Due to the fact that the error exists in the priori wind direction for the problem of synthetic aperture radar data sea surface wind field retrieval, the regularization method is used to retrieve the wind field, while the L-curve method is adopted to select the optimal regularization parameter. Simulation experiments show that the retrieval accuracy of the regularization method is better than that of the variational method. Further researches in different true wind direction situations indicate that when the real wind direction is in the vicinity of 45 ° or 135 °, the wind speed retrieval accuracy is higher, when the real wind direction is in the vicinity of 0 ° or 90 °, the wind direction retrieval accuracy is higher, this phenomenon may be related to the derivative of backscatter cross section with respect to the wind direction in geophysical model function.
- synthetic aperture radar /
- regularization /
- L-curve /
- variational assimilation
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[1] Zecchetto S, Biasio D 2008 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 46 2983
[2] Monaldo F, Thompson D R, Pichel W G, Clemente C P 2004 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 42 283
[3] Wolfgang K 2004 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 42 702
[4] Gladeston C L, Ushizima D M, Medeiros N S, Lima G G 2010 Sensors 10 5994
[5] Choisnard J, Laroche S 2008 J. Geophys. Res. 113 C05006
[6] Portabella M, Stoffelen A, Johannessen J A 2002 J. Geophys. Res. 107 3086
[7] Portabella M 2002 Ph. D. Dissertation (Barcelona: University of Barcelona)
[8] Walker N, Woodhouse I H, Cameron I D 2007 Proceedings of International Geoscience Remote Sensing Symposium (Barcelona: IEEE) p3273
[9] Quilfen Y, Chapron B, Elfouhaily T M, Katsaros K, Tournadre J 1998 J. Geophys. Res. 103 7767
[10] Stoffelen A, Anderson D 1997 J. Geophys. Res. 102 5767
[11] Hersbach H, Stoffelen A, Haan S D 2007 J. Geophys. Res. 112 C03006
[12] Kalnay E 2005 Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability (Beijing: China Meteorological Press)p141 (in Chinese)
[13] Cardinali C, Pezzulli S, Andersson E 2004 Quart. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 130 2767
[14] Tikhonov A N 1963 Soviet Math. Dokl. 5 1035
[15] Huang S X, Wu R S 2005 Mathematical and Physical Problem in Atmospheric Science (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) p422 (in Chinese) [黄思训、 伍荣生 2005 大气科学中的数学物理问题 (北京: 气象出版社) 第422页]
[16] Jiang Z H, Huang S X, Du H D, Liu B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8968 (in Chinese) [姜祝辉、 黄思训、 杜华栋、 刘 博 2010 59 8968]
[17] Cai Q F, Huang S X, Gao S T, Zhong K, Li Z Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3912 (in Chinese) [蔡其发、 黄思训、 高守亭、 钟 科、 李自强 2008 57 3912]
[18] Sheng Z, Huang S X 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1738 (in Chinese) [盛 峥、 黄思训2010 59 1738]
[19] Sheng Z, Huang S X 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3912 (in Chinese) [盛 峥、 黄思训 2010 59 3912]
[20] Engl H W, Grever W 1994 Numer. Math. 69 25
[21] Hansen P C, O’Leary D P 2003 SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14 1487
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