The dynamic equation for the relative rotation nonlinear dynamic system with time-varying clearance is investigated. Firstly, transformation parameter is deduced by using the method of MLP; the bifurcation response equations of 1/2 harmonic resonance then are generated by the method of multiple scales, while singularity analysis is employed to obtain the transition set of steady motion; further more the bifurcation characteristic and the bifurcation of the system under the situation of non-autonomy are analyzed. Finally, numerical simulation exhibits many different motions, such as periodic motion, period-doubling motion, and chaos. It is shown that the change of clearance and damp parameters may influence the motion state of the system.
- relatively rotation /
- time-varying clearance /
- strongly nonlinear /
- chaos
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[1] Carmeli M 1985 Found. Phys. 15 175
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[6] Huang J C, Jing Zh J 2009 Chaos Solitions and Fractels 40 1449
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