Uridine 3′, 5′-cyclic phosphate (c-UMP) crystal is colourless and transparent. The molecular formula is C9,H11O8N2P. The crystal belongs to monoclinic system and its space group is C21-P2. The parameters of unit cell are as follows: a = 10.767(6)?, b = 7.152 (4)?, c = 10.414 (5)? and β = 112.77(31)°. There are two molecules in an unit cell (Z = 2). The diffraction data were collected using PW-1100 four circle dif-fractometer. The number of independent diffraction data amounts to 1658. The structure was determined by applying Patterson analysis, direct method and Fourier synthesis. There are some solvate molecules whose distribution exhibit partial disorder in an unit cell. The structure parameters have been refined by means of block-matrix least-square method, R - 0.084.