脉冲激光电化学复合加工可以有效去除激光辐照区域内的电解产物, 提高加工效率, 改善加工质量. 针对高性能金属材料的微细加工要求, 采用脉冲激光电化学复合的应力刻蚀加工方法对铝合金的刻蚀特性进行理论和试验研究. 通过比较激光直接刻蚀加工和激光电化学复合加工的特点, 应用扫描电子显微镜、光学轮廓仪等检测技术分析了刻蚀区域的形貌特征. 根据力学电化学原理, 探讨了金属材料微结构加工的应力去除机理. 通过加工试验, 研究了工艺参数和加工方式对加工质量的影响, 采用优化的工艺参数, 加工出了质量较好的微结构. 试验结果表明, 激光电化学复合的连续扫描加工稳定性好, 可以有效地降低表面粗糙度, 提高加工质量.Nanosecond pulse laser electrochemical etching can remove the electrolytic products of laser irradiated region and so improve the processing stability and processing efficiency. The stress-etching characteristics and the material removal mechanism for aluminum alloy workpiece were investigated theoretically and experimentally by the use of a laser electrochemical machining system. For comparison of processing topography between laser direct etching in air and laser electrochemical machining, the scanning electron microscopy and the optical profilometry were used to detect and analyze etching morphological characteristics of machining areas. Based on the principle of mechanics and electrochemistry, stress-etching principles of laser electrochemical machining were studied. In this study, the effects of processing parameters and machining method on machining quality were explored, and a complex microstructure was processed successfully with reasonable processing parameters. The results show that laser electrochemical machining with better stability can reduce surface roughness and improve machining quality effectively.
- laser electrochemical /
- stress-etching /
- machining quality /
- processing parameters
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[1] Sun Y Z, Liang Y C, Cheng K 2004 Chin. J. Mech. Engen. 40 1 (in Chinese) [孙雅洲, 梁迎春, 程凯 2004 机械工程学报 4 1]
[2] Zhao Q L, Jiang T Dong Z W, Fan R W, Yu X Luo J 2010 Chin. J. Mech. Eng-en. 46 172 (in Chinese) [赵清亮, 姜涛, 董志伟, 樊荣伟, 于欣, 罗健 2010 机械工程学报 46 172]
[3] Dai Y T, Xu G, Tong X L 2012 J. Mater. Process Tech. 212 492
[4] Desilva A K M Pajak P T, Harrison D K, Mcgeough J A 2004 Annals of the CIRP 53 179
[5] Stephen A 2011 Physics Procedia 12 261
[6] Shin H S, Park M S, Chu C N 2010 Annals of the CIRP 59 585
[7] Desilva A K M, Pajak P T, Mcgeough J A, Harrison D K 2011 Annals of the CIRP 60 243
[8] Luo S W, Chang T L, Tsa H Y 2012 Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50 220
[9] Wang R, Yang J J, Liang C Y, Wang H S Han WYang Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5429 (in Chinese) [王锐, 杨建军, 梁春永, 王洪水, 韩伟, 杨阳 2009 58 5429]
[10] Gu Y Y, Zhang Y K, Zhang X Q, Shi J G 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5885 (in Chinese) [顾永玉, 张永康, 张兴权,史建国 2006 55 5885]
[11] Bian B M, Chen X, Xia M, Yang L, Shen Z H 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 508 (in Chinese) [卞保民, 陈笑, 夏铭,杨玲, 沈中华 2004 53 508]
[12] Vogel A, Noack J, Nahen K, Theisen D, Busch S, Parlitz U, Hammer D X, Noojin G D, Rockwell B A Birngruber R 1999 Appl. Phys. B 68 271
[13] Gutman M 1989 Mechanochemistry and Corrosion Prevection of Metals (Beijing: Science Publication) p27 (in Chinese) [i.M. 古特曼 1989 金属力学化学与腐蚀防护 (北京: 科学出版社) 第27页]
[14] Bai X, Sun D B Yu H Y Meng H M Li H Q, Zhang X L 2001 The Chinese Journal of Nonf errous Metals 11 285(in Chinese) [白霞, 孙冬柏, 俞宏英, 孟惠明, 李辉勤, 张秀丽 2001 中国有色金属学报 11 285]
[15] Zhou J J, A D A Y Xieeryazidan, Pang G B 2006 Mechanical Science and Technology 25 1301 (in Chinese) [周锦进, 阿达依·谢尔亚孜旦, 庞桂兵 2006 机械科学与技术 25 1301]
[16] Gacek S, Wang X W 2009 App Phys A: Materials Science and Processing 94 675
[17] Karimzadeh R Anvari J Z Mansour N 2009 App Phys A: Materials Science and Processsing 94 949
[18] Zhang X L, Sun D B, Yu H Y, Huang J B, Yang D J 2001 Corrosion Science and Protection Technology 13 162 (in Chinese) [张秀丽, 孙冬柏, 俞宏英, 黄锦滨, 杨德钧 2001 腐蚀科学与防护技术 13 162]
[19] Qiao L J, Wang Y B, Chu W Y 1993 Stress corrosion mechanism (Beijing: Science Publication) p82 (in Chinese) [乔利杰, 王燕斌, 褚武扬 1993 应力腐蚀机理 (北京:科学出版社) 第82 页]
[20] Zhang Z Y, Chen F, Wang Y M, Mao W P, Zhang Y K 2011 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 9 180 (in Chinese) [张朝阳, 陈飞, 王耀民, 毛卫平, 张永康 2011 纳米技术与精密工程 9 180]
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