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邓珊珊 宋平 刘潇贺 姚森 赵谦毅



邓珊珊, 宋平, 刘潇贺, 姚森, 赵谦毅

Enhancement of magnetic susceptibility of Mn3Sn single crystal under GPa-level uniaxial stress

Deng Shan-Shan, Song Ping, Liu Xiao-He, Yao Sen, Zhao Qian-Yi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 如何在室温下实现非共线反铁磁Mn3Sn自旋的调控是一项挑战. 本文通过对Mn3Sn单晶施加GPa级单轴应力调控其磁结构, 发现随着应力的增大, 晶格常数a逐渐减小. 此外, GPa级单轴应力下Mn3Sn的磁化率(χ)不同于MPa级单轴应力下的结果, 其值不再是一个定值, 而是随着应力的增大而增大. 当沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $方向施加1.12 GPa应力后, χ达到0.0203 μB/(f.u.·T); 当沿$ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向施加1.11 GPa应力后, χ达到0.0332 μB/(f.u.·T), 为未变形样品的2.4倍. 进一步的实验结果表明, GPa级的单轴应力打破了kagome晶格的面内六边形的对称性, 从而改变Mn原子间的交换相互作用, 增强体系的反铁磁耦合作用, 使χ不再是一个定值. 这一发现将会为反铁磁自旋调控提供新的思路.
    How to achieve spin control of noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Sn at room temperature is a challenge. In this study, we modulate the magnetic structure of Mn3Sn single crystals by subjecting them to uniaxial stress at the GPa level using a high-pressure combined deformation method. Initially, the single crystal is sliced into regular cuboids, then embedded in a stainless steel sleeve, and finally, uniaxial stress is applied along the $ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $ direction and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ direction of the Mn3Sn single crystal. Under high stress, the single crystal undergoes plastic deformation. Our observations reveal lattice distortion in the deformed single crystal, with the lattice parameter gradually decreasing as the stress level increases. In addition, the magnetic susceptibility of Mn3Sn under GPa uniaxial stress (χ) is different from that under MPa uniaxial stress, and its value is no longer fixed but increases with the increase of stress. When 1.12 GPa stress is applied in the $ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $ direction, χ reaches 0.0203 $ {\text{μ}}_{\text{B}}\cdot{\text{f.u.}}^{{-1}}\cdot{\text{T}}^{{-1}} $, which is 1.42 times that of the undeformed sample. In the case of stress applied along the $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ direction, χ ≈ 0.0332 $ {\text{μ}}_{\text{B}}\cdot{\text{f.u.}}^{{-1}}\cdot{\text{T}}^{{-1}} $ when the stress is 1.11 GPa. This result is also 2.66 times greater than the reported results. We further calculate the values of trimerization parameter (ξ), isotropic Heisenberg exchange interaction (J), and anisotropic energy (δ) of the system under different stresses. Our results show that ξ gradually increases, J gradually decreases, and δ gradually increases with the increase of stress. These results show that the GPa uniaxial stress introduces anisotropic strain energy into the single crystal, breaking the symmetry of the in-plane hexagon of the kagome lattice, which causes the bond length of the two equilateral triangles composed of Mn atoms to change. Thus, the exchange coupling between Mn atoms in the system is affected, the anisotropy of the system is enhanced, and the antiferromagnetic coupling of the system is enhanced. Therefore, the system χ is no longer a constant value and gradually increases with the increase of stress. This discovery will provide new ideas for regulating the anti-ferromagnetic spin.
      通信作者: 宋平, psong@ysu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 52101233, 51931007, U22A20116, 52071279, 52101234, 52371200)、河北省自然科学基金(批准号: E2022203010)和河北省创新能力提升工程(批准号: 22567605H)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Song Ping, psong@ysu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52101233, 51931007, U22A20116, 52071279, 52101234, 52371200), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. E2022203010), and the Innovation Capability Improvement Project of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. 22567605H).

    Nakatsuji S, Kiyohara N, Higo T 2015 Nature 527 212Google Scholar


    Li X, Koo J, Zhu Z, Behnia K, Yan B 2023 Nat. Commun. 14 1642Google Scholar


    Singh C, Singh V, Pradhan G, Srihari V, Poswal H K, Nath R, Nandy A K, Nayak A K 2020 Phys. Rev. Res. 2 043366Google Scholar


    Higo T, Qu D R, Li Y F, Chien C L, Otani Y, Nakatsuji S 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 202402Google Scholar


    Matsuda T, Higo T, Koretsune T, Kanda N, Hirai Y, Peng H, Matsuo T, Yoshikawa N, Shimano R, Nakatsuji S, Matsunaga R 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 126302Google Scholar


    Bai Y, Wang Z, Lei N, Muhammad W, Xiang L F, Li Q, Lai H L, Zhu Y Y, Wang W B, Guo H W, Yin L F, Wu R Q, Shen J 2022 Chin. Phys. Lett. 39 108501Google Scholar


    Rout P K, Madduri P V P, Manna S K, Nayak A K 2019 Phys. Rev. B 99 094430Google Scholar


    Yan J, Luo X, Lv H Y, Sun Y, Tong P, Lu W J, Zhu X B, Song W H, Sun Y P 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 115 102404Google Scholar


    Low A, Ghosh S, Changdar S, Routh S, Purwar S, Thirupathaiah S 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 144429Google Scholar


    Xiong D R, Jiang Y H, Zhu D Q, Du A, Guo Z X, Lu S Y, Wang C X, Xia Q T, Zhu D P, Zhao W S 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 057501Google Scholar


    Ma H Y, Yin J X, Hasan M Z, Liu J P 2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 047103Google Scholar


    Guo G Y, Wang T C 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 224415Google Scholar


    Ikhlas M, Tomita T, Koretsune T, Suzuki M T, Nishio-Hamane D, Arita R, Otani Y, Nakatsuji S 2017 Nat. Phys. 13 1085Google Scholar


    Miwa S, Iihama S, Nomoto T, Tomita T, Higo T, Ikhlas M, Sakamoto S, Otani Y, Mizukami S, Arita R, Nakatsuji S 2021 Small Science 1 2000062Google Scholar


    Higo T, Man H, Gopman D B, Wu L, Koretsune T, van’t Erve O M J, Kabanov Y P, Rees D, Li Y, Suzuki M T, Patankar S, Ikhlas M, Chien C L, Arita R, Shull R D, Orenstein J, Nakatsuji S 2018 Nat. Photonics. 12 73Google Scholar


    Jungwirth T, Marti X, Wadley P, Wunderlich J 2016 Nat. Nanotechnol. 11 231Google Scholar


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    Cui B, Cheng B, Hu J F 2021 Chin. Sci. Bull. 66 2042Google Scholar


    闫君, 孙莹, 王聪, 史再兴, 邓司浩, 史可文, 卢会清 2014 63 167502Google Scholar

    Yan J, Sun Y, Wang C, Shi Z X, Deng S H, Shi K W, Lu H Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 167502Google Scholar


    张源, 胡新宁, 崔春艳, 崔旭, 牛飞飞, 黄兴, 王路忠, 王秋良, 2023 72 128401Google Scholar

    Zhang Y, Hu X N, Cui C Y, Cui X, Niu F F, Huang X, Wang L Z, Wang Q L 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 128401Google Scholar


    张志东 2015 64 067503Google Scholar

    Zhang Z D 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 067503Google Scholar


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    An N, Tang M, Hu S, Yang H L, Fan W J, Zhou S M, Qiu X P 2020 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 63 297511Google Scholar


    Li X K, Jiang S, Meng Q K, Zuo H K, Zhu Z W, Balents L, Behnia K 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 L020402Google Scholar


    Yu T Y, Liu R, Peng Y R, Zheng P Y, Wang G W, Ma X B, Yuan Z H, Yin Z P 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 205103Google Scholar


    赵巍胜, 黄阳棋, 张学莹, 康旺, 雷娜, 张有光 2018 67 131205Google Scholar

    Zhao W S, Huang Y Q, Zhang X Y, Kang W, Lei N, Zhang Y G 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 131205Google Scholar


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    Tan B, Gao D, Deng D F, Chen S Y, Bi L, Liu D H, Liu T 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 067501Google Scholar


    Nagamiya T 1979 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 46 787Google Scholar


    Kuroda K, Tomita T, Suzuki M T, Bareille C, Nugroho A A, Goswami P, Ochi M, Ikhlas M, Nakayama M, Akebi S, Noguchi R, Ishii R, Inami N, Ono K, Kumigashira H, Varykhalov A, Muro T, Koretsune T, Arita R, Shin S, Kondo T, Nakatsuji S 2017 Nat. Mater. 16 1090Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  (a) Mn3Sn晶体结构图; (b) Mn3Sn磁结构图; (c), (d) Sn助熔剂法制得的单晶; (e)晶向标定示意图

    Fig. 1.  (a) Mn3Sn crystal structure diagram; (b) Mn3Sn magnetic structure diagram; (c), (d) single crystal obtained by Sn flux method; (e) crystal orientation calibration diagram.

    图 2  Mn3Sn单晶高压变形示意图

    Fig. 2.  Schematic diagram of Mn3Sn single crystal deformation under high pressure.

    图 3  (a), (b)沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $, $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向施加应力变形前后的XRD图; (c), (e)变形前$ \text{(11}\bar{2}\text{0)} $, $ \text{(01}\bar{1}\text{0)} $晶面的HRTEM图; (d), (f)变形前$ \text{(11}\bar{2}\text{0)} $, $ \text{(01}\bar{1}\text{0)} $晶面的SAED图; (g), (h)变形后$ \text{(11}\bar{2}\text{0)} $晶面的HRTEM图; (i), (j)变形后$ \text{(01}\bar{1}\text{0)} $晶面的HRTEM图

    Fig. 3.  (a), (b) XRD patterns before and after stress deformation along $ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $ and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ directions; (c), (e) HRTEM images of $ \text{(11}\bar{2}\text{0)} $ and $ \text{(01}\bar{1}\text{0)} $ crystal faces before deformation; (d), (f) SAED patterns of $ \text{(11}\bar{2}\text{0)} $ and $ \text{(01}\bar{1}\text{0)} $ crystal faces before deformation; (g), (h) HRTEM images of $ \text{(11}\bar{2}\text{0)} $ crystal face after deformation; (i), (j) HRTEM images of $ \text{(01}\bar{1}\text{0)} $ crystal face after deformation.

    图 4  (a), (b)沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $, $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向变形前后样品的磁滞回线; (c), (d)沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $, $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向变形前后样品的磁化率χ和剩磁Mr随应力的变化

    Fig. 4.  (a), (b) Hysteresis loops of samples before and after deformation along $ \text{}\text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]}\text{} $ and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ directions; (c), (d) the changes of magnetic susceptibility χ and remanence Mr of sample demagnetization curve with stress before and after deformation along $ \text{}\text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]}\text{} $ and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ directions.

    图 5  (a), (b)沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $, $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向变形前后三聚参数ξ随应力的变化; (c), (d)黑色曲线为沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $, $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向施加应力前后单晶的各向同性海森伯交换作用J, 红色曲线为沿$ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]} $, $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $方向施加应力前后单晶的各向异性能δ

    Fig. 5.  (a), (b) Changes of trimerization parameters ξ with stress before and after deformation along $ \text{}\text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]}\text{} $ and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ directions. (c), (d) The black curve shows the isotropic Heisenberg exchange J of a single crystal before and after stress is applied in along $ \text{}\text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]}\text{} $ and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ directions. The red curve shows the anisotropic energy δ of a single crystal before and after stress is applied in $ \text{[11}\bar{2}\text{0]}\text{} $ and $ \text{[01}\bar{1}\text{0]} $ directions.

  • [1]

    Nakatsuji S, Kiyohara N, Higo T 2015 Nature 527 212Google Scholar


    Li X, Koo J, Zhu Z, Behnia K, Yan B 2023 Nat. Commun. 14 1642Google Scholar


    Singh C, Singh V, Pradhan G, Srihari V, Poswal H K, Nath R, Nandy A K, Nayak A K 2020 Phys. Rev. Res. 2 043366Google Scholar


    Higo T, Qu D R, Li Y F, Chien C L, Otani Y, Nakatsuji S 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 202402Google Scholar


    Matsuda T, Higo T, Koretsune T, Kanda N, Hirai Y, Peng H, Matsuo T, Yoshikawa N, Shimano R, Nakatsuji S, Matsunaga R 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 126302Google Scholar


    Bai Y, Wang Z, Lei N, Muhammad W, Xiang L F, Li Q, Lai H L, Zhu Y Y, Wang W B, Guo H W, Yin L F, Wu R Q, Shen J 2022 Chin. Phys. Lett. 39 108501Google Scholar


    Rout P K, Madduri P V P, Manna S K, Nayak A K 2019 Phys. Rev. B 99 094430Google Scholar


    Yan J, Luo X, Lv H Y, Sun Y, Tong P, Lu W J, Zhu X B, Song W H, Sun Y P 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 115 102404Google Scholar


    Low A, Ghosh S, Changdar S, Routh S, Purwar S, Thirupathaiah S 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 144429Google Scholar


    Xiong D R, Jiang Y H, Zhu D Q, Du A, Guo Z X, Lu S Y, Wang C X, Xia Q T, Zhu D P, Zhao W S 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 057501Google Scholar


    Ma H Y, Yin J X, Hasan M Z, Liu J P 2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 047103Google Scholar


    Guo G Y, Wang T C 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 224415Google Scholar


    Ikhlas M, Tomita T, Koretsune T, Suzuki M T, Nishio-Hamane D, Arita R, Otani Y, Nakatsuji S 2017 Nat. Phys. 13 1085Google Scholar


    Miwa S, Iihama S, Nomoto T, Tomita T, Higo T, Ikhlas M, Sakamoto S, Otani Y, Mizukami S, Arita R, Nakatsuji S 2021 Small Science 1 2000062Google Scholar


    Higo T, Man H, Gopman D B, Wu L, Koretsune T, van’t Erve O M J, Kabanov Y P, Rees D, Li Y, Suzuki M T, Patankar S, Ikhlas M, Chien C L, Arita R, Shull R D, Orenstein J, Nakatsuji S 2018 Nat. Photonics. 12 73Google Scholar


    Jungwirth T, Marti X, Wadley P, Wunderlich J 2016 Nat. Nanotechnol. 11 231Google Scholar


    Bauer G E W, Saitoh E, Van Wees B J 2012 Nat. Mater. 11 391Google Scholar


    Cui B, Cheng B, Hu J F 2021 Chin. Sci. Bull. 66 2042Google Scholar


    闫君, 孙莹, 王聪, 史再兴, 邓司浩, 史可文, 卢会清 2014 63 167502Google Scholar

    Yan J, Sun Y, Wang C, Shi Z X, Deng S H, Shi K W, Lu H Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 167502Google Scholar


    张源, 胡新宁, 崔春艳, 崔旭, 牛飞飞, 黄兴, 王路忠, 王秋良, 2023 72 128401Google Scholar

    Zhang Y, Hu X N, Cui C Y, Cui X, Niu F F, Huang X, Wang L Z, Wang Q L 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 128401Google Scholar


    张志东 2015 64 067503Google Scholar

    Zhang Z D 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 067503Google Scholar


    Fang H W, Lyu M, Su H, Yuan J, Li Y W, Xu L X, Liu S, Wei L Y, Liu X Q, Yang H F, Yao Q, Wang M X, Guo Y F, Shi W J, Chen Y L, Liu E K, Liu Z K 2023 Sci. China Mater. 66 2032Google Scholar


    An N, Tang M, Hu S, Yang H L, Fan W J, Zhou S M, Qiu X P 2020 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 63 297511Google Scholar


    Li X K, Jiang S, Meng Q K, Zuo H K, Zhu Z W, Balents L, Behnia K 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 L020402Google Scholar


    Yu T Y, Liu R, Peng Y R, Zheng P Y, Wang G W, Ma X B, Yuan Z H, Yin Z P 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 205103Google Scholar


    赵巍胜, 黄阳棋, 张学莹, 康旺, 雷娜, 张有光 2018 67 131205Google Scholar

    Zhao W S, Huang Y Q, Zhang X Y, Kang W, Lei N, Zhang Y G 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 131205Google Scholar


    谭碧, 高栋, 邓登福, 陈姝瑶, 毕磊, 刘冬华, 刘涛 2024 73 067501Google Scholar

    Tan B, Gao D, Deng D F, Chen S Y, Bi L, Liu D H, Liu T 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 067501Google Scholar


    Nagamiya T 1979 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 46 787Google Scholar


    Kuroda K, Tomita T, Suzuki M T, Bareille C, Nugroho A A, Goswami P, Ochi M, Ikhlas M, Nakayama M, Akebi S, Noguchi R, Ishii R, Inami N, Ono K, Kumigashira H, Varykhalov A, Muro T, Koretsune T, Arita R, Shin S, Kondo T, Nakatsuji S 2017 Nat. Mater. 16 1090Google Scholar


    Song C, You Y F, Chen X Z, Zhou X F, Wang Y Y, Pan F 2018 Nanotechnology 29 112001Google Scholar


    Baltz V, Manchon A, Tsoi M, Moriyama T, Ono T, Tserkovnyak Y 2018 Rev. Mod. Phys. 90 015005Google Scholar


    Coileáin C Ó, Wu H C 2017 SPIN 07 1740014Google Scholar


    Jungfleisch M B, Zhang W, Hoffmann A 2018 Phys. Lett. A 382 865Google Scholar


    Němec P, Fiebig M, Kampfrath T, Kimel A V 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 229Google Scholar


    Wadley P, Howells B, Železný J, Andrews C, Hills V, Campion R P, Novák V, Olejník K, Maccherozzi F, Dhesi S S, Martin S Y, Wagner T, Wunderlich J, Freimuth F, Mokrousov Y, Kuneš J, Chauhan J S, Grzybowski M J, Rushforth A W, Edmonds K W, Gallagher B L, Jungwirth T 2016 Science 351 587Google Scholar


    Sokolov D A, Kikugawa N, Helm T, Borrmann H, Burkhardt U, Cubitt R, White J S, Ressouche E, Bleuel M, Kummer K, Mackenzie A P, Rößler U K 2019 Nat. Phys. 15 671Google Scholar


    Deng Y C, Liu X H, Chen Y, Du Z, Jiang N, Shen C, Zhang E Z, Zheng H Z, Lu H Z, Wang K Y 2023 Natl. Sci. Rev. 10 nwac154Google Scholar


    Liu X H, Feng Q, Zhang D, Deng Y C, Dong S, Zhang E Z, Li W, Lu Q, Chang K, Wang K Y 2023 Adv. Mater. 35 2211634Google Scholar


    Liu X H, Zhang D, Deng Y C, Jiang N, Zhang E Z, Shen C, Chang K, Wang K Y 2024 ACS Nano 18 1013Google Scholar


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