In the field of space object optical situational awareness by space-based optics, the current research focuses on the detecting of long distance point target, the predicting and confirming of target trajectory. It is very important to analyze the on-orbit operation status and basic physical attribution of the space object by remote imaging without any structure or texture information. The analysis method can be used effectively to support the space object status discrimination and the related decision for on-orbit maintenance. In recent years, the number of three-axis stabilization space objects in orbit has increased dramatically. In order to retrieve the optical characteristic parameters of the three-axis stabilization space object surface in a long on-orbit distance, a new method is proposed to reconstruct the macroscopic photometric characterization based on analyzing visible photometric sequence signal. Firstly, based on the principle that solar panel can receive the maximum solar radiation energy, a directing model of solar panel is proposed. Considering the structural characteristics of space object, surface material characteristics, directing characteristics of the solar panels, illumination-observation geometry and the optical system characteristics, the photometric modeling method of the space object oriented to space-based observation is improved. Secondly, the photometric model is equivalent to a two-facet model, then multi-level fusion model of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is used to characterize optical reflection characteristics of complex material surfaces of the space object, and the product of area and reflection corresponding to multi-level BRDF is taken as the parameter of the reconstruction model. Finally, the minimum error between the measured result and reconstruction model of photometric signal is used as the optimization goal, and the linear optimization method is established to realize the inversion of the model parameters. As the space object and the observing satellite are in the same orbit or near orbit condition, the simulating experiment of photometric sequence signal and reconstructing experiment of macroscopic characterization model of optical characteristics are carried out. The simulation result shows that the proposed photometric model can describe the dynamic characteristics of on-orbit space object more comprehensively. And using the on-orbit reconstruction method of the macroscopic photometric model, the photometric signal reconstruction accuracy achieves more than 97% in the near orbit condition. So it is demonstrated that the on-orbit reconstruction method is correct. The method can provide a solution of optical situational awareness for space object on space-based platform, and provides technical support for inversing the attitude and shape of space object.
- space object /
- photometric signal /
- bidirectional reflectance distribution function /
- parameter inversion
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[1] Yuan Y, Sun C M, Zhang X B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2097 (in Chinese) [袁艳, 孙成明, 张修宝 2010 59 2097]
[2] Wang H Y, Zhang W, Dong A T 2013 Measurement 46 3654
[3] Hou X Y, Zhi X Y, Zhang H L, Zhang W 2014 Proc. SPIE 9299 929914
[4] Yuan Y, Sun C M, Zhang X B, Zhao H J, Wang Q 2010 Acta Opt. Sin. 30 2748 (in Chinese) [袁艳, 孙成明, 张修宝, 赵慧洁, 王潜 2010 光学学报 30 2748]
[5] Wang H Y, Zhang W 2012 J. Mod. Opt. 59 547
[6] Wang H Y, Zhang W, Dong A T 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 7810
[7] Wang H Y, Zhang W, Wang F G 2012 Sci. China: Technol. Sci. 55 982
[8] Linares R, Shoemaker M, Walker A, Mehta P M, Palmer D M, Thompson D C, Koller J, Crassidis J L 2013 Proceedings of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference Maui, Hawaii, United States, September 10-13, 2013 p1889
[9] Coughlin J 2014 Proceedings of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference Maui, Hawaii, United States, September 9-12, 2014
[10] Calef B, Africano J, Birge B, Hall D, Kervin P 2006 Proc. SPIE 6307 6307E
[11] Hinks J C, Linares R, Crassidis J L 2013 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference Boston, MA, United States, August 19-22, 2013 p1
[12] Wetterer C J, Jah M 2009 J. Guid. Control. Dynam. 32 1648
[13] Holzinger M J, Alfriend K T, Wetterer C J, Luu K K, Sabol C, Hamada K 2014 J. Guid. Control. Dynam. 37 921
[14] Gou X R, Du X P, Liu H 2016 Laser Opt. Progress. 53 1 (in Chinese) [苟瑞新, 杜小平, 刘浩 2016 激光与光电子学进展 53 1]
[15] Zhuang X X, Ruan N J, Zhao S S 2016 Infrared Laser Eng. 45 201 (in Chinese) [庄绪霞, 阮宁娟, 赵思思 2016 红外与激光工程 45 201]
[16] Du X P, Liu H, Chen H, Gou X R, Du M J 2016 Acta Opt. Sin. 36 251 (in Chinese) [杜小平, 刘浩, 陈杭, 苟瑞新, 杜明江 2016 光学学报 36 251]
[17] Sun C M, Zhao F, Yuan Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 034202 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 赵飞, 袁艳 2015 64 034202]
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