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Process development and characteristics of YBCO thin film for radio frequency tranmission wire preparation

TIAN Qingwen YUAN Pusheng YU Huiqin WANG Shuna LIU Xiaoyu LI Lingyun YOU Lixing


Process development and characteristics of YBCO thin film for radio frequency tranmission wire preparation

TIAN Qingwen, YUAN Pusheng, YU Huiqin, WANG Shuna, LIU Xiaoyu, LI Lingyun, YOU Lixing
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241583
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Low-temperature interconnection technology, especially radio frequency signal transmission in the 40–4.2 K temperature range, is currently a focus of development. In this temperature range, the transmission line needs to have as little insertion loss and heat leakage as possible. A processing method of preparing coplanar waveguide flexible transmission lines by mechanically cold exfoliating superconducting tape thin films is introduced in this work. Especially YBCO thin films deposited through MOD are more easily exfoliate directly at room temperature. The superconducting transition temperature width of YBCO thin film after exfoliating processing is 0.79 K. Although it is increased by 0.3 K compared with the transition temperature width of the strip, the critical current density at 77 K and 0 T is 7.7 × 105 A/cm2, which is more than 75% of the critical current density of the strip. The exfoliated YBCO thin film is fabricated into a 12-cm-long and 1-cm-wide PI-YBCO-PI three-layer structure transmission line, and the heat leak value is measured to be 0.238 mW in a temperature range from 40 K to 4.2 K. Five signal channels are prepared on a 1cmwide YBCO thin film, and the simulation shows that the crosstalk between adjacent signal channels is < –40 dB, the insertion loss at 9 GHz is < –2 dB, and the heat leak value of each signal channel is 47.6 μW. Compared with the metal transmission lines currently used in this temperature range, the heat leakage is reduced by at least 5 times.
      Corresponding author: YUAN Pusheng, ; YOU Lixing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Shanghai “Phosphor” Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 22YF1456500) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Technical Support Talent Program (2022).

    Holmes D S, Ripple A L, Manheimer M A 2013 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23 1701610Google Scholar


    原蒲升, 余慧勤, 汪书娜, 王永良, 李凌云, 尤立星 2020 低温 42 117

    Yuan P S, Yu H Q, Wang S N, Wang Y L, Li L Y, You L X 2020 Low. Temp. Phys. Lett. 42 117


    Zhang T Z, Huang J, Zhang X Y, Ding C M, Yu H Q, You X, Lv C L, Liu X Y, Wang Z, You L X, Xie X M, Li H 2024 Photonics Res. 12 1328Google Scholar


    Coady S 2022 US Patent 0 237 491


    Gupta D, Sarwana S, Kirichenko D, Dotsenko V, Lehmann A E, Filippov T V, Chang S W, Ravindran P, Bardin J 2021 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 130328


    段思宇, 吴敬波, 范克彬, 张彩虹, 金飚兵, 陈健, 吴培亨 2022 功能材料与器件学报 28 7

    Duan S Y, Wu J B, Fan K B, Zhang G H, Jin B B, Chen J, Wu P H 2022 J. Funct. Mater. Devices 28 7


    Smith J P, Mazin B A, Walter A B, Daal M, Bailey I I, Bockstiegel C, Zobrist N, Swimmer N, Steiger S, Fruitwala N 2021 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 2500105


    Kurpiers P, Magnard P, Walter T, Royer B, Pechal M, Heinsoo J, Salathé Y, Akin A, Storz S, Besse J C, Gasparinetti S, Blais A, Wallraff A 2018 Nature 558 264Google Scholar


    Li L M, He L, Wu X, Niu X K, Wan C, Lin K, Jia X Q, Zhang L B, Zhao Q Y, Tu X C 2021 FITEE 22 1666Google Scholar


    Krinner S, Storz S, Kurpiers P, Magnard P, Heinsoo J, Keller R, Luetolf J, Eichler C, Wallraff A 2019 EPJ Quantum Technol. 6 2


    汪书娜, 余慧勤, 原蒲升, 王永良, 李凌云, 尤立星 2020 低温与超导 50 85

    Wang S N, Yu H Q, Yuan P S, Wang Y L, Li L Y, You L X 2020 Cryo. Supercond. 50 85


    禹潇, 张亚辉, 宾峰, 陆勤龙, 王生旺 2022 功能材料与器件学报 1 6

    Yu X, Zhang Y H, Bin F, Lu Q L, Wang S W 2022 J. Funct. Mater. Devices 1 6


    Solovyov V, Farrell P 2017 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 014006Google Scholar


    Solovyov V, Rabbani S, Ma M, Mendleson Z, Haugan T, Farrell P 2019 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 054006Google Scholar


    Solovyov V, Saria O P, Mendleson Z, Drozdow I 2021 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 1700105


    Solovyov V, Kim H, Farrell P 2024 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 1500205


    Bruel M 1996 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 108 313


    Toyoda M, Hou S, Huang Z H, Lnagaki M 2023 Carbon Lett. 33 335Google Scholar


    Saliba M, Atanas J P, Howayek T M, Habchi R 2023 Nanoscale Adv. 5 6787Google Scholar


    Solovyov V F, Develos-Bagarinao K, Li Q, Qing J, Zhou J 2010 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 014008Google Scholar


    王明江 2020 博士学位论文(成都: 西南交通大学)

    Wang M J 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chendu: Southwest Jiaotong University


    Pahlke P, Trommler S, Holzapfel B, Schultz L, Hühne R 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 123907Google Scholar


    Toyota N, Inoue A, Fukase T, Masumoto T 1984 J. Low Temp. Phys. 55 393Google Scholar


    Nakao K, Miura N, Tatsuhara K, Takeya H, Takei H 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 97Google Scholar


    Sutherland M L, Hawthorn D G, Hill R W, Ronning F, Wakimoto S, Zhang H, Proust C, Boaknin E, Lupien C, Taillefer L, Liang R, Bonn D A, Hardy W N, Gagnon R, Hussey N E, Kimura T, Nohara M, Takagi H 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 174520Google Scholar

  • 图 5  (a) YBCO微桥器件SEM图片; (b)微桥宽度; (c), (d)高分辨率YBCO表面

    Figure 5.  (a) SEM image of YBCO microbridge device; (b) microbridge width; (c), (d) high resolution YBCO surface.

    图 1  (a)带材整体结构示意图; (b), (c) YBCO薄膜剥离步骤

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic diagram of the overall structure of the strip; (b), (c) steps for exfoliating YBCO thin film.

    图 2  (a)脱落的镍基基底; (b), (c)光学显微镜下的镍基表面

    Figure 2.  (a) Nickel based substrate; (b), (c) nickel based surface under optical microscope.

    图 3  (a)剥离的YBCO薄膜粘于PI; (b)腐蚀铜层、银层后的YBCO样品; (c)腐蚀后的YBCO薄膜粘于硅片; (d)裁剪完成后的样品

    Figure 3.  (a) Exfoliated YBCO film and stick it to PI; (b) YBCO samples after corrosion of copper and silver layers; (c) corrosion induced YBCO thin film adhered to silicon wafer; (d) sample after cutting is completed.

    图 4  漏热样品实物图

    Figure 4.  Physical picture of heat leakage sample.

    图 6  (a) 2G带材R-T曲线; (b)带铜、银的YBCO薄膜R-T曲线; (c) 带银的YBCO薄膜R-T曲线; (d) YBCO薄膜R-T曲线; (e), (f) $ {T}_{{\mathrm{c}}}^{{\mathrm{Z}}{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{r}}{\mathrm{o}}}, {T}_{{\mathrm{c}}}^{{\mathrm{O}}{\mathrm{n}}{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{t}}} $随磁场变化曲线

    Figure 6.  (a) 2G strip R-T curve; (b) R-T curve of YBCO thin film with copper and silver; (c) R-T curve of YBCO thin film with silver; (d) YBCO thin film R-T curve; (e), (f) $ {T}_{{\mathrm{c}}}^{{\mathrm{Z}}{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{r}}{\mathrm{o}}}, {T}_{{\mathrm{c}}}^{{\mathrm{O}}{\mathrm{n}}{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{t}}} $versus magnetic field variation curve

    图 7  (a), (b)不同YBCO薄膜微桥器件的I-V测试曲线

    Figure 7.  (a), (b) I-V test curves of different YBCO thin film micro-bridge devices.

    图 8  YBCO薄膜临界电流密度随磁场变化曲线 (a)样品1; (b)样品2

    Figure 8.  Curve of critical current density of YBCO thin film as a function of magnetic field: (a) Sample 1; (b) sample 2.

    图 9  信号通道插损和相邻通道间的串扰

    Figure 9.  Signal channel insertion loss and crosstalk between adjacent channels.

    表 1  不同机构低温传输线漏热值对比(12 cm, 40—4.2 K)

    Table 1.  Leakage heat value of low-temperature transmission lines in different institutions (12 cm, 40–4.2 K).

    传输线类型 金属传输线 超导传输线(YBCO)
    传输线 机构A同轴线 机构B同轴线 PI-YBCO-PI YBCO-Kapton
    漏热/μW 1100 255 47.6 127
    插损@1 GHz-dB/m 4 5 0.83
    插损@6 GHz-dB/m 7.2 2
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Holmes D S, Ripple A L, Manheimer M A 2013 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23 1701610Google Scholar


    原蒲升, 余慧勤, 汪书娜, 王永良, 李凌云, 尤立星 2020 低温 42 117

    Yuan P S, Yu H Q, Wang S N, Wang Y L, Li L Y, You L X 2020 Low. Temp. Phys. Lett. 42 117


    Zhang T Z, Huang J, Zhang X Y, Ding C M, Yu H Q, You X, Lv C L, Liu X Y, Wang Z, You L X, Xie X M, Li H 2024 Photonics Res. 12 1328Google Scholar


    Coady S 2022 US Patent 0 237 491


    Gupta D, Sarwana S, Kirichenko D, Dotsenko V, Lehmann A E, Filippov T V, Chang S W, Ravindran P, Bardin J 2021 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 130328


    段思宇, 吴敬波, 范克彬, 张彩虹, 金飚兵, 陈健, 吴培亨 2022 功能材料与器件学报 28 7

    Duan S Y, Wu J B, Fan K B, Zhang G H, Jin B B, Chen J, Wu P H 2022 J. Funct. Mater. Devices 28 7


    Smith J P, Mazin B A, Walter A B, Daal M, Bailey I I, Bockstiegel C, Zobrist N, Swimmer N, Steiger S, Fruitwala N 2021 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 2500105


    Kurpiers P, Magnard P, Walter T, Royer B, Pechal M, Heinsoo J, Salathé Y, Akin A, Storz S, Besse J C, Gasparinetti S, Blais A, Wallraff A 2018 Nature 558 264Google Scholar


    Li L M, He L, Wu X, Niu X K, Wan C, Lin K, Jia X Q, Zhang L B, Zhao Q Y, Tu X C 2021 FITEE 22 1666Google Scholar


    Krinner S, Storz S, Kurpiers P, Magnard P, Heinsoo J, Keller R, Luetolf J, Eichler C, Wallraff A 2019 EPJ Quantum Technol. 6 2


    汪书娜, 余慧勤, 原蒲升, 王永良, 李凌云, 尤立星 2020 低温与超导 50 85

    Wang S N, Yu H Q, Yuan P S, Wang Y L, Li L Y, You L X 2020 Cryo. Supercond. 50 85


    禹潇, 张亚辉, 宾峰, 陆勤龙, 王生旺 2022 功能材料与器件学报 1 6

    Yu X, Zhang Y H, Bin F, Lu Q L, Wang S W 2022 J. Funct. Mater. Devices 1 6


    Solovyov V, Farrell P 2017 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 014006Google Scholar


    Solovyov V, Rabbani S, Ma M, Mendleson Z, Haugan T, Farrell P 2019 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 054006Google Scholar


    Solovyov V, Saria O P, Mendleson Z, Drozdow I 2021 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 1700105


    Solovyov V, Kim H, Farrell P 2024 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 1500205


    Bruel M 1996 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 108 313


    Toyoda M, Hou S, Huang Z H, Lnagaki M 2023 Carbon Lett. 33 335Google Scholar


    Saliba M, Atanas J P, Howayek T M, Habchi R 2023 Nanoscale Adv. 5 6787Google Scholar


    Solovyov V F, Develos-Bagarinao K, Li Q, Qing J, Zhou J 2010 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 014008Google Scholar


    王明江 2020 博士学位论文(成都: 西南交通大学)

    Wang M J 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chendu: Southwest Jiaotong University


    Pahlke P, Trommler S, Holzapfel B, Schultz L, Hühne R 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 123907Google Scholar


    Toyota N, Inoue A, Fukase T, Masumoto T 1984 J. Low Temp. Phys. 55 393Google Scholar


    Nakao K, Miura N, Tatsuhara K, Takeya H, Takei H 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 97Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  12 November 2024
  • Accepted Date:  11 December 2024
  • Available Online:  08 January 2025
  • Published Online:  05 March 2025

