In this paper, a novel four-mode micro-structured fiber with low-level crosstalk and high mode differential group delay is proposed to solve the large transmission capacity and low crosstalk problems in the mode division multiplexing system. Electromagnetic field distribution, crosstalk, mode differential group delay and dispersion of the fiber are studied by using the full-vector finite element method. To determine the particular parameters of the micro-structured fiber, the performances of the inter-core crosstalk and mode differential group delay (MDGD) are considered comprehensively under different conditions. Simulation results show that this fiber can support four-mode transmission with 19 cores over the whole C+L wavelength band when the cladding diameter is 125 μm. The inter-core crosstalks of LP01 mode, LP11 mode, LP21 mode and LP02 mode are -131.01, -96.36, -63.32, -49.96 dB respectively and the mode differential group delays are high as all of them are more than 160 ps/m. Therefore, compared with the previous work, this fiber has the lower inter-core crosstalk and larger MDGD. Owing to the large index difference between core and cladding, the n_eff differences between the linearly polarized modes are all larger than 10-3across the whole operating wavelength band, which is beneficial to low inter-mode corsstalk. Furthermore, the fabrication of this fiber is simple due to its preforming only need stacking technique to adjust the hexagonal structure geometry size without complex modified chemical vapor deposition process involved. The designed fiber can be used in short-distance and large-capacity transmission system, and it has potential applications in making the corresponding high power devices.
- micro-structured fiber /
- multi-core fiber /
- low level crosstalk /
- high differential group delay
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[1] Sójka L, Pajewski L, liwa M, Mergo P, Benson T M, Sujecki S, Bere P E 2015 Opt. Commun. 344 71
[2] Lars G N, Yi S, Jeffrey W N, Dan J, Kim G J, Robert L, Bera P 2012 J. Lightwave Technol. 30 3693
[3] Sillard P, Bigot A M, Boivin D, Maerten H, Provost L 2011 European Conference and Exposition on Optical CommunicationsJuly, 2011 p1
[4] Agruzov P M, DukelK V, Ilichev I V, Kozlov A S, Shamrai A V, Shevandin V S 2010 Quant. Electron. 40 254
[5] Qin W, Li S G, Xue J R, Xin X J, Zhang Lei 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 074213
[6] Zheng S W 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University) (in Chinese) [郑斯文 2014 博士学位论文(北京: 北京交通大学)]
[7] Xia C, Rodrigo A C, Bai N, Enrique A L, Daniel M A, Axel S, Martin R, Jesus L M, Eduardo M, Zhou X, Li G 2012 IEEE Photonic Tech. L 24 1914
[8] Hayashi T, Taru T, Shimakawa O, Sasaki T, Sasaoka E 2011 Opt. Express. 19 16576
[9] Jiang S S, Liu Y, Xing E J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 064212 (in Chinese) [姜姗姗, 刘艳, 邢尔军 2015 64 064212]
[10] Yao S C, Fu S N, Zhang M M, Tang P, Shen P, Liu D M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 144215 [姚殊畅, 付松年, 张敏明, 唐明, 沈平, 刘德明 2014 63 144215]
[11] Li A, Al A A, Chen X, Shieh W 2011 Opt. Express. 19 8088
[12] Li D M, Zhou G Y, Xia C M, Wang C, Yuan J H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 044209
[13] Kunimasa S, Masanori K 2005 Opt. Express. 13 267
[14] Salsi M, Koebele C, Sperti D, Tran P, Mardoyan H, Brindel P, Bigo S, Boutin A, Verluise F, Sillard P, Bigot A M, Provost L, Charlet G 2012 J. Lightwave Technol. 30 618
[15] Mothe N, Bin P D 2009 Opt. Express. 17 15778
[16] Takenaga K, Arakawa Y, Tanigawa S, Guan N, Matsuo S, Saitoh K, Koshiba M 2011 IEICE Trans. Commun. E 94-B 409
[17] Katsuhiro T, Yoko A, Shoji T, Ning G, Shoichiro M, Kunimasa S, Masanori K 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2011 p1
[18] Liu D M, Sun J Q, Lu P 2008 Fiber Optics 2(Beijing:Science Press) p73-93[刘 德明, 孙军强, 鲁平 2008 光纤光学 2(北京:科学出版社)第 73-93 页]
[19] Xie Y W, Fu S N, Zhang M M, Tang P, Shen P, Liu D M 2013 Acta. Opt. Sin. 33 0906010-1 [谢意维, 付松年, 张海亮, 唐明, 沈平, 刘德明 2013 光学学报 33 0906010-1]
[20] Bao Y J, Li S G, Zhang W, An G W, Fan Z K 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 104218
[21] Yang W X, Zhou G Y, Xia C M, Wang W, Hu H J, Hou L T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 104222 (in Chinese) [杨旺喜, 周桂耀, 夏长明, 王伟, 胡慧军, 侯蓝田 2011 60 104222]
[22] Dai N L, Li Y, Peng J G, Li J Y 2011 Laser. Opt. Pro. 48 010602 [戴能利, 李洋, 彭 景刚, 李进延 2011 激光与光电子学进展 48 010602]
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