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The lysogeny/lysis switch and entropies of stationary states in λ phage

Feng Wei Ding Hui Lin Hao Luo Liao-Fu


The lysogeny/lysis switch and entropies of stationary states in λ phage

Feng Wei, Ding Hui, Lin Hao, Luo Liao-Fu
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  • The system of Escherichia coli infected by λ phage is one of the templates for quantitative study of regulated networks. In this article, according to the characteristics of the interactions between operators and regulators, the probabilities of regulators binding to operators are described by thermodynamic partition function. On the basis of bifurcation analysis of this regulated network, the entropies of stationary states are calculated. Results show that the entropies of both lysogenic state and lytic state are lower than those of saddle-point and bifurcation point states. Moreover, we find that the lysogenic state has lower entropy than lytic state, which proves that the lysogenic state has a higher biological order.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11047180, 90403010, 200408020102) and the Scientific Research Startup Foundation of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

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    Arkin A, Ross J, McAdams H H 1998 Genetics 149 1633


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    Wang S Y, Zhang Y P, Ouyang Q 2006 Phys. Rev. E 73 041922


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    Morelli M J, Wolde P R, Allen R J 2009 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106 8101


    Werner M, Aurell E 2009 Phys. Biol. 6 046007


    Avlund M, Krishna S, Semsey S, Dodd I B, Sneppen K 2010 PLoS One 5 e15037


    Cao Y, Lu H M, Liang J 2010 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107 18445


    Joh R I, Weitz J S 2011 PLOS Comput. Biol. 7 e1002006


    Nicolis G, Prigogine I 1977 Self-Organization in Nonequilibrium Systems (New York: Wiley Publishing)


    Lehninger A L 1982 Principles of Biochemistry (Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors)


    Ding H, Luo L 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 098701


    Ding H, Luo L F, Lin H 2011 Commun. Theor. Phys. 55 371


    Luo L F 2009 Front. Phys. China 4 122


    Stoll G, Rougemont J, Naef F 2006 Bioinformatics 22 2539


    Schrödinger E 1945 What is Life? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p24


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  • Received Date:  12 December 2011
  • Accepted Date:  16 February 2012
  • Published Online:  05 August 2012

