Brain is a complex nonlinear dynamic system consisting of related functional regions that can be described by the complex network model. Acupoint magnetic stimulation is an equivalent external stimulus for brain, which can be used as an important technical method to study the regulation mechanism of complex nervous system. It is of great significance to research the effect of acupoint magnetic stimulation on the structure and characteristics of brain functional network. Magnetic stimulation was applied to Neiguan (PC6) and the acquired EEG data were analyzed using dual-channel nonlinear method of mutual information in time domain. The corresponding brain functional networks before, during and after a magnetic stimulation were constructed and the characteristic parameters were studied based on the complex network theory. Results show that the average degree, average clustering coefficient and global efficiency of the brain functional network were increased under magnetic stimulation frequency of 3 Hz, while the average path length was reduced. The small world attribution of the corresponding functional network was enhanced, which made the information transfer among brain regions more efficiently. The brain functional networks under acupoint magnetic stimulation is studied for the first time as far as we know, which provides a new idea and approach to investigate the effect and regulation mechanism of transcutaneous acupoint magnetic stimulation to the complex nervous system.
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[1] Zhang F F, Zheng Z G 2012 J. Shanghai Univ. Sci. Tech. 34 138 (in Chinese) [张方风, 郑志刚 2012 上海理工大学学报 34 138]
[2] Kaiser-Bunbury C N, Muff S, Memmott J, Mller C B, Caflisch A 2010 Ecol. Lett. 13 442
[3] Ouyang M, Fei Q, Yu M H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6763 (in Chinese) [欧阳敏, 费奇, 余明晖 2008 57 6763]
[4] Zhou L, Gong Z Q, Zhi R, Feng G L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7380 (in Chinese) [周磊, 龚志强, 支蓉, 封国林 2008 57 7380]
[5] Zhang L, Liu Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5419 (in Chinese) [张立, 刘云 2008 57 5419]
[6] Zheng X, Chen J P, Shao J L, Bie L D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 190510 (in Chinese) [郑啸, 陈建平, 邵佳丽, 别立东 2012 61 190510]
[7] Liu H K, Zhou T 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 106 (in Chinese) [刘宏鲲, 周涛 2007 56 106]
[8] Colombo E, Alcalay M, Pelicci P G 2011 Oncogene 30 2595
[9] Friston K J 1994 Hum. Brain Mapp. 2 56
[10] Stam C J, de Haan W, Daffertshofer A, Jones B F, Manshanden I, van Cappellen van Walsum A M, Montez T, Verbunt J P A, de Munck J C, van Dijk B W, Berendse H W, Scheltens P 2009 Brain 132 213
[11] Li L, Jin Z L, Li B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 048703 (in Chinese) [李凌, 金贞兰, 李斌 2011 60 048703]
[12] Smit D J A, Stam C J, Posthuma D, Boomsma D I, de Geus E J C 2008 Hum. Brain Mapp. 29 1368
[13] Li L, Jin Z L, Li B 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 038701
[14] Micheloyannis S, Pachou E, Stam C J, Breakspear M, Bitsios P, Vourkas M, Erimaki S, Zervakis M 2006 Schizophr. Res. 87 60
[15] Fang X L, Jiang Z L 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 7330 (in Chinese) [方小玲, 姜宗来 2007 56 7330]
[16] Bian R J, Wang J, Han C X, Deng B, Wei X L, Che Y Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 118701 (in Chinese) [边洪瑞, 王江, 韩春晓, 邓斌, 魏熙乐, 车艳秋 2011 60 118701]
[17] Han C X, Wang J, Che Y Q, Deng B, Guo Yi, Guo Y M, Liu Y Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5881 (in Chinese) [韩春晓, 王江, 车艳秋, 邓斌, 郭义, 郭永明, 刘阳阳 2010 59 5881]
[18] Li N, Wang J, Deng B, Wei X L, Che Y Q, Jia C H, Guo Y, Wang C 2011 Acup. Res. 36 278 (in Chinese) [李诺, 王江, 邓斌, 魏熙乐, 车艳秋, 贾晨辉, 郭义, 王超 2011 针刺研究 36 278]
[19] Luo X L, Wang J, Han C X, Deng B, Wei X L, Bian H R 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 028701
[20] Xu G Z, Zhang X, Yang Q X, Yang S, Yan W L 2010 Trans. Chin. Electrotech. Soc. 25 34 (in Chinese) [徐桂芝, 张秀, 杨庆新, 杨硕, 颜威利 2010 电工技术学报 25 34]
[21] Shannon C E 1949 Bell Syst. Tech. J. 28 656
[22] Albert R, Barabasi A L 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 47
[23] Latora V, Marchiori M 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 198701
[24] Watts D J, Strogatz S H 1998 Nature 393 440
[25] Humphries M D, Gurney K, Prescott T J 2006 Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 273 503
[26] Sui D N, Zhao Q B, Tang Y Y 2010 Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 018702
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