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孙智征 荀威 张加永 刘传洋 仲嘉霖 吴银忠



孙智征, 荀威, 张加永, 刘传洋, 仲嘉霖, 吴银忠

Optical properties of BaTiO3 and its volume effects

Sun Zhi-Zheng, Xun Wei, Zhang Jia-Yong, Liu Chuan-Yang, Zhong Jia-Lin, Wu Yin-Zhong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 钛酸钡(BaTiO3, BTO)是铁电物理学和材料学领域具有代表性的研究对象. 本文基于准粒子相互作用的GW方法研究BTO材料的光学性质, 并研究了等应变情况下的体积效应. 第一性计算结果表明, 考虑了激子效应的GW (格林函数(G)-库仑势(W))方法得到的激发态性质更接近实验结果. 引入等应变调控, 发现体积膨胀会导致光学吸收峰红移, 体积压缩则光学吸收峰蓝移. 同时, 探究了体积变化对BTO块材的自发极化和电子结构的影响, 发现体积膨胀会使钛原子的d轨道和氧原子的p轨道杂化更显著, 进一步导致材料自发极化的增大, 而体积压缩对自发极化和dp杂化的影响正好相反. 通过比较研究, 还发现等应变的体积效应对极化的影响不如等应力体积效应明显.
    BaTiO3 (BTO) is a typical studying object both in ferroelectrics and in material science. By the GW method, optical property of BTO is investigated, and its volume effect under the case of iso-strain is also studied. It is found that the results of excited states are closer to the experimental results with the consideration of electron-hole interaction in the framework of GW method. Considering the volume effect, we obtain that the red shift of the peaks of optical absorption occurs under the expansion of volume, and the blue shift appears when the BTO is compressed. At the same time, the polarization and the hybridization between d orbital of Ti atom and p orbital of O atom are enhanced for the case of volume expansion, however, things will be opposite under the compression of volume. Furthermore, the volume effect in the iso-strain case is less dramatic than in the iso-stress case.
      通信作者: 吴银忠, yzwu@usts.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11274054)、江苏省十三五重点学科项目(批准号: 20168765)和苏州市低维光电材料与器件重点实验室(批准号: SZS201611)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wu Yin-Zhong, yzwu@usts.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11274054), the Jiangsu Key Disciplines of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, China(Grant No. 20168765), and the Suzhou Key Laboratory for Low Dimensional Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, China (Grant No. SZS201611).

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  • 图 1  BTO块材自发极化随体积的变化曲线

    Fig. 1.  Spontaneous polarization of bulk BTO versus its volume

    图 2  体积变化对Ti原子d轨道分波态密度的影响

    Fig. 2.  Projected DOS of ${\rm d}_{xy}$ and ${\rm d}_{xz}$ of Ti atom for different volume

    图 3  体积改变对BTO能带的影响

    Fig. 3.  Energy bands of BTO for selected volumes.

    图 4  不同体积BTO的介电常数虚部谱($\epsilon_2^{\bot}$为垂直于极化方向即xy平面内的介电常数虚部, $\epsilon_2^{^{_{/\!/}}}$z方向的介电常数虚部)

    Fig. 4.  Spectrum of imagine part of dielectric constant for selected BTO volumes, where $\epsilon_2^{\bot}$ corresponds the direction perpendicular to the polarization, and $\epsilon_2^{^{_{/\!/}}}$ stands for the direction parallel to the polarization

    图 5  不同体积下BTO块材的光学吸收谱($\alpha^{\bot}$为垂直于极化方向即xy平面内的光学吸收系数, $\alpha^{^{_{/\!/}}}$z方向的吸收系数)

    Fig. 5.  Spectrum of optical absorption of BTO for selected volumes, where $\alpha^{\bot}$ corresponds the direction perpendicular to the polarization, and $\alpha^{^{_{/\!/}}}$ stands for the direction parallel to the polarization

    表 1  不同体积下计算得到的BTO块材的能隙(单位:eV)

    Table 1.  Energy gaps (in eV) for selected BTO volumes and different theoretical method

    方法 V = 0.9V0 V = V0 V = 1.1V0
    PBE 1.89 1.76, 1.71[16] 1.66
    HSE 3.42 3.25, 3.12[32] 3.10
    GW 3.65 3.54, 3.90[16] 3.41
    实验 3.4[11]
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    钟维烈 1998 铁电体物理学(北京: 科学出版社)

    Zhong W L 1998 Ferroelectric Physics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese)


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