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任刚 陆丽丽 王炜



任刚, 陆丽丽, 王炜

Modeling bi-direction pedestrian flow by cellular automata and complex network theories

Ren Gang, Lu Li-Li, Wang Wei
  • 通过设计行人行走倾向性调查实验,分析了行人的行走倾向性特征. 引入前进系数、右倾系数、超越系数以及影响修正系数等对元胞自动机(CA) 基本模型中的转移概率进行修正,建立了考虑行人行走倾向性特征的CA行人仿真模型. 针对该模型中的行人群体,依据k-近邻作用原理,构建行人复杂网络. 通过计算机仿真,揭示了行人流密度、速度和流量的关系以及仿真过程中出现的自组织现象.进一步分析仿真输出的行人流基本参数和行人复杂网络主要特征参数,发现对同一行人流,其平均速度和网络平均路径长度均随着行人流状态的改变而变化.最后, 通过平均路径长度和平均速度的数据拟合,得出两者之间存在着线性负相关关系的结论, 即具有较小网络平均路径长度的行人流具有较高的平均速度.
    In this paper the experiment to study the features of pedestrians' walking preference is designed. Then the cellular automata model which considering pedestrians' walking preference features is built, in which the forward-parameter, right-parameter, surpass-parameter and the correction-parameters are included to mend the probability of the pedestrian getting to each neighboring cell. Based on this model and k-nearest-neighbor interaction pattern, the complex network of pedestrians is modeled. The simulation results obtained from the model well illustrate the density-speed curve and density-volume curve. Meanwhile the self-organization phenomena of the bi-direction pedestrian flow can be observed from the model simulation. In the further analysis of the pedestrian flow's basic parameter and the main feature parameters of pedestrians' complex network, it is found out that the average speed and the average path length are changed with the state of the flow. Finally it can be concluded that there is a linear negative correlation between these two parameters by fitting the data; in other words, pedestrian flow with shorter average-path length has a higher average speed.
    • 基金项目: 国家科技支撑计划(批准号: 2009BAG13A05)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51078086 )资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2009BAG13A05), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51078086).

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    Weng W G, Shen S F, Yuan H Y, Fan W C 2007 Physica A 375 668


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    Jia B, Gao Z Y, Li K P 2007 Models and Simulations of Traffic System Based on the Theory of Cellar Automaton (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Science Press) p270 (in Chinese) [贾斌, 高自友, 李克平 2007 基于元胞自动机的交通系统建模与模拟(第一版)(北京:科学出版社) 第270页]


    Li S B, Wu J J, Gao Z Y, Li Y, Fu B B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 050701 (in Chinese) [李树彬, 吴建军, 高自友, 林勇, 傅白白 2011 60 050701]


    Gao Z Y, Zhao X M, Huang H J, Mao B H 2006 J. Trans. Syst. Eng. Inform. Technol. 6 41 (in Chinese) [高自友, 赵小梅, 黄海军, 毛保华 2006 交通运输系统工程与信息 6 41]


    Wu J J, Gao Z Y, Sun H J 2008 J. Trans. Syst. Eng. Inform. Technol. 7 69 (in Chinese) [吴建军, 高自友, 孙海军 2008 交通运输系统工程与信息 7 69]


    Helbing D, Molnár P, Farkas I J, Bolay K 2001 Environ. Plan. B 28 361


    Ballerini M, Cabibbo N, Candelier R, Cavagna A, Cisbani E, Giardina I, Lecomte V, Orlandi A, Parisi G, Procaccini A, Viale M, Zdravkovic V 2008 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 105 1232


    Helbling D, Johansson A, Al-Abideen H Z 2007 Phys. Rev. E 75 046109


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