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Synchronizability and eigenvalues of two-layer star networks

Xu Ming-Ming Lu Jun-An Zhou Jin


Synchronizability and eigenvalues of two-layer star networks

Xu Ming-Ming, Lu Jun-An, Zhou Jin
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  • From the study of multilayer networks, scientists have found that the properties of the multilayer networks show great difference from those of the traditional complex networks. In this paper, we derive strictly the spectrum of the super-Laplacian matrix and the synchronizability of two-layer star networks by applying the master stabi- lity method. Through mathematical analysis of the eigenvalues of the super-Laplacian matrix, we study how the node number, the inter-layer and the intra-layer coupling strengths influence the synchronizability of a two-layer star net-work. We find that when the synchronous region is unbounded, the synchronizability of a two-layer star network is only related to the intra-layer coupling strength between the leaf nodes or the inter-layer coupling strength of the entire network. If the synchronous region of a two-layer star network is bounded, not only the inter-layer coupling strength of the network and the intra-layer coupling strength between the leaf nodes, but also the intra-layer coupling strength between the hub nodes and the network size have influence on the synchronizability of the networks. Provided that the same inter-layer and intra-layer coupling strengths are concerned, we would further discuss the opti-mal ways of strengthening the synchronizability of a two-layer star network. If the inter-layer and intra-layer coupling strengths are far less than unity, changing the intra-layer coupling strength is the best way to enhance the synchronizability no matter what the synchronous region is. While if the coupling strengths are the same as, less than or more than unity, there will be different scenarios for the network with bounded and unbounded synchronous regions. Besides, we also discuss the synchronizability of the multilayer network with more than two layers. And then, we carry out numerical simulations and theoretical analysis of the two-layer BA scale-free networks coupled with 200 nodes and obtain very similar conclusions to that of the two-layer star networks. Finally, conclusion and discussion are given to summarize the main results and our future research interests.
      Corresponding author: Zhou Jin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61374173, 11172215).

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    Wang H J, Li Q, D'Agostino G, Havlin S, Stanley H E, Van Mieghem P 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 022801


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    Mucha P J, Richardson T, Macon K, PorterM A, Onnela J P 2010 Science 328 876


    D'Agostino G, Scala A 2014 Networks of Networks: The Last Frontier of Complexity (Berlin: Springer International Publishing) pp53-73


    Kivel M, Arenas A, Barthelemy M, Gleeson J P, Moreno Y, Porter M A 2014 J. Com. Net. 2 203


    Aguirre J, Sevilla-Escoboza R, Gutirrez R, Papo D, Buld J M 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 248701


    Um J, Minnhagen P, Kim B J 2011 Chaos 21 5712


    Lu R Q, Yu W W, L J H, Xue A K 2014 IEEE T. Neur. Net. Lear. 25 2110


    Zhang X Y, Boccaletti S, Guan S G, Liu Z H 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 038701


    Xu M M, Zhou J, Lu J A, Wu X Q 2015 Eur. Phys. J. B 88 1


    Boccaletti S, Bianconi G, Criado R, Del Genio C I, Gmez-Gardees J, Romance M, Sendia-Nadal I, Wang Z, Zanin M 2014 Phys. Rep. 544 1


    Gmez S, Daz-Guilera A, Gmez-Gardees J, Prez-Vicente C J, Moreno Y, Arenas A 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 028701


    Sol-Ribalta A, De Domenico M, Kouvaris N E, Daz-Guilera A, Gmez S, Arenas A 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 032807


    Bauch C T, Galvani A P 2013 Science 342 47


    Wang W, Tang M, Yang H, Do Y, Lai Y C, Lee G W 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 2154


    Granell C, Gmez S, Arenas A 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 128701


    Wang H J, Li Q, D'Agostino G, Havlin S, Stanley H E, Van Mieghem P 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 022801


    Ouyang B, Jin X Y, Xia Y X, Jiang L R, Wu T P 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 218902 (in Chinese) [欧阳博, 金心宇, 夏永祥, 蒋路茸, 吴端坡 2014 63 218902]


    Peng X Z, Yao H, Du J, Wang Z, Ding C 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 048901 (in Chinese) [彭兴钊, 姚宏, 杜军, 王哲, 丁超 2015 64 048901]


    Chen S M, L H, Xu Q G, Xu Y F, Lai Q 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 048902 (in Chinese) [陈世明, 吕辉, 徐青刚, 许云飞, 赖强 2015 64 048902]


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    Lu W L, Liu B, Chen T P 2010 Chaos 20 013120


    Chen L, Lu J A, Tse C K 2009 IEEE Tran. Circuits Syst.-II 56 310


    Suykens J A K, Osipov G V 2008 Chaos 18 037101


    Arenas A, Daz-Guilera A, Kurths J, Moreno Y, Zhou C 2008 Phys. Rep. 469 93


    Wu W, Chen T P 2008 IEEE T. Neur. Net. 19 319


    Han X P, Lu J A, Wu X Q 2008 Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 18 1539


    Zhou J, Lu J A, L J H 2008 Automatica 44 996


    Liu Q, Fang J Q, Li Y 2007 Commun. Theor. Phys. 47 752


    Zhou J, Lu J A, L J H 2006 IEEE T. Autmat. Contr. 51 652


    Lu X B, Wang X F, Fang J Q 2006 Phys. A 371 841


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    The Algebra Group of Teaching and Research Section of Algebra and Gemotry, Mathematics Department, Beijing University, 2003 Advanced Algebra(Third Edition) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) pp43-82 (in Chinese) [ 北京大学数学系几何与代数教研室代数小组 2003 高等代数(第三版) (北京, 高等教育出版社)第43-82页]


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  • Received Date:  07 August 2015
  • Accepted Date:  17 October 2015
  • Published Online:  20 January 2016

