Basing on the accurate Gaussian analytical solution of a pair of (1+2)D optical spatial solitons with symmetrical oblique incidence,we investigated the short-range interactions in the strongly nonlocal nonlinear media.Two solitons in close proximity can be intertraped via the strong nonlocality ,and propagate together in a stable spiral and the trajectory of mass center of solitons will deflect because of the phase difference and the ratio of the power of two solitons under the condition of momentum conservation. It is possible to find its application in planar all-optical interconnection in bulk media.We analyszed the evolution of the Poynting vector as they propagate through the strongly nonlocal media.
- strongly nonlocal nonlinear media /
- three-dimensional optical spatial solitons /
- short-range interactions /
- Poynting vector
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[1] Snyder A W , Mitcher D J 1997 Science 276 1538
[2] Bang O, Krolikowski W ,Wyller J, Rasmussen J J 2002 Physical Review E 66 046619
[3] Conti C,Peccianti M, Assanto G 2003 Physical Review Lett. 91 073901
[4] Conti C,Peccianti M, Assanto G 2003 Physical Review Lett. 92 113902
[5] Zhang X P, Guo Q 2005 Acta Phys.Sin. 54 3178(in Chinese) [张霞萍、郭 旗 2005 54 3178]
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[7] Zhang X P, Guo Q 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5189(in Chinese) [张霞萍、郭 旗、胡 巍 2005 54 5189]
[8] Guo Q ,Luo B, Yi F 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 016602
[9] Rotschild C,Cohen O,Manela O,Segev M 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 213904
[10] Alfassi B,Rotschild C,Manela O,Segev M ,Christodoulides D N 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 213901
[11] Ouyang S G,Hu W, Guo Q 2007 Physical Review A 76 053832
[12] Hu W ,Ouyang S G Yang P B, Guo Q 2008 Physical Review A 77 033842
[13] Deng D M, Guo Q 2009 New Journal of Physics 11 103029
[14] Zhang X P, Liu Y W 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 58 8332 (in Chinese)[张霞萍、刘友文 2009 58 8332]
[15] Zheng Y J,Xuan W T,Lu D Q,Ouyang S G,Hu W ,Guo Q 2010 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 1875 (in Chinese)[郑亚建、宣文涛、陆大全、欧阳世根、胡 巍、郭 旗 2010 59 1875]
[16] Hu W ,T Zhang,Guo Q, Xuan L,Lan S 2006 Appl.Phys.Lett. 89 071111
[17] Stegeman G I, Segev M 1999 Science 286 1518
[18] Gordon J P 1983 Opt.Lett. 8 596
[19] Rasmussen P D,Bang O,Kmlikowski W 2005 Phys. Rev. E 72 066611
[20] Yakimenko A I,Lashkin V M,Prikhodko O O 2006 Phys. Rev. E 73 066605
[21] Greiner W 1989 Quantum Mechanics:An Introduction 1989 (4th Ed.)(Berlin,Heidelberg,New York:Springer-Verlag)
[22] Allen L,Padgett M J,Babiker M 1999 Prog. Opt. 39 291
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