Due to the absence of the switching frequency in the conventional average model of the voltage-controlled boost converter, this model cannot be used to analyze the influence of the switching frequency on the Hopf bifurcation in the voltage-controlled boost converter. In this paper, the influence of the switching frequency on the Hopf bifurcation in the voltage-controlled boost converter is analyzed by establishing the improved averaged model, which contains the switching frequency. The circuit is designed, and some typical experimental results are given. It is found that it is effective to use the improved average model to analyze the influence of the switching frequency on the Hopf bifurcation in the voltage-controlled boost converter and the Hopf bifurcation is easy to occur when the switching frequency of the voltage-controlled boost converter decreases.
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[24] Lehman B, Bass R M 1996 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 11 542
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[1] Yang X, Pei Y Q, Wang Z A 2004 The Technique of the Switching Power Supplies (Beijing: China Machine Press) p72 (in Chinese) [杨 旭、 裴云庆、 王兆安 2004 开关电源技术(北京: 机械工业出版社)第72页]
[2] Wang X M, Zhang B, Qiu D Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2728 (in Chinese) [王学梅、 张 波、 丘东元 2008 57 2728]
[3] Zhao Y B, Zhang D Y, Zhang C J 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 933
[4] Zhang B, Qu Y 2002 Trans. Chin. Electrotech. Soc. 17 43 (in Chinese) [张 波、 曲 颖 2002 电工技术学报 17 43]
[5] Cheng W B, Guo Y N, Kang S M, Wang Y L, Huo A Q, Tang N 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4439 (in Chinese) [程为彬、 郭颖娜、 康思民、 汪跃龙、 霍爱清、 汤 楠 2009 58 4439]
[6] Bao B C, Xu J P, Liu Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2949 (in Chinese) [包伯成、 许建平、 刘 中 2009 58 2949]
[7] EI-Aroudi A, Benadero L, Toribio E, Olivar G 1999 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Ⅰ 46 1374
[8] EI-Aroudi A, Leyva R 2001 IEEE Trans. Circ Syst. Ⅰ 48 967
[9] Iu H H C, Tse C K, Pjevalica V, Lai Y M 2001 Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 29 281
[10] Cai L J, Hu D C, Liu Y G 2006 J. South Chin. Univ. Technol. (Nat. Sci. Edi.) 34 77 (in Chinese) [蔡丽娟、 胡德成、 刘勇刚 2006 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)34 77]
[11] Iu H H C, Tse C K 2003 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Ⅰ 50 679
[12] Zhou Y F, Chen J N 2005 Proce. CSEE 25 23 (in Chinese) [周宇飞、 陈军宁 2005 中国电机工程学报 25 23]
[13] Zhou Y F, Jiang X D, Chen J N 2009 Sci. China Ser. F: Inf. Sci. 39 635 (in Chinese) [周宇飞、 姜学东、 陈军宁 2009 中国科学F辑:信息科学 39 635]
[14] Wang X M, Zhang B, Qiu D Y, Chen L G 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6112 (in Chinese) [王学梅、 张 波、 丘东元、 陈良刚 2008 57 6112]
[15] Zhou Y F, Chen J N, Tse C K, Ke D M, Shi L X, Sun W F 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3676 (in Chinese) [周宇飞、 陈军宁、 谢智刚、 柯导明、 时龙兴、 孙伟峰 2004 53 3676]
[16] Lu W G, Zhou L W, Luo Q M, Du X 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6275 (in Chinese) [卢伟国、 周雒维、 罗全明、 杜 雄 2007 56 6275]
[17] Ren H P, Liu D 2004 J. Syst. Simul. 16 2529 (in Chinese) [任海鹏、 刘 丁 2004 系统仿真学报 16 2529]
[18] Yan S G, Zhang C H 2007 The Problem and Answer of the Power Electronic Technology (Beijing: China Machine Press) p261 (in Chinese) [颜世钢、 张承慧 2007 电力电子技术问答(北京:机械工业出版社)第261页]
[19] Huang J F, Dong F B 2009 Electr. Power Autom. Equip. 29 73 (in Chinese) [皇金锋、 董锋斌 2009 电力自动化设备 29 73]
[20] Onoda S, Emadi A 2004 IEEE Trans. Vehic. Technol. 53 390
[21] Ji Z C, Zhou H, Li S D 2004 J. Syst. Simul. 16 898 (in Chinese) [纪志成、 周 寰、 李三东 2004 系统仿真学报 16 898]
[22] Veerachary M 2006 IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst. 42 735.
[23] Zhang W P 2006 Modeling and Control of Switching Converter (Beijing: Chinese Electric Power Press) (in Chinese) p6 [张卫平 2006 开关变换器的建模与控制(北京:中国电力出版社)第6页]
[24] Lehman B, Bass R M 1996 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 11 542
[25] Lehman B, Bass R M 1996 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 11 89
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