在磁绝缘传输线层流模型基础上, 基于极限电流近似, 推导获得了同轴圆柱形磁绝缘传输线在自磁限制绝缘时, 前沿损失电子电流、功率的解析解. 通过粒子模拟, 获得了磁绝缘传输线在源阻抗不变的条件下, 不同电压条件下的损失电子电流、损失功率. 对比分析了模拟结果与极限电流近似下和最小电流近似下的理论结果. 结果表明: 损失电子电流与损失功率比例随电压增大而减小; 电压高于4 MV时, 极限电流近似更符合模拟结果, 电压大于10 MV时, 极限电流近似与模拟结果的相对误差从最小电流近似的50%以上减小到10%以下. 对于建立磁绝缘传输线系统中, 高压电脉冲从真空传输、磁绝缘传输线上传输到工作负载的全电路模拟具有一定的指导意义.Based on the relativistic Brillouin flow theory, electron current and power loss in loss-front stage of coaxial cylinder vacuum magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL) are deduced under limiting current approximation. Through the particle-in-cell (PIC) model, loss currents and loss powers under different anode voltages are simulated. Simulation and theory results show that the proportions of loss current and loss power to the total current and power decrease when cathode-anode voltage increases. Beyond 4MV, limiting current approximation fits simulation results better than minimum current approximation. At voltages higher than 10 MV, relative error from limiting approximation is under 10%, while it exceeds 50% under minimum current approximation. This work is meaningful for establishing full circuit simulation of MITL system.
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[1] Stygar W A, Spielman R B, Allshouse G O, Deeney C, Humphreys D R, Ives H C, Long F W, Martin T H, Matzen M K, McDaniel D H, Mendel C W Jr, Mix L P, Nash T J, Poukey J W, Ramirez J J, Sanford T W L, Seamen J F, Seidel D B, Smith J W, Van De Valde D M, Wavrik R W, Corcoran P A, Douglas J W, Smith I D, Mostrom M A, Struve K W, Hughes T P, Clark R E, Shoup R W, Wagoner T C, Gilliland T L, Peyton B P 1997 Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore MA 1997 p591
[2] Spielman R B, Long F, Martin T H, Poukey J W, Seidel D B, Shoup W, Stygar W A, McDaniel D H, Mostrom M A, Struve K W, Corcoran P, Smith I, Spence P 1995 Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque NM 1995 p396
[3] Creedon J M 1977 J. Appl. Phys.48 1070
[4] Song S Y 2004 Ph.D. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese) [宋盛义 2004 博士学位论文 (绵阳: 中国工程物理研究院)]
[5] Wang M Y, Di Capua M S 1980 J. Appl. Phys. 51 5610
[6] Belomyttsev S Y, Kirikov A V, Ryzhov V V 2005 Tech. Phys. Lett. 31 394
[7] Li Y D, Wang H G, Liu C L, Zhang D H, Wang J G, Wang Y 2009 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 21 1866 (in Chinese) [李永东, 王洪广, 刘纯亮, 张殿辉, 王建国, 王玥 2009 强激光与粒子束 21 1866]
[8] Creedon J 1975 J. Appl. Phys. 46 2946
[9] Bluhm H 2008 Pulsed Power Systems: Principles and Applications (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press ) p130 (in Chinese) [布鲁姆 2008 脉冲功率系统的原理与应用 (北京: 清华出版社)第130页]
[10] Bergeron K D 1977 J. Appl. Phys. 48 3065
[11] Liu X S 2007 High Pulsed Power Technology (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) p172 (in Chinese) [刘锡三 2007 高功率脉冲技术 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第172页]
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