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李晋 汤井田 王玲 肖晓 张林成



李晋, 汤井田, 王玲, 肖晓, 张林成

Noise suppression for magnetotelluric sounding data based on signal subspace enhancement and endpoint detection

Li Jin, Tang Jing-Tian, Wang Ling, Xiao Xiao, Zhang Lin-Cheng
  • 为了进一步保留大地电磁低频段的有用信息、提高矿集区复杂噪声环境下大地电磁测深深部探测能力,在形态滤波的基础上结合信号子空间增强和端点检测做二次信噪分离处理. 首先,针对形态滤波预提取的噪声轮廓运用信号子空间增强分离出信号子空间和噪声子空间. 然后,将信号子空间和重构信号相结合并将噪声子空间置零. 最后,借鉴端点检测做后处理,以识别波形突变的起止点. 仿真结果表明,卡尼亚电阻率曲线在低频段的数据质量得到了明显改善、视电阻率值相对稳定;有效地补偿了形态滤波处理过程中损失的低频有用信号,其结果更加真实地反映了测点本身所固有的大地电磁深部构造信息.
    To retain useful information of magnetotelluric low frequency band and improve the capacity of magnetotelluric deep detection in ore concentration area with complex noises, the combined signal subspace enhancement with endpoint detection is proposed based on morphology filtering to secondary signal-to-noise separation processing. Firstly, aimed at noise contour extracted by morphology filtering, we use signal subspace enhancement to separate signal subspace and noise subspace for pretreatment. Secondly, the signal subspace is combined with reconstructed signal and the noise subspace is set to zero. Finally, endpoint detection for post-processing is carried out in order to identify the start and end points of the waveform mutation. Simulated results show that Cagniard resistivity curve in the low frequency band has been improved obviously, and the apparent resistivity value is relatively stable. The proposed method is better to offset the loss of low frequency useful information in the process of the morphological filtering, and the results can even more truly reflect the inherent deep structural information of low frequency components for the measured point itself.
    • 基金项目: 国家科技专项“深部探测技术与实验研究”(批准号:SinoProbe-03)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:41104071)和湖南师范大学博士基金(批准号:130617)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the SinoProbe-03, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41104071), and the Doctoral Foundation of Hunan Normal University, China (Grant No. 130617).

    Huo G P, Hu X Y, Fang H, Huang Y F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 129101 (in Chinese) [霍光谱, 胡祥云, 方慧, 黄一凡 2012 61 129101]


    Hong D C, Yang S D 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 109101 (in Chinese) [洪德成, 杨善德 2011 60 109101]


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    Tang J T, Hua X R, Cao Z M, Ren Z Y, Duan S L 2008 Chinese J. Geophys. 51 603 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 化希瑞, 曹哲民, 任政勇, 段圣龙 2008 地球 51 603]


    Cai J H, Tang J T 2009 Exploration Geophysics 40 197


    Dong S W, Li T D, Chen X H, Wei W B, Gao R, Lu Q T, Yang J S, Wang X Q, Chen Q C, Shi Y L, Huang D N, Zhou Q 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 3884 (in Chinese) [董树文, 李廷栋, 陈宣华, 魏文博, 高锐, 吕庆田, 杨经绥, 王学求, 陈群策, 石耀霖, 黄大年, 周琦 2012 地球 55 3884]


    Lu Q T, Shi D N, Tang J T, Wu M A, Chang Y F, SinoProbe-03-CJ Team 2011 Acta Geoscientica Sinica 32 257 (in Chinese) [吕庆田, 史大年, 汤井田, 吴明安, 常印佛, SinoProbe-03-CJ项目组 2011 地球学报 32 257]


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    Tang J T, Xu Z M, Xiao X, Li J 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 4147 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 徐志敏, 肖晓, 李晋 2012 地球 55 4147]


    Wang Y, Zhai H C, Mu G G 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1965 (in Chinese) [王熠, 翟宏琛, 母国光 2005 54 1965]


    Tang J T, Li J, Xiao X, Zhang L C, Lu Q T 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 1784 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 李晋, 肖晓, 张林成, 吕庆田 2012 地球 55 1784]


    Tang J T, Li J, Xiao X, Xu Z M, Li H, Zhang C 2012 Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 43 2215 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 李晋, 肖晓, 徐志敏, 李灏, 张弛 2012 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 43 2215]


    Li J, Tang J T, Xiao X 2011 Noise and Vibration Worldwide 42 65


    Ephraim Y, Van Trees H L 1995 IEEE Trans on Speech and Audio Processing 3 251


    Gazor S, Rezayee A 2001 IEEE Trans on Speech and Audio Processing 9 95


    Lev-Ari H, Ephraim Y 2003 IEEE Signal Processing Lett 10 104


    Jabloun F, Champagne B 2003 IEEE Trans on Speech and Audio Processing 11 700


    Fang F, Yang S Y, Hou X G 2007 Proceeding of the CSEE 27 72 (in Chinese) [方芳, 杨士元, 侯新国 2007 中国机电工程学报 27 72]


    Duan R, Yang K D, Ma Y L, Lei B 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 124301


    Lu W K, Ding W L, Zhang S W, Xiao H Q, Zhao M H 2005 Chinese J. Geophys. 48 896 (in Chinese) [陆文凯, 丁文龙, 张善文, 肖焕钦, 赵铭海 2005 地球 48 896]


    Li H W, Zhou Y L, Liu X, Sun B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 030508 (in Chinese) [李洪伟, 周云龙, 刘旭, 孙斌 2012 61 030508]


    Yan R Q, Zhu Y S 2007 Journal on Communications 28 35 (in Chinese) [闫润强, 朱贻盛 2007 通信学报 28 35]


    Evangelopoulos G, Maragos P 2006 IEEE Trans on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 2024

  • [1]

    Huo G P, Hu X Y, Fang H, Huang Y F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 129101 (in Chinese) [霍光谱, 胡祥云, 方慧, 黄一凡 2012 61 129101]


    Hong D C, Yang S D 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 109101 (in Chinese) [洪德成, 杨善德 2011 60 109101]


    Gamble T M, Goubau W M, Clarke J 1978 Geophysics 43 1157


    Gamble T M, Goubau W M, Clarke J 1979 Geophysics 44 53


    Sutamo D, Vozoff K 1991 Geophysics 56 1999


    Song S G, Tang J T, He J S 1995 Chinese J. Geophys. 38 120 (in Chinese) [宋守根, 汤井田, 何继善 1995 地球 38 120]


    Kong Q, Shi Q F, Yu G Z, Zhang M 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 024208


    Dai Y, Zhang J X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 110516 (in Chinese) [代煜, 张建勋 2011 60 110516]


    Tang J T, Hua X R, Cao Z M, Ren Z Y, Duan S L 2008 Chinese J. Geophys. 51 603 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 化希瑞, 曹哲民, 任政勇, 段圣龙 2008 地球 51 603]


    Cai J H, Tang J T 2009 Exploration Geophysics 40 197


    Dong S W, Li T D, Chen X H, Wei W B, Gao R, Lu Q T, Yang J S, Wang X Q, Chen Q C, Shi Y L, Huang D N, Zhou Q 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 3884 (in Chinese) [董树文, 李廷栋, 陈宣华, 魏文博, 高锐, 吕庆田, 杨经绥, 王学求, 陈群策, 石耀霖, 黄大年, 周琦 2012 地球 55 3884]


    Lu Q T, Shi D N, Tang J T, Wu M A, Chang Y F, SinoProbe-03-CJ Team 2011 Acta Geoscientica Sinica 32 257 (in Chinese) [吕庆田, 史大年, 汤井田, 吴明安, 常印佛, SinoProbe-03-CJ项目组 2011 地球学报 32 257]


    Wang S M, Wang J Y 2004 Progress in Geophysics 19 216 (in Chinese) [王书明, 王家映 2004 地球物理学进展 19 216]


    Tang J T, Xu Z M, Xiao X, Li J 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 4147 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 徐志敏, 肖晓, 李晋 2012 地球 55 4147]


    Wang Y, Zhai H C, Mu G G 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1965 (in Chinese) [王熠, 翟宏琛, 母国光 2005 54 1965]


    Tang J T, Li J, Xiao X, Zhang L C, Lu Q T 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 1784 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 李晋, 肖晓, 张林成, 吕庆田 2012 地球 55 1784]


    Tang J T, Li J, Xiao X, Xu Z M, Li H, Zhang C 2012 Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 43 2215 (in Chinese) [汤井田, 李晋, 肖晓, 徐志敏, 李灏, 张弛 2012 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 43 2215]


    Li J, Tang J T, Xiao X 2011 Noise and Vibration Worldwide 42 65


    Ephraim Y, Van Trees H L 1995 IEEE Trans on Speech and Audio Processing 3 251


    Gazor S, Rezayee A 2001 IEEE Trans on Speech and Audio Processing 9 95


    Lev-Ari H, Ephraim Y 2003 IEEE Signal Processing Lett 10 104


    Jabloun F, Champagne B 2003 IEEE Trans on Speech and Audio Processing 11 700


    Fang F, Yang S Y, Hou X G 2007 Proceeding of the CSEE 27 72 (in Chinese) [方芳, 杨士元, 侯新国 2007 中国机电工程学报 27 72]


    Duan R, Yang K D, Ma Y L, Lei B 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 124301


    Lu W K, Ding W L, Zhang S W, Xiao H Q, Zhao M H 2005 Chinese J. Geophys. 48 896 (in Chinese) [陆文凯, 丁文龙, 张善文, 肖焕钦, 赵铭海 2005 地球 48 896]


    Li H W, Zhou Y L, Liu X, Sun B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 030508 (in Chinese) [李洪伟, 周云龙, 刘旭, 孙斌 2012 61 030508]


    Yan R Q, Zhu Y S 2007 Journal on Communications 28 35 (in Chinese) [闫润强, 朱贻盛 2007 通信学报 28 35]


    Evangelopoulos G, Maragos P 2006 IEEE Trans on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 2024

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-08-27
  • 修回日期:  2013-09-29
  • 刊出日期:  2014-01-05

