A Logistic-Unified hybrid chaotic system is generated. In this system, following the random changing of the state variable values of the Logistic map, the parameter values of the Unified system can be modulated randomly, and the Logistic-Unified hybrid chaotic system can be switched between the generalized Lorenz system, Lü system and generalized Chen system randomly. The extremely complicated chaotic signal is generated via the Logistic-Unified hybrid chaotic system. The Logistic-Unified hybrid chaotic system is realized based on digital signal processing (DSP). Hardware experiments and software simulation are completely consistent, and the results demonstrate the validily of the theoretical analysis.
- Logistic-Unified hybrid chaotic system /
- switching law /
- Lyapunov exponents /
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[1] Cheng D Z, Guo Y Q 2005 Contr. Theory and Appl. 22 954(in Chinese) [程代展、 郭宇骞 2005 控制理论与应用 22 954]
[2] Lü J H, Chen G 2006 Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 16 775
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[5] Zhang Y J, Wang C P, Wang G Y,Xu N, Wang Z L2009 J. China Unier. Posts Telecom. 16 122
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[10] Wang F Q, Liu C X2007 Chin.Phys.16 942
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[15] Qi G Y2006Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 16 859
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[17] Liu Y Z, Lin C S,Wang Z L2010 Acta Phys. Sin.59 8407 (in Chinese)[刘扬正、林长圣、王忠林 2010 59 8407]
[18] Guan Z H, David J H, Shen X M2004 International conference on control,Automation,Robotics and Vision Kunming China 320
[19] Li Y X, Chen G R, Wallace K S T2005 IEEE.Trans.Circuits Syst-Ⅱ 52 204
[20] Wu X Q, Wang J J, Lu J A, Herbert H C I2007 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 321485
[21] Ge Z M,Yang K W2007 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals33246
[22] Wang H, Han Z Z,Xie Q Y, Zhang W2009 Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 14 2239
[23] Grzybowsk J M V, Rafikov M, Balthazar J M2009 Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 14 2793
[24] Danca M F, Wallace K S T, Chen G R2008 Applied Mathematics and Computation 201 650
[25] Lin C X, Hao J H2008 J. Dynam. Contr. 6 254(in Chinese)[林彩霞、郝建红2008动力学与控制学报6 254]
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