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黄翔东 刘明卓 杨琳 刘琨 刘铁根



黄翔东, 刘明卓, 杨琳, 刘琨, 刘铁根

Joint estimation of frequency and direction of arrival under the single-and-parallel spatial-temporal undersampling condition

Huang Xiang-Dong, Liu Ming-Zhuo, Yang Lin, Liu Kun, Liu Tie-Gen
  • 随着应用频段的不断升高,空时域欠采样下的入射信号的频率和到达角的联合估计变得愈加困难.为解决此难题,本文提出了一种基于互素稀疏阵列的联合估计器.首先,结合互素稀疏阵列和闭式中国余数定理,建立了频率估计和到达角估计的理论模型;其次,将频谱校正理论和中国余数定理结合起来,导出了频率估计算法;再次,将相位差校正和中国余数定理结合起来,导出了到达角估计算法.该估计器不仅可降低现有估计器的硬件成本,而且仅需对单次并行采样的快拍做并行处理即可获得联合估计结果,无需对单阵元做多次采样,数据处理效率较高.仿真实验表明,该估计器具有较高的鲁棒性估计精度,因而在雷达、遥感等被动感知领域具有较广阔的应用前景.
    As the application frequency is increasingly high, it becomes difficult to design joint estimators for the frequencies and directions of arrival (DOAs) under the spatial-temporal undersampling condition. Specifically, on one hand, the temporal Nyquist theorem requires that the sampling rate be at least twice the highest frequency, which is unfordable for the existing analog-to-digital converters; on the other hand, the spatial Nyquist theorem also requires that each inter-element spacing be less than or equal to half the wavelength, which inevitably results in severe mutual coupling among sensors. To solve these intractable problems, in this paper, we propose a joint estimator based on a co-prime sparse array. Firstly, based on the combination of this sparse array and the closed-form robust Chinese remainder theorem (CRT), the theoretical model for the proposed frequency and DOA joint estimator is built up. Secondly, at each sensor, a frequency estimate for the source object can be calculated through implementing the closed-form robust CRT on two frequency remainders, which are generated by applying the Tsui spectrum correction to the discrete Fourier transform results of two receiver sequences. Then, averaging these estimates at all sensors yields the final frequency estimate. Lastly, on the basis of frequency estimation, the final DOA estimate can be calculated through implementing the closed-form robust CRT on all phase-difference remainders, which are also derived from the Tsui spectrum correction. It needs to be emphasized that the proposed joint estimator possesses two attractive merits. One merit is that due to the fact that the proposed array allows a high sparsity of element-spacings, both the hardware cost and the mutual coupling among sensors can be considerably reduced; the other merit is that compared with the existing estimators, the proposed joint estimator achieves high estimation precision even in the single-and-parallel undersampling condition (i.e., multi-time undersampling is bypassed in each sensor element, leading to a high data processing efficiency). In particular, this high accuracy attributes to two aspects:1) the Tsui spectum corrector incorporated in the proposed joint estimator can provide high-accuracy remainders for the CRT recovery; 2) the closed-form robust CRT itself is unbiased and thus the CRT recovery brings no extra system errors. Numerical results verify that the proposed joint estimator possesses both strong noise robustness and high estimation accuracy, which presents a vast potential application in several passive sensing fields such as radar and remote sensing.
      通信作者: 刘琨, beiyangkl@tju.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61671012,61475114)和国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(批准号:2013YQ030915)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Kun, beiyangkl@tju.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61671012, 61475114) and the Special Funds of the Major Scientific Instruments Equipment Development of China (Grant No. 2013YQ030915)

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    Xu L, Li J, Stoica P 2008 IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron Syst. 44 927


    Rappaport T S 1996 Wireless Communications:Principles and Practice (New Jersey:Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River) p43


    Li Y, Seshadri N, Ariyavisitakul S 1999 IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 17 461


    Poisel R 2012 Electronic Warfare Target Location Methods (London:Artech House) p224


    Gustafsson F 2003 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Hong Kong, China April 6-10, 2003 p553


    Zatman M, Strangeways H 1995 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Newport Beach, USA, June 18-23, 1995 p431


    Lemma A N, van der Veen A J, Deprettere E F 1998 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Seattle, USA, May 15-19, 1998 p1957


    Liang J, Zeng X, Ji B, Zhang J, Zhao F 2009 Digit Signal Process 19 596


    Lin J D, Fang W H, Wang Y Y, Chen J T 2006 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 54 4529


    Zoltowski M D, Mathews C P 1994 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 42 2781


    Moffet A 1968 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 16 172


    Taylor H, Golomb S 1985 CSI Tech. Rep 5 1


    Vaidyanathan P P, Pal P 2011 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 59 3592


    Vaidyanathan P P, Pal P 2011 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 59 573


    Pal P, Vaidyanathan P P 2011 Digital Signal Processing Workshop and IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop Sedona, USA, January 4-7, 2011 p289


    Liu C L, Vaidyanathan P P 2015 IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 22 1438


    Pal P, Vaidyanathan P P 2010 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 58 4167


    Liu C L, Vaidyanathan P P 2016 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 64 3997


    Liu C L, Vaidyanathan P P 2016 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 64 4203


    Liang H, Zhang H 2012 J. Northwestern Polytechn. Univ. 28 409(in Chinese)[梁红, 张恒2012西北工业大学学报 28 409]


    Wang W, Xia X G 2010 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 58 5655


    Tsui J B 2004 Digital Techniques for Wideband Receivers (Raleigh:SciTech Publishing) p341

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