By solving a self-consistent equation for the ferromagnetic d-wave superconducting gap and the exchange energy, we study the Josephson current in the ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor/ferromagnet/ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor junctions. In the Josephson critical current, there are two oscillation components with different periods. It is found that the short-period component can be separated from the long-period one by increasing the exchange energy in ferromagnet and the barrier strength at the ferromagnet/ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor interface, and vice versa. Under a certain thickness for the ferromagnet, exchange energy for the ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor may increase the critical current in the case of a parallel alignment of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor.
- ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor /
- ferromagnet /
- Josephson current
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[1] Aprili M, Kontos T, Lesueur J, Stephanidis B, Genêt F, Boursier R 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 137007
[2] Ryazanov V V, Rusanov A Y, Oboznov V A, Golubov A A, Veretennikov A V, Aarts J 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 2427
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[4] Bolginov V V, Oboznov V A, Feofanov A K, Buzdin A I, Ryazanov V V 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 197003
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[8] Bannykh A A, Pfeiffer J, Stolyarov V S, Batov I E, Ryazanov V V, Weides M 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 054501
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[12] Wu Y H, Wang Z Y, Shen R 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8591 (in Chinese) [吴义华, 王振彦, 沈瑞 2009 58 8591]
[13] Fortune N A, Radovan H, Murphy T P, Palm E C, Hannahs S T, Hall D, Tozer S W 2003 Nature 425 51
[14] Saxena S S, Ahilan K, Agarwal P, Grosche F M, Haselwimmer R K W, Steiner M J, Pugh E, Braithwaite D, Julian S R, Flouquet J, Huxley A, Lonzarich G G, Sheikin I, Walker I R, Monthoux P 2000 Nature 406 587
[15] Aoki D, Huxley A, Braithwaite D, Ressouche E, Brison J P, Flouquet J, Paulsen C, Lhotel E 2001 Nature 413 613
[16] Rourke P M C, Turel C S, Tanatar M A, Berdeklis J, Wei J Y T, Petrovic C 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 107005
[17] Park W K, Greene L H, Sarrao J L, Thompson J D 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 052509
[18] Cui Q H, Hu C R, Wei J Y T, Yang K 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 214514
[19] Wang Q, Hu C R, Ting C S 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 214501
[20] Tanaka Y, Asano Y, Ichioka M, Kashiwaya S 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 077001
[21] Spehling J, Heffner R H, Sonier J E, Curro N 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 237003
[22] Park W K, Greene L H 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 103203
[23] White J S, Das P, Eskildsen M R, Petrovic C 2010 New J. Phys. 12 23026
[24] Liang Z P, Dong Z C 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1288 (in Chinese) [梁志鹏, 董正超 2010 59 1288]
[25] Yang K, Sondhi S L 1988 Phys. Rev. B 57 8566
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[27] Andree A F 1964{\it} Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 46 1823
[28] De Gennes P G 1965 Superconductivity of Metals and Aollys (New York: Benjamin)
[29] Furusaki A, Tsukada M 1991 Solid State Commun. 78 299
[30] Fulde P, Ferrell R A 1964 Phys. Rev. A 135 550
[31] Larkin A I, Ovchinnikov Y N 1964 Zh. Eksp. Tero. Fiz. 47 1136
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