电子辐照聚合物样品的带电特性是扫描电子显微镜成像、电子束探针微分析以及空间器件辐照效应等领域的一个重要研究课题. 通过建立基于蒙特卡罗方法的电子散射和时域有限差分法的电子输运的数值模型, 并采用高效的多线程并行计算, 模拟了电子非透射辐照聚合物样品的带电特性, 得到了带电稳态下的样品底部泄漏电流密度、表面负电位以及样品总电荷密度等带电特征量受入射电子能量、入射电流密度、样品材料的电子迁移率、样品厚度等相关参数共同作用的影响. 结果表明, 一个参数的变化使表面负电位增强时, 其他参数对负电位的影响将增强. 样品的带电稳态特征量在同一个电流平衡的模式下受参数影响的变化是单调的. 当电流平衡模式发生变化时, 如在入射电子能量较低的条件下, 样品内部的总电荷量会随着样品厚度的增大而先增加后减小, 出现局部极大值. 样品底部的泄漏电流密度随着入射电流密度的增大而近线性成比例地增大. 研究结果对于揭示电子辐照聚合物的带电规律及微观机理、预测不同条件下的样品带电状态具有重要科学意义.Charging characteristics of an insulator specimen due to non-penetrated electron irradiation have been attracting a great deal of attention in the fields such as scanning electron microscopy, electron probe analysis, and space irradiation. In this paper, we use a numerical simulation model based on Monte Carlo method for investigating the electron scattering. The elastic scattering is calculated with the Mott cross-section, and the inelastic scattering is simulated with Penn model and the fast secondary electron model according to the primary energy. The charge transport caused by the build-in electric field and charge density gradient is calculated with finite-difference time-domain method. Multi-combined effect of correlative parameters on charging characteristics is investigated by efficient multithreading parallel computing. During the irradiation, the landing energy of primary electrons decreases due to the negative surface potential, which makes the secondary electron yield increase. Variations of secondary electron current and sample current are presented to verify the validity of the simulation model by comparing with existing experimental results. Evolutions of leakage current, surface potential and internal space charge quantity are calculated under different conditions of incident electron current, primary energy and sample thickness. The results are presented in contour maps with different multi-parameter combinations, primary energy and sample mobility, primary energy and sample thickness, and primary energy and incident current. The balance state of charging will be determined by leakage current under conditions of a larger primary energy, sample mobility, incident current, or a less sample thickness, which is shown as the leakage current dominated mode. While in the cases of a lower primary energy, sample mobility, incident current, or a larger sample thickness, the balance state of charging is mainly dominated by secondary electron current, as the secondary electron current dominated mode. In other cases except the above two, the balance state will be determined by both leakage and secondary currents as the mixture mode. In the same mode, variations of charging characteristics with parameters are monotonic. When the change of a parameter makes the negative surface potential increase, the effect of this parameter on negative surface potential will be weakened, while the effects of other parameters on the negative potential will be enhanced. With the change of current dominated mode, the total charge quantity exhibits the local maximum with respect to the sample thickness, and the value of this maximum increases with primary energy. Moreover, the leakage current increases with incident current linearly. The presented results can be helpful for understanding regularities and mechanisms of charging due to electron irradiation, and estimating the charging intensity under different conditions of irradiation and sample material.
- charging characteristics /
- numerical simulation /
- contour map /
- polymer
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[1] Quan R H, Zhang Z L, Han J W, Huang J G, Yan X J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1205 (in Chinese) [全荣辉, 张振龙, 韩建伟, 黄建国, 闫小娟 2009 58 1205]
[2] Cazaux J 2005 J. Microsc. 217 16
[3] Cazaux J 2010 J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 176 58
[4] Bolorizadeh M, Joy D C 2007 J. Micro-Nanolithogr. MEMS MOEMS 6 023004
[5] Ciappa M, Koschik A, Dapor M, Fichtner W 2010 Microelectron. Reliab. 50 1407
[6] Ura K 1998 J. Electron Microsc. 47 143
[7] Zhang H B, Li W Q, Wu D W 2009 J. Electron Microsc. 58 15
[8] Li W J, Bauhofer W 2011 Carbon 49 3891
[9] Cao M, Wang F, Liu J, Zhang H B 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 127901
[10] Zhang H B, Li W Q, Cao M 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 047901
[11] Hillenbrand J, Motz T, Sessler G M, Zhang X, Behrendt N, von Salis-Soglio C, Erhard D P, Altstaedt V, Schmidt H W 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 065410
[12] Song Z G, Ong C K, Gong H 1996 J. Appl. Phys. 79 7123
[13] Liu W, Ingino J, Pease R F 1995 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 13 1979
[14] Feng G B, Cao M, Yan L P, Zhang H B 2013 Micron 52-53 62
[15] Boughariou A, Blaise G, Braga D, Kallel A 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 4117
[16] Tsuno N, Ominami Y, Ohta H, Shinada H, Makino H, Kimura Y 2011 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29 031209
[17] Fakhfakh S, Jbara O, Rondot S, Hadjadj A, Fakhfakh Z 2012 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358 1157
[18] Qin X G, Li K, Ma Y L, Zheng X Q, Liu X D 2009 Proceedings of the 9th Intemational Conference: Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment Toronto, Canada, May 20-23, 2008 p665
[19] Zhou B, Su Q, He D Y 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 4988
[20] Chen R, Han J W, Zheng H S, Yu Y T, Shangguang S P, Feng G Q, Ma Y Q 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 046103
[21] Zheng X Q, Li S T, Wu J, Qin X G, Wang L 2009 Aerospace Mat. Tech. 39 44 (in Chinese) [郑晓泉, 李盛涛, 乌江, 秦晓刚, 王立 2009 宇航材料工艺 39 44]
[22] Fitting H J, Touzin M 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 033711
[23] Sessler G M 2006 IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 13 942
[24] Dapor M, Ciappa M, Fichtner W 2010 J. Micro-Nanolithogr. MEMS MOEMS 9 023001
[25] Yasuda M, Morimoto K, Kainuma Y, Kawata H, Hirai Y 2008 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 4890
[26] Qin X G, He D Y, Wang J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 684 (in Chinese) [秦晓刚, 贺德衍, 王骥 2009 58 684]
[27] Sessler G M, Figueiredo M T, Ferreira G F L 2004 IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 11 192
[28] Yasuda M, Kainuma Y, Kawata H, Hirai Y, Tanaka Y, Watanabe R, Kotera M 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 104 124904
[29] Li W J, Buschhorn S T, Schulte K, Bauhofer W 2011 Carbon 49 1955
[30] Miyoshi M, Ura K 2005 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23 2763
[31] Li W Q, Zhang H B 2010 Micron 41 416
[32] Chang T H, Zheng J R 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 241401 (in Chinese) [常天海, 郑俊荣 2012 61 241401]
[33] Czyzewski Z, MacCallum D O, Romig A, Joy D C 1990 J. Appl. Phys. 68 3066
[34] Penn D R 1987 Phys. Rev. B 35 482
[35] Ding Z J, Shimizu R 1996 Scanning 18 92
[36] Joy D C, Luo S 1989 Scanning 11 176
[37] Boubaya M, Blaise G 2007 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 37 79
[38] Taylor D M 1978 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 11 2443
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