以超声速预混气中的斜爆轰波为研究对象,对其在来流边界层效应下的特性进行了实验研究. 在马赫数为3的超声速预混风洞中,通过斜坡诱导产生了斜爆轰波. 当来流的当量比较低时,预混气中产生的是化学反应锋面与激波面非耦合的激波诱导燃烧现象. 此时边界层分离区中的化学反应放热将使分离区尺度显著增大,流场非定常性显著增强,激波位置剧烈振荡. 当来流的当量比较高时,预混气将产生斜爆轰波. 此时边界层分离区会影响到斜爆轰波起爆时的形态. 在小尺度分离区下,斜爆轰波起爆时呈突跃结构(有横波);在中等尺度分离区下,流场固有的非定常性使斜爆轰波呈间歇突跃结构;在大尺度分离区下,斜爆轰波起爆则呈完全的平滑结构(无横波).The behavior of reacting shock wave in supersonic premixed flow with the effect of incoming boundary layer is investigated experimentally. A supersonic premixed flow at a Mach number of 3 encounters a ramp, and an oblique detonation wave (ODW) is produced. Four ramp angles (θ) are designed from 36° to 45° (interval of 3 degree) and the equivalence ratio (Φ) can be varied. At a lower equivalence ratio, the ODW cannot be initiated and instead the shock-induced combustion (SIC) comes into being. It is discovered that the overall flow field presents more significant unsteadiness for SIC than for inert shock wave because the separation region is greatly enlarged for SIC due to heat release by chemical reactions in the separation region. As for the ODW, it is prone to propagating upstream after initiated for current experimental conditions. For 39° ramp, the separation region of boundary layer is relatively small, and the ODW presents an abrupt pattern for which a transverse wave exists. However, larger separation region for 42° ramp and its unsteadiness make the transverse wave intermittently appear. For 45° ramp, the even larger separation region makes the transverse wave thoroughly disappear and the ODW presents a smooth pattern.
- oblique detonation wave /
- shock-induced combustion /
- boundary layer separation /
- unsteadiness
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[1] Han X, Zhou J, Lin Z Y, Liu Y 2013 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 054701
[2] Han X, Zhou J, Lin Z Y 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 124702
[3] Huang Y, Ji H, Lien F S, Tang H 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 114701
[4] Shen H, Liu K X, Zhang D L 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 124705
[5] Liu S J, Lin Z Y, Sun M B, Liu W D 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 094704
[6] Yan C J, Fan W, Huang X Q, Zhang Q, Zheng L X 2002 Prog. Natural Sci. 12 1021 (in Chinese) [严传俊, 范玮, 黄希桥, 张群, 郑龙席 2002 自然科学进展 12 1021]
[7] Zhou R, Wang J P 2013 Shock Waves 23 461
[8] Pan Z, Fan B, Zhang X, Gui M, Dong G 2011 Combust. Flame 158 2220
[9] Valorani M, Giacinto M D, Buongiorno C 2001 Acta Astronaut. 48 211
[10] Herrmann D, Siebe Frank, Glhan A 2013 J. Propul. Power 29 839
[11] Spaid F W, Frishett J L 1972 AIAA J. 10 915
[12] Ganapathisubramani B, Clemens N T, Dolling D S 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 585 369
[13] Quan P C, Yi S H, Wu Y, Zhu Y Z, Chen Z 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 084703 (in Chinese) [全鹏程, 易仕和, 武宇, 朱杨柱, 陈植 2014 63 084703]
[14] Zhu Y Z, Yi S H, He L, Tian L F, Zhou Y W 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014702
[15] Zhang Q H, Yi S H, Zhu Y Z, Chen Z, Wu Y 2013 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 044701
[16] He L, Yi S H, Tian L F, Chen Z, Zhu Y Z 2013 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 24704
[17] Wu Y, Yi S H, Chen Z, Zhang Q H, Gang D D 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 184702 (in Chinese) [武宇, 易仕和, 陈植, 张庆虎, 冈敦殿 2013 62 184702]
[18] Fay J 1959 Phys. Fluids 2 283
[19] Dabora E K, Nicholls J A, Morrison R B 1965 Proc. Combust. Inst. 10 817
[20] Murray S B 1984 Ph.D. Dissertation (Montreal: McGill University)
[21] Sommers W P, Morrison R B 1962 Phys. Fluids 5 241
[22] Murray S B, Lee J H 1986 Prog. Astronaut. Areonaut. 106 329
[23] Li C, Kailasanath K, Oran E S 1993 31th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno, January 11-14, 1993
[24] Choi J Y, Jeung I S, Yoon Y 1998 Proc. Combust. Inst. 2181
[25] Lin Z Y, Li D P, Zhou J, Huang Y H 2007 J. Propulsion Technol. 28 616 (in Chinese) [林志勇, 李大鹏, 周进, 黄玉辉 2007 推进技术 28 616]
[26] Fan J C 2002 Modern Flow Visualization (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp47-55, 240-257 (in Chinese) [范洁川 2002 近代流动显示技术(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第47–55, 240-257页]
[27] Babinsky H, Harvey J K 2011 Shock Wave-Boundary-Layer Interactions (New York: Cambridge University Press) pp373-389
[28] Délery J 1992 La Recherché Aerospatiale 1992-1
[29] Teng H H, Jiang Z L 2012 J. Fluid Mech. 713 659
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