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张磊 岳昊 李梅 王帅 米雪玉



张磊, 岳昊, 李梅, 王帅, 米雪玉

Simulation of pedestrian push-force in evacuation with congestion

Zhang Lei, Yue Hao, Li Mei, Wang Shuai, Mi Xue-Yu
  • 基于元胞自动机仿真研究拥堵疏散条件下行人拥挤力的产生、传递、吸收、抵消、累积等过程, 以安全出口前拱形的拥挤疏散行人流为研究对象, 研究拥挤致伤的生成机理. 基于行人位置距安全出口的距离, 生成趋于安全出口方向的拥挤力; 引入拥挤力效果与合力参数, 分别描述外界拥挤力对个体行人的作用效果与作用合力; 引入吸收系数与抗死伤系数, 分别描述拥挤力传递过程中行人对外界拥挤力的吸收与抵抗能力. 研究表明, 随吸收系数或抗死伤系数的增加, 能有效预防疏散行人流的拥挤致伤; 存在临界吸收系数与抗死伤系数, 将系统区分为弱保护相位、强保护相位和完全保护相位; 拥挤的死伤数量随疏散行人数量的增加而增加; 而且, 拥挤致伤的危险区域在安全出口前以安全出口中心线为对称轴呈“倒钟”形分布.
    The simulation of pedestrian push-force in evacuation with arched congestion before exit is presented based on cell automata. The generation, absorption, transfer and gather of pedestrian push-force are analyzed. Initial push-force facing to exit is generated based on the distance between pedestrian and exit. The scalar and vector sum of push-force are introduced to respectively describe the push effect and resultant force of outside jam push-force in crowded evacuation. Absorption coefficient and anti-crush coefficient are introduced to respectively describe the ability for pedestrian to absorb and resist the outside jam push-force. Simulation results show that the increase of absorption coefficient or anti-crush coefficient can effectively prevent pedestrian from being injured. It is found that three phases: weak protection, strong protection and complete protection are distinguished based on two critical absorption coefficients and an anti-crush coefficient. Pedestrian casualties will increase with the number of evacuation pedestrian rising. It is also shown that pedestrian casualties in jam occur in a reverse bell-shape symmetry zone before exit.
    • 基金项目: 教育部基本科研业务费专项基金(批准号: 2013JBM046)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2012CB725400)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11172035, 51338008)和北京城市交通协同创新中心资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Education Ministry of China (Grant No. 2013JBM046), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB725400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 1172035, 51338008) and Center of Cooperative Innovation for Beijing Metropolitan Transportation.

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    Yue H, Zhang B Y, Shao C F, Xing Y 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 050512


    Yue H, Guan H Z, Shao C F, Zhang X 2011 Physica A 390 198


    Zhu K J, Yang L Z 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7701 (in Chinese) [朱孔金, 杨立中 2010 59 7701]


    Yue H, Zhang X, Chen G, Shao C F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 130509 (in Chinese) [岳昊, 张旭, 陈刚, 邵春福 2012 61 130509]


    Yue H, Shao C F, Guan H Z, Duan L M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4499 (in Chinese) [岳昊, 邵春福, 关宏志, 段龙梅 2010 59 4499]


    Henein C M, White T 2010 Physica A 389 4653


    Helbing D, Farkas I, Vicsek T 2000 Nature 407 487


    Helbing D 2001 Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 1067


    Song W, Xu X, Wang B H, Ni S 2006 Physica A 363 492


    Song W G, Yu Y F, Wang B H, Fan W C 2006 Physica A 371 658


    Chen C K, Li J, Zhang D 2012 Physica A 391 2408


    Guo R Y, Huang H J 2008 Physica A: Math. Theor. 41 1


    Kirchner A, Schadschneider A 2002 Physica A 312 260


    Kirchner A, Nishinari K, Schadschneider A 2003 Phys. Rev. E 67 056122


    Henein C M, White T 2007 Physica A 373 694


    Zhang Q, Han B M 2001 Physica A 390 636

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-07-17
  • 修回日期:  2014-10-22
  • 刊出日期:  2015-03-05

