本文研究了基于暂态信号中衰减振荡信号的电路参数计算理论和方法. 在电力系统线路发生故障时,通过计算暂态信号流通路径电路参数可确定故障位置、推断故障原因,而衰减振荡信号作为暂态信号主要成分,因此分析基于衰减振荡信号的电路参数计算在电力系统故障定位中有重要理论价值和实际工程意义. 结合R-L电路和R-C电路,首先推导了时域衰减振荡电压、电流信号特征参数与各元件参数以及电路参数间定量关系;并分析了电路在衰减振荡信号下阻抗特性,结合稳态正弦分量阻抗概念,将电路流经衰减振荡信号时的阻抗特性定义为伪阻抗,并确定了伪阻抗与电路参数和信号特征参数间的关系;同时分析了串并联条件下伪阻抗与元件参数关系. 以此为基础分别提出了基于信号特征参数和基于伪阻抗的电路参数计算理论,结合现有衰减振荡信号特征提取方法,提出具体计算方法,为基于衰减振荡信号的电路参数计算理论发展以及实际工程应用奠定了重要基础. 通过MATLAB模拟产生故障信号对所提理论和方法进行验证,结果证明了所提理论和方法的正确性和准确性,并以实际电网故障信息为基础,基于PSCAD/EMTDC建立实际配网模型并对实际单相接地故障进行重现,对配网单相接地故障进行定位分析,结果证明了方法的可行性.This paper mainly studied the circuit parameter calculation theory and the methods based on damped oscillations in transient signals. The methods can be used for the location and origin of faults by calculating the circuit parameters of transient fault signals' path when the fault occurs in the power system transmission lines. It is important in theoretical and practical engineering to locate faults in powerlines by calculating circuit parameters based on damped oscillations which are the main component of the transient signals. In R-L and R-C circuits, relations of the characteristic parameters in damped oscillation voltage and current in time domain, with the circuit parameters as well as the component parameters are deduced. And the impedance characteristic of the circuit under damped oscillation is analyzed, which is defined as a pseudo-impedance based on the definition that impedance is steady and sinusoidal. Relations between the pseudo-impedance and circuit parameters are also found. Relations between component parameter and pseudo-impedance in series or parallel are also analyzed. So methods for circuit parameter calculation are proposed separately based on the characteristic parameters and pseudo-impedance, each of which is a kind of characteristic of the damped oscillation signal. Specific calculation methods are also proposed combining with the state-of-the-art signal analysis for damped oscillation signal. Analyses in this paper may lay an important foundation for practical engineering application. The proposed theory and methods are verified based on simulation of fault signals produced by MATLAB. The equivalent circuit of an actual distribution system is simulated by using PSCAD/EMTDC. Actual fault signals reappear in the simulation. Location of single-line-to-ground fault using damped oscillation signal proposed in the paper is proved feasible.
- circuit parameters /
- damped oscillation signal /
- characteristic parameters /
- pseudo-impedance
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[1] Zimmerman K, Costello D 2005 Proceedings of the 58 th Annual Conference for Protective Relay EngineersTexas, American, April, 2005 p211
[2] Mora-Florez J, Melendez J, Carrillo-Caicedo G 2008 Electr. Pow. Syst. Res. 78 657
[3] Kang X N, Suonan J L 2005 Proceedings of the CSEE 25 22 (in Chinese)[康小宁, 索南加乐 2005 中国电机工程学报 25 22]
[4] Jia K, Thomas D, Sumner M 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Deliver. 28 38
[5] Zhang W H, Xiao X Y, Wang Y 2013 Electric Power Automation Equipment 33 46(in Chinese) [张文海, 肖先勇, 汪颖 2013 电力自动化设备 33 46]
[6] Tang Y, Chen K, Chen Q 2007 High Voltage Engineering 33 175 (in Chinese) [唐轶, 陈奎, 陈庆 2005 高电压技术 33 175]
[7] Sluis L v d(translated by Wang Y Y, Zhou Y B)2003 Transients in Power Systems (Beijing: China Electric Power press) pp1-2 (in Chinese)[斯卢茨著(王一宇, 周于邦译) 2003 电力系统暂态(北京: 中国电力出版社)第1-第2页]
[8] Li J H, Zheng Y P, Gu S D, Xu L 2007 Automation of Electric Power Systems 31 94 (in Chinese) [李九虎, 郑玉平, 古世东, 须雷 2007 电力系统自动化 31 94]
[9] Richards G G, Tan O T 1982 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 4 945
[10] Wen S K, Yuan Z Q 2006 Electric Power Automation equipment 26 47(in Chinese) [文尚坤, 袁兆强 2006 电力自动化设备 26 47]
[11] Zhang F, Geng Z, Yuan W 2001 IEEE Trans. Power Deliver. 16 160
[12] Dai J Z, Fang F Q 1993 Automation of Electric Power Systems 17 9(in Chinese) [戴家祯, 方富淇1993 电力系统自动化 17 9]
[13] Ding K, Chen L D, Yang Z J 2010 Journal of Vibration and Shock 29 17(in Chinese) [丁康, 陈乐德, 杨志坚 2010 振动与冲击 29 17]
[14] Charri O, Bastard P, Meunier M 1995 IEEE Trans. Power Deliver. 10 1234
[15] Suonan J L, Qi J, Chen F F, Song G B, Xu Q Q 2004 Proceedings of the CSEE 24 119(in Chinese) [索南加乐, 齐军, 陈福锋, 宋国兵, 许庆强2004 中国电机工程学报 24 119]
[16] Hou W B, Liu T Q, Li X Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3531 (in Chinese)[侯王宾, 刘天琪, 李兴源 2010 59 3531]
[17] Sarkar T K, Pereira O 1995 IEEE Antenn. Propag. M. 37 48
[18] Chang X R, Zhao S Q 2010 Power system transient process (Beijing: China Machine Press) p111-113 (in Chinese) [常鲜戎, 赵书强 2010 电力系统暂态过程(北京:科学出版社)第111–113页]
[19] Ma T P, Hu L Q, Chen K Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7209 (in Chinese) [马天鹏, 胡立群, 陈开云 2010 59 7209]
[20] Hu L Y, Fan H Y 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 4205
[21] Cui X M, Sun C X, Li X, Du L, Li J 2004 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 19 90(in Chinese) [崔雪梅, 孙才新, 李新, 杜林, 李剑 2004 电工技术学报 19 90]
[22] Song J, Fan H Y 2010 Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 4210
[23] Stockwell R G, MansinhaL, Lowe R P 1996 IEEE T. Signal Proces 44 998
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