One of the most fundamental quantities in the study of various parametric applications of the varactors is its nonlinear characteristics. The required pumping power can be greatly reduced if a varactor having much higher nonlinearity is employed. For the purpose of studying either lower pumping applications or non-sinusoidal pumping applications of the varactor, a knowledge of both the fundamental and the harmonics of the pumped time-varying parameters of the varactors is highly desirable. An analysis on the proper selection and normalization of the non-linear characteristics of the varactor is offered. A graphical method to analyze the fundamental and the harmonics of the pumped time-varying parameters was employed, and curves relating these components to the nonlinearity of the varactor γ, and the pumping voltage ratio m1 were obtained. These curves serve as one of the fundamental references in various varactor parametric applications. Sample applications are also included as illustrations.