对实验测量的PbB4O7晶体样品的太赫兹(1012 Hz)光谱、拉曼光谱以及红外—可见—紫外光谱进行了分析.在0.25—2.5 THz波段介电函数随频率变化曲线ε(ν)出现共振型尖峰.四方面的分析表明PbB4O7晶体中存在软光学声子:1)介电函数随频率的变化曲线ε(ν)满足LST(Lyddane-Sachs-Teller)关系;2)在共振峰的频率附近(3.10
- 极化激元 /
- 太赫兹光谱 /
- 拉曼光谱 /
- 紫外—可见—红外光谱
The terahertz(1012Hz)spectra, Raman spectra and infrared-visible-UV spectra are analyzed for PbB4O7 crystal sample. A resonance peak appears in the curve of the dielectric function ε(ν) in the frequency range of 0.25—2.5 THz. The analysis supports that soft optical phonons exist in PbB4O7 crystal from four aspects: 1) the change curve ε(ν) of the dielectric function satisfies the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation; 2) a strong Raman scattering peak appears in the vicinity of resonance frequency (3.10 THz); 3) absorption coefficient curve α(ν) meets the characteristics of polaritons; 4) the dispersion relation curve ν(k) of the photon transmitting from the crystal reveals a frequency gap. The soft optical phonon exists in PbB4O7 crystal, which means that the frequency curve of the photon transmitting from the crystal will suffer splitting when the condition of producing polariton is satisfied. And the dispersion curve splits a higher branch and a lower one. This may help us find a new method of changing the frequency of the photon.-
- polariton /
- terahertz spectroscopy /
- Raman spectra /
- infrared-visible-UV spectra
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[1] Verghese S, McIntosh K A, Brown E R 1997 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Techn. 45 1301
[2] Hangyo M, Tani M, Nagashima T 2005 Inter. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 26 1661
[3] Nishizawa S, Sakai K, Hangyo M, Nagashima T, Takeda M W, Tominaga K, Oka A, Tanaka K, Morikawa O 2005 Terahertz Optoelectronics (Topics in Applied Physics) (Berlin: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg) 97 p203
[4] Hou B H, Shao M, Xu X L, Wang L, Wang J Y, Fan Z D 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1730 (in Chinese) [侯碧辉、邵 萌、徐新龙、汪 力、王吉有、范志达 2007 56 1370]
[5] Yang Y P, Shi Y L, Yan W, Xu X L, Ma S H, Wang L 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 4079 (in Chinese) [杨玉平、施宇蕾、严 伟、徐新龙、马士华、汪 力 2005 54 4079]
[6] Chang J H, Dong Q G 2001 Theory and Resolution of Spectroscopy (Beijing: Science Press) pp61—63 (in Chinese) [常建华、董绮功 2001 波谱原理及解析(北京:科学出版社)第61—63页]
[7] Wang Y F, Feng M, Wang H, Fu P Z, Wang J X, Cao X W, Lan G X 2007 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19 436207
[8] Hou B H, Wang Y L, Wu Y C, Chen H, Wang L, Fu P Z, Liu F Y 2008 Chin. Sci. Bull. 53 155
[9] Corker D L, Glazer A M 1996 Acta Cryst. B 52 260
[10] Xu X L, Wang X M, Li F L, Zhang X C, Wang L 2004 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 24 1153 (in Chinese) [徐新龙、王秀敏、李福利、张希成、汪 力 2004 光谱学与光谱分析 24 1153]
[11] Kittel C 1986 Introduction to Solid State Physics (6th ed) (New York: John Wiley & Sons) pp370, 272, 90
[12] Claus R, Merten L, Brandmüller J 1975 Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp57—59
[13] Kaminskii A A, Bohaty L, Becker P, Liebertz J, Bayarjargal L, Hanuza J, Eichler H J, Rhee H, Dong J 2007 Laser Phys. Lett. 4 660
[14] Hanuza J, Maczka M, Lorenc J, Kaminskii A A, Becker P, Bohaty L 2008 J. Raman Spectrosc.39 409
[15] Yang B X, Mao Z L, Hou B H 2007 IRMMW-THz IEEE City Hall, Cardiff, UK September 2—9, 2007 p544
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