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Color image perception based on stochastic spiking neural network

Xu Zi-Heng He Yu-Zhu Kang Yan-Mei


Color image perception based on stochastic spiking neural network

Xu Zi-Heng, He Yu-Zhu, Kang Yan-Mei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Our aim is to present an interpretable algorithm for enhancing low-illuminance color image based on the principle of stochastic resonance and the fundamental biophysical process of human brain perceiving object color. To this end, the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in a conductance-based integrate-and-fire neuronal network is first explored, with the effect of firing threshold, synaptic weight and the population size on the signal-to-noise ratio revealed, and the firing threshold is recognized as the key parameter for the resonance effects. And then, a color image enhancement algorithm, where the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the natural image quality evaluator are adopted as quantifying indexes, is developed by combining the stochastic spiking neuronal network and the involved biophysical process relating to visual perception. Note that the enhanced image is aperiodic, thus in order to optimize the performance of the algorithm, an illuminance distribution based threshold strategy is given by us for the first time. The numerical tests show that the algorithm has good enhancement performance and stability. We wish this algorithm could be applied to relevant signal processing fields such as military detection and medical image preprocessing.
      Corresponding author: Kang Yan-Mei,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11772241, 12172268).

    Gonzalez C R, Woods R E 2002 Digital Image Processing (2nd Ed.) (New Jersey: Prentice Hall) pp88–108


    Kwong R H, Johnston E W 1992 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 40 1633Google Scholar


    Dai Q, Pu Y F, Rahman Z, Aamir Z 2019 Symmetry Basel 11 574Google Scholar


    Benzi R, Sutera A, Vulpiani, A 1981 J. Phys. A-Math. Gen. 14 453Google Scholar


    Gammaitoni L, Hanggi P, Jung P, Marchesoni F 1998 Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 223Google Scholar


    Simonotto E, Riani M, Seife C, Roberts M, Twitty J, Moss F 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 1186Google Scholar


    Sasaki H, Sakane S, Ishida T, Todorokihara M, Kitamura T, Aoki R 2008 Behav. Brain. Res. 193 152Google Scholar


    Yang T 1998 Phys. Lett. A 245 79Google Scholar


    Delahaies A, Rousseau D, Fasqueal J B, Chapeau-Blondeau F 2012 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A: 29 1211


    Jha R K, Chouhan R 2014 Signal Image Video Process. 8 339Google Scholar


    Dylov D V, Fleischer J W 2010 Nat. Photonics 4 323Google Scholar


    Patel A, Kosko B 2011 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 59 488Google Scholar


    Itzcovich E, Riani M, Sannita W G 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 12840Google Scholar


    Van-der-Groen O, Tang M F, Wenderoth N, Mattingley J B, Jeff B 2018 PLoS Comput. Biol. 14 1


    Nnoli U 2019 Optik 195 163111Google Scholar


    Kang Y M, Xu J X, Xie Y 2005 Phys. Rev. E 72 021902Google Scholar


    Yu Y G, Richard R D, Lee T S 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 108103Google Scholar


    Ashok P, Bart K 2008 IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 19 1993


    Purves D 2011 Brains: How They Seem to Work (New Jersey : Financial Times Press Science) pp30–47


    Li Z P 2019 Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 58 1


    Fu Y X, Kang Y M, Chen G R 2020 Front. Comput. Neurosci. 14 24Google Scholar


    Rolls E L, Loh M, Deco G, Winterer G 2008 Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9 696Google Scholar


    Smith R A 1978 Siggraph Comput. Graph 12 12Google Scholar


    Lagnado L 2000 Exp. Physiol. 85 1Google Scholar


    Kang Y M, Liu R N, Mao X R 2021 Cognitive Neurodynamics 15 517Google Scholar


    Tiwari I, Phogat R, Parmananda P, Ocampo-Espindola J L, Rivera L 2016 Phys. Rev. E 94 022210Google Scholar


    Mittal A, Soundararajan R, Bovik A C 2013 IEEE Signal Process. Let. 20 209Google Scholar


    Durrant S, Kang Y M, Stocks N, Feng J F 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 011923Google Scholar


    Faisal A A, Selen L P J, Wolpert D P 2008 Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9 292Google Scholar


    Wilke S D, Eurich C 2001 W 10th Computational Neuroscience Meeting Monterey, USA, June, 2001 p1023


    Wiesenfeld K, Moss F 1995 Nature 373 33Google Scholar


    Levin J E, Miller J P 1996 Nature 380 165Google Scholar


    Stacey W C, Durand D M 2000 J. Neurosci. 83 1394

  • 图 1  模型(1)的时间历程图 (a)仅含漏电项的单个神经元膜电位示意图, ${V_{{\text{re}}}}=-0.3$; (b)无噪声时单个神经元的膜电位演化; (c)有噪声时单个神经元的膜电位演化; (d)有噪声的单个神经元的放电序列串; (e)有噪声神经元集群的放电格栅图, 其中实心点代表当前时刻所对应的神经元有动作电位产生. 图(b)至图(e)参数: ${V_{\rm th}} = 0.3$, ${V_{\rm re}} = $$ 0$, ${g_{\rm{l}}} = {g_{\rm{s}}} = 1$, ${C_m} = 1$, ${E_{\rm syn}} = 0$, $\varepsilon = 0.1$, $ \varOmega = 1 $, ${\tau _{{s}}} = 1$, ${\tau _{\rm{d}}} = 0.5$, $N = 50$, $t = 100$; (b) $D = 0$; (c), (e) $D = $$ 0.025$

    Figure 1.  The evolution diagram of model (1): (a)Single neuron’s potential only with leaky term, ${V_{{\text{re}}}}=-0.3$; (b) single neuron’s membrane potential evolution without noise; (c) single Neuron’s membrane potential evolution with noise; (d) single neuron’s spike train with noise; (e) raster plot of the network where every node denotes a spike at a corresponding time and neuron. Parameters from picture (b) to (e) are set as ${V_{\rm th}} = 0.3$, ${V_{\rm re}} = 0$, ${g_{\rm{l}}} = {g_{\rm{s}}} = 1$, ${C_m} = 1$, ${E_{\rm syn}} = 0$, $\varepsilon = 0.1$, $ \varOmega = 1 $, ${\tau _{{s}}} = 1$, ${\tau _{\rm{d}}} = 0.5$, $N = 50$, $t = 100$; (b)$D = 0$; (c), (e)$D = 0.025$.

    图 2  (a)信噪比随阈值${V_{\rm th}}$, 突触权重$w$变化图; (b)不同阈值信噪比变化情况; (c)不同突触权重信噪比变化情况. 参数${V_{\rm re}} = 0$, ${g_{\rm{l}}} = {g_{\rm{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\rm{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{\rm syn}} = 0$, $\varepsilon = 0.1$, $ \varOmega = 1 $, ${\tau _{{s}}} = 1$, ${\tau _{\rm{d}}} = 0.5$, $N = 5$, $t = 100$

    Figure 2.  (a) Signal-to-noise ratio for different threshold Vth and synaptic weight w; (b) signal-to-noise ratio for different threshold Vth; (c) signal-to-noise ratio for different synaptic weight w. Parameters are set as ${V_{\rm re}} = 0$, ${g_{\rm{l}}} = {g_{\rm{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\rm{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{\rm syn}} = 0$, $\varepsilon = 0.1$, $ \Omega = 1 $, ${\tau _{{s}}} = 1$, ${\tau _{\text{d}}} = 0.5$, $N = 5$, $t = 100$.

    图 3  信噪比随神经元集群尺寸变化图, 参数${V_{\rm th}} = 0.3$, $w = - 0.2$, ${V_{\rm re}} = 0$, ${g_{\rm{l}}} = {g_{\rm{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\rm{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{\rm syn}} = 0$, $\varepsilon = 0.1$, $ \varOmega = 1 $, ${\tau _{{s}}} = 1$, ${\tau _{\rm{d}}} = 0.5$, $t = 100$

    Figure 3.  Signal-to-noise ratio for different quantity of neurons with ${V_{\rm th}} = 0.3$, $w = - 0.2$, ${V_{\rm re}} = 0$, ${g_{\rm{l}}} = {g_{\rm{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\rm{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{\rm syn}} = 0$, $\varepsilon = 0.1$, $ \varOmega = 1 $, ${\tau _{{s}}} = 1$, ${\tau _{\rm{d}}} = 0.5$, $t = 100$.

    图 4  图像增强流程图

    Figure 4.  The flow chart of dark image enhancement algorithm.

    图 5  编码过程流程图

    Figure 5.  The flow chart of encoding part.

    图 6  不同神经元个数对最优增强图像质量的影响 (a)神经元个数N=50; (b)神经元个数N=300; (c)峰值信噪比(PSNR)变化曲线, 虚线代表在此噪声强度取得最优图像. 参数${V_{{\text{th}}}} = 0.0667$, $w = - 0.2$, ${V_{{\text{re}}}} = 0$, ${g_{\text{l}}} = {g_{\text{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\text{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{{\text{syn}}}} = 0$, ${\tau _s} = 1$, ${\tau _{\text{d}}} = 0.5$, $t = 100$

    Figure 6.  Difference caused by the size of neuron population: (a) N=50; (b) N=300; (c) peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR) curve, the dotted line reflects the noise density corresponds to the best enhanced picture. Parameters are set as ${V_{{\text{th}}}} = 0.0667$, $w = - 0.2$, ${V_{{\text{re}}}} = 0$, ${g_{\text{l}}} = {g_{\text{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\text{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{{\text{syn}}}} = 0$, ${\tau _s} = 1$, ${\tau _{\text{d}}} = 0.5$, $t = 100$.

    图 7  亮度的频数分布直方图 (a) 原始黑暗图像; (b) 0.6分位点最优图像; (c) 0.95分位点最优图像

    Figure 7.  Frequency histogram of brightness: (a) The origin dark image; (b) best image corresponding to 60 percent quantile; (c) best image corresponding to 95 percent quantile.

    图 8  不同阈值下对应的最优增强图像 (a) 0.6分位点; (b) 0.95分位点; (c) 峰值信噪比变化曲线, 虚线处表示最优噪声强度. 参数$w = - 0.2$, ${V_{{\text{re}}}} = 0$, ${g_{\text{l}}} = {g_{\text{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\text{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{{\text{syn}}}} = 0$, ${\tau _s} = 1$, ${\tau _{\text{d}}} = 0.5$, $N = 300$, $t = 100$

    Figure 8.  Best enhanced images with different membrane potential thresholds: (a) 60 percent quantile; (b) 95 percent quantile; (c) peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR) curves, the dotted line reflects the noise density corresponds to the best enhanced picture. Parameters are set as $w = - 0.2$, ${V_{{\text{re}}}} = 0$, ${g_{\text{l}}} = {g_{\text{s}}} = 1$, ${C_{\text{m}}} = 1$, ${E_{{\text{syn}}}} = 0$, ${\tau _ s} = 1$, ${\tau _{\text{d}}} = 0.5$, $N = 300$, $t = 100$.

    图 9  图像增强结果 (a) 原始黑暗图像; (b) 原始清晰图像; (c) 本文提出的随机共振方法, $D = 0.0035$, ${V_{{\text{th}}}} = 0.0667$; (d) SSR算法; (e) HE算法; (f) SVD-DSR算法

    Figure 9.  (a) The origin dark image; (b) the origin bright image; (c) our stochastic-resonance algorithm with $D = 0.0035$and ${V_{{\text{th}}}} = 0.0667$; (d) SSR algorithm; (e) HE algorithm; (f) SVD-DSR algorithm.

    图 10  图像增强结果 (a) 原始黑暗图像; (b) 本文提出的随机共振方法$D = 0.0035$, ${V_{{\text{th}}}} = 0.11$; (c) SSR算法; (d) HE算法; (e) SVD-DSR算法; (f) NIQE变化图

    Figure 10.  (a) The origin dark image; (b) our stochastic-resonance algorithm with $D = 0.0035$ and ${V_{{\text{th}}}} = 0.11$; (c) SSR algorithm; (d) HE algorithm; (e) SVD-DSR algorithm; (f) NIQE under different noise densities.

    表 1  四种算法的PSNR和NIQE

    Table 1.  PSNR and NIQE of these four algorithms.

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    表 2  四种算法的PSNR和NIQE

    Table 2.  PSNR and NIQE of these four algorithms.

    DownLoad: CSV
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    Gonzalez C R, Woods R E 2002 Digital Image Processing (2nd Ed.) (New Jersey: Prentice Hall) pp88–108


    Kwong R H, Johnston E W 1992 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 40 1633Google Scholar


    Dai Q, Pu Y F, Rahman Z, Aamir Z 2019 Symmetry Basel 11 574Google Scholar


    Benzi R, Sutera A, Vulpiani, A 1981 J. Phys. A-Math. Gen. 14 453Google Scholar


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    Simonotto E, Riani M, Seife C, Roberts M, Twitty J, Moss F 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 1186Google Scholar


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    Yang T 1998 Phys. Lett. A 245 79Google Scholar


    Delahaies A, Rousseau D, Fasqueal J B, Chapeau-Blondeau F 2012 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A: 29 1211


    Jha R K, Chouhan R 2014 Signal Image Video Process. 8 339Google Scholar


    Dylov D V, Fleischer J W 2010 Nat. Photonics 4 323Google Scholar


    Patel A, Kosko B 2011 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 59 488Google Scholar


    Itzcovich E, Riani M, Sannita W G 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 12840Google Scholar


    Van-der-Groen O, Tang M F, Wenderoth N, Mattingley J B, Jeff B 2018 PLoS Comput. Biol. 14 1


    Nnoli U 2019 Optik 195 163111Google Scholar


    Kang Y M, Xu J X, Xie Y 2005 Phys. Rev. E 72 021902Google Scholar


    Yu Y G, Richard R D, Lee T S 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 108103Google Scholar


    Ashok P, Bart K 2008 IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 19 1993


    Purves D 2011 Brains: How They Seem to Work (New Jersey : Financial Times Press Science) pp30–47


    Li Z P 2019 Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 58 1


    Fu Y X, Kang Y M, Chen G R 2020 Front. Comput. Neurosci. 14 24Google Scholar


    Rolls E L, Loh M, Deco G, Winterer G 2008 Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9 696Google Scholar


    Smith R A 1978 Siggraph Comput. Graph 12 12Google Scholar


    Lagnado L 2000 Exp. Physiol. 85 1Google Scholar


    Kang Y M, Liu R N, Mao X R 2021 Cognitive Neurodynamics 15 517Google Scholar


    Tiwari I, Phogat R, Parmananda P, Ocampo-Espindola J L, Rivera L 2016 Phys. Rev. E 94 022210Google Scholar


    Mittal A, Soundararajan R, Bovik A C 2013 IEEE Signal Process. Let. 20 209Google Scholar


    Durrant S, Kang Y M, Stocks N, Feng J F 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 011923Google Scholar


    Faisal A A, Selen L P J, Wolpert D P 2008 Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9 292Google Scholar


    Wilke S D, Eurich C 2001 W 10th Computational Neuroscience Meeting Monterey, USA, June, 2001 p1023


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  • Received Date:  25 October 2021
  • Accepted Date:  23 November 2021
  • Available Online:  26 January 2022
  • Published Online:  05 April 2022

