风 2020 原子能科学技术 54 1Google Scholar

    Zhu S Y, Guo G, He M, Wu Z D, Ruan D Q, Sui L, Jiao X S, Chang H W, Zuo Y, Fan P, Ge Z G, Chen D F 2020 Atom. Ener. Sci. Technol. 54 1Google Scholar


    刘世耀 2012 质子和重离子治疗及其装置 (北京: 科学出版社) 第152页

    Liu S Y 2012 Proton and Heavy Ions Therapy and Facility (Beijing: Science Press) p152 (in Chinses)


    Villagrasa-Cabton C, Boudard A, Ducret J E, et al. 2007 Phys. Rev. C 75 044603Google Scholar


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    Porile N T, Cole G D, Rudy C R 1979 Phys. Rev. C 19 2288Google Scholar


    Hicks K H, Ward T E, Bowman H, et al. 1982 Phys. Rev. C 26 2016Google Scholar


    Whitfield J P, Porile N T, 1993 Phys. Rev. C 47 1636Google Scholar


    Michel R, Gloris M, Lange H J, et al. 1995 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 103 183Google Scholar


    Michel R, Bodemann R, Busemann H, et al. 1997 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 129 153Google Scholar


    Titarenko Y E, Shvedov O V, Igumnov M M, et al. 1998 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 414 73Google Scholar


    Titarenko Y E, Shvedov O V, Batyaev V F, et al. 2002 Phys.Rev.C 65 064610Google Scholar


    Yashima H, Uwamino Y, Sugita H, et al. 2002 Phys.Rev.C 66 044607Google Scholar


    Yashima H, Uwamino Y, Iwase H, et al. 2004 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 226 243Google Scholar


    Shams A M, Uosif M A, Michel R, et al. 2013 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 298 19Google Scholar


    Ogawa T, Morev M N, Sato T, Hashimoto S ???? Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 300 35


    Ge H L, Ma F, Zhang X Y, et al. 2014 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 337 34Google Scholar


    Zhang H B, Zhang X Y, Ma F, et al. 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 042501Google Scholar


    Tatsuhiko S, Koji N, Norihiro M, et al. 2013 J Nucl. Sci. Technol. 50 913Google Scholar

  • 图 1  铜靶冷却后的伽玛能谱

    Fig. 1.  Gamma spectra of the copper target.

    图 2  放射性剩余核分析流程图

    Fig. 2.  Diagram to analyze radioactive residual nuclei.

    表 1  长半衰期放射性剩余核的测量活度值

    Table 1.  Radioactivity of long-life residual nuclides

    剩余核名称半衰期/dT = 11.8 d/BqT = 6.8 d/Bq推导值/BqT = 3.8 d/Bq推导值/Bq
    44 mSc2.44228.9907.4536.42105.52218.0
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    表 2  剩余核实验测量与模拟活度值(冷却时间3.8 d)

    Table 2.  Radioactivity of residual nuclides in copper target by measurement and PHITS simulation (cooling for 3.8 d).

    47Sc3.345d2832.3799.6 ± 29.90.28
    51Cr27.7d1953.01831.9 ± 68.50.94
    44Sc2.927h1920.04507.8 ± 288.62.47
    48V15.97d1642.21512.9 ± 110.10.86
    44mSc58.6h1813.32105.5 ± 78.81.22
    48Sc43.67h1416.6152.0 ± 13.20.11
    52Mn5.59d1106.32437.4 ± 111.72.20
    58Co70.82d915.5949.7 ± 43.51.04
    7Be53.29d776.7186.3 ± 12.90.24
    43K22.3h598.6143.3 ± 5.40.24
    57Ni35.6h486.5203.2 ± 13.50.42
    46Sc83.79d408.7174.9 ± 9.60.43
    57Co271.79d214.4216.5 ± 8.11.01
    56Co77.27d213.3233.6 ± 15.51.09
    54Mn312.3d199.6139.2 ± 6.40.70
    55Co17.53h116.4133.1 ± 13.81.14
    59Fe44.5d109.461.8 ± 5.80.56
    48Cr21.56h93.547.5 ± 1.80.51
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    表 3  铜靶放射性剩余产物的反应截面

    Table 3.  Cross sections of residual nuclides in copper target by measurement and PHITS simulation.

    7Be9.11 ± 0.9838.0
    43K2.05 ± 0.198.6
    44 mSc13.37 ± 1.2110.9
    46Sc13.21 ± 1.3130.9
    47Sc5.10 ± 0.4618.1
    48Sc1.04 ± 0.139.7
    48V24.93 ± 2.7528.5
    48Cr0.72 ± 0.071.4
    51Cr48.78 ± 4.4148.0
    52Mn19.16 ± 1.818.7
    54Mn38.28 ± 3.6138.3
    55Co3.26 ± 0.432.9
    56Co16.31 ± 1.7214.9
    57Co51.88 ± 4.6951.4
    58Co60.97 ± 5.7658.8
    57Ni1.59 ± 0.173.8
    59Fe2.55 ± 0.324.5
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  • [1]

    Xia J W, Zhan W L, Wei B W, et al. 2002 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 488 11Google Scholar


    Wei J, Chen H S, Chen Y W, et al. 2009 Nucl. Instumr. Methods Phys. Res., A 600 10Google Scholar


    朱升云, 郭刚, 何明, 吴振东, 袁大庆, 隋丽, 焦学胜, 常宏伟, 左义, 范平, 葛智刚, 陈东风 2020 原子能科学技术 54 1Google Scholar

    Zhu S Y, Guo G, He M, Wu Z D, Ruan D Q, Sui L, Jiao X S, Chang H W, Zuo Y, Fan P, Ge Z G, Chen D F 2020 Atom. Ener. Sci. Technol. 54 1Google Scholar


    刘世耀 2012 质子和重离子治疗及其装置 (北京: 科学出版社) 第152页

    Liu S Y 2012 Proton and Heavy Ions Therapy and Facility (Beijing: Science Press) p152 (in Chinses)


    Villagrasa-Cabton C, Boudard A, Ducret J E, et al. 2007 Phys. Rev. C 75 044603Google Scholar


    林源根, 詹文龙, 郭忠言, 等 1998 47 564Google Scholar

    Lin Y G, Zhan W L, Guo Z Y, et al. 1998 Acta Phys. Sin. 47 564Google Scholar


    Roger E B, Daniel R M, Glenn T S 1951 Phys. Rev. 84 671Google Scholar


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    Cumming J B, Stoenner R W 1976 Phys. Rev. C 14 1554Google Scholar


    Cumming J B, Haustein P E, Ruth T J, Virtes G J 1978 Phys. Rev. C 17 1632Google Scholar


    Porile N T, Cole G D, Rudy C R 1979 Phys. Rev. C 19 2288Google Scholar


    Hicks K H, Ward T E, Bowman H, et al. 1982 Phys. Rev. C 26 2016Google Scholar


    Whitfield J P, Porile N T, 1993 Phys. Rev. C 47 1636Google Scholar


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    Michel R, Bodemann R, Busemann H, et al. 1997 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 129 153Google Scholar


    Titarenko Y E, Shvedov O V, Igumnov M M, et al. 1998 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 414 73Google Scholar


    Titarenko Y E, Shvedov O V, Batyaev V F, et al. 2002 Phys.Rev.C 65 064610Google Scholar


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    Ge H L, Ma F, Zhang X Y, et al. 2014 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 337 34Google Scholar


    Zhang H B, Zhang X Y, Ma F, et al. 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 042501Google Scholar


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