测量了纯AgI和AgI含分散第二相粒子(简称DSPP)η-Al2O3(0.05μm)和γ-Fe2O3(0.6μm)的电导率随成分和温度的变化。β-AgI的电导率随加入第二相粒子含量的增加而明显增加,大约在40—50mol%时电导出现极大值。室温下含DSPP的电导率比纯AgI增加二到三个数量级。含DSPP的α-AgI电导率降低,激活能增加。电导率测量和差热分析(DTA)表明第二相的加入明显地影响AgI从α相到β相的相转变温度,AgI(η-Al2O3,50mol%)α相到β相的转变温度比纯AgI低17℃。室温下对AgI(γ-Fe2O3,50mol%)的直流极化实验表明电子电导是n型导体,电子电导率与总电导率相比可以忽略。Electrical conductivities of pure AgI and AgI containing DSPP (η-Al203, 0.05 and γ-Fe2O3, 0.6) have been measured as a fuctions of composition and temperature. The conductivity in β-phase was increased by the addition of DSPP. The maximum increment which appears at about 40-50 mol% DSPP is two or three orders of magnitude at room temperature. The conductivities in α-AgI contain DSPP decreases and activation energy increases. Both conductivity measurement and DTA experiment show that DSPP influences the phase transition, especialy α-phase to β-phase trasition. For instance, the α- to β-phase transition temperature of AgI (Al2O3 50mol%) is 17℃ lower than that of pure AgI. The dc polarization experiment carried out for AgI (γ-Fe2O3 50mol%) system, indicated the AgI (γ-Fe2O3) is a n-type conductor and the electronic conductivity is negligible compared with the total conductivity.
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