海洋波导环境中声场的极化特性可为水下目标探测提供新思路, 因此对极化特性进行研究很有意义. 本文将Stokes参数扩展到宽带形式, 利用非平稳相位近似方法对公式进行简化, 降低了理论推导的复杂性, 并揭示了极化特性在声源深度及声源对称深度具有显著变化特性的物理机理. 数值仿真结果表明: 使用非平稳相位近似进行简化后的公式是有效的, 可以较好地表征出极化特性的深度分布规律; 同时, 通过对宽带Stokes参数归一化, 可以去除水平距离对极化特性深度分布规律的影响; 随后, 以归一化宽带Stokes参数为研究对象, 分析了声源频率、声源深度、声速剖面及海水深度等参数对极化特性深度分布规律的影响. 通过RHUM-RUM实验数据处理结果验证了非平稳相位近似的有效性和归一化宽带Stokes参数的距离无关性质. 相关结论可为基于矢量场极化特性的被动目标深度估计提供理论依据.The polarization of the acoustic field in the ocean waveguide environment is a unique property that can be measured by using a particle velocity sensor in the water column. It can provide new ideas for locating and detecting the underwater target, so it is interesting to study the polarization. The polarization of a monochromatic signal has been described by the Stokes parameters, a set of four real-valued quantities in previous work. In this work, the Stokes parameters are extended to the broadband form, and the expression is simplified by using the nonstationary phase approximation, which reduces the complexity of the theoretical derivation and reveals the physical mechanism behind the significant variations in polarization with source depth and symmetrical depth. Theoretical analysis shows that the polarization characteristics in the ideal waveguide vary significantly in the sea surface, the sea bottom, the depth of the sound source and symmetrical depth. In this work the numerical simulation is used to verify the theoretical analysis and study the relationship between range and integral bandwidth when nonstationary phase approximation method is effective. The numerical results demonstrate that the simplified expression using the nonstationary phase approximation is effective and can better characterize the depth distribution characteristics of the polarization. Additionally, by normalizing the broadband Stokes parameters, the effect of range on the depth distribution characteristics of polarization can be removed. It means that the normalized broadband Stokes parameters are in theory free of the range and depend on the environment, the receiver depth and the source depth, which have the potential to be used for source depth estimation. Subsequently, focusing on normalized broadband Stokes parameters, we analyzes the effects of parameters such as source frequency, source depth, sound speed profile and water depth on the depth distribution characteristics of polarization. The analysis results show that environmental factors have great influence on the depth distribution characteristics of polarization. In the end, the validity of the nonstationary phase approximation and the range-independent property of the normalized broadband Stokes parameters are verified by the results of the RHUM-RUM experimental data processing. The findings provide a theoretical basis for passive target depth estimation based on polarization.
- polarization /
- vector acoustic field /
- shallow sea /
- Stokes parameters
撤稿:《浅海矢量声场极化特性的深度分布规律》[ 2022, 73(10): 247502]
宋凯欣, 闵书刚, 高俊奇, 张双捷, 毛智能, 沈莹, 储昭强. 撤稿:《浅海矢量声场极化特性的深度分布规律》. , 2024, 73(10): 247502. doi: 10.7498/aps.73.109902
[1] 休罗夫V 著 (贾志富 译) 2011 海洋矢量声学(北京: 国防工业出版社)第2—5页
Shchurov V (translated by Jia Z F) 2011 Vector Acoustics of the Ocean (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp2–5
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[14] Du B, Zhang W, Shi X 2016 IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA) Harbin, China, August 8, 2016 pp1−3
[15] 韩雪 2020 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)
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Born M, Wolf E (translated by Yang J S) 2016 Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp20–27
[18] Dahl P H, Bonnel J 2022 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 3818
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[19] Dahl P H, Dall'Osto D R, Hodgkiss W S 2023 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 154 1482
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[21] 延森 F B, 库珀曼 W A, 波特 M B, 施米特 H 著 (周利生, 王鲁军, 杜栓平 译) 2017 计算海洋声学 (第2版) (北京: 国防工业出版社)第272—275页
Jensen F B, Kuperman W A, Porter M B, Schmidt H (translated by Zhou L S, Wang L J, Du S P) 2017 Computational Ocean Acoustics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp272–275
[22] Tsekhmistrenko M, Sigloch K, Hosseini K, Barruol G 2021 Nat. Geosci. 14 612
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[23] Trabattoni A, Barruol G, Dréo R, Boudraa A 2023 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 153 260
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图 6 理想固体海底等声速波导环境下宽带Stokes参数深度分布曲线 (a) $S_0^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $S_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (c) $S_2^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (d) $S_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$
Fig. 6. Broadband Stokes parameters depth distribution curves for an ideal solid seabed isovelocity environment: (a) $S_0^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $S_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (c) $S_2^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (d) $S_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$.
图 9 Pekeris波导环境下宽带Stokes参数深度分布曲线 (a) $S_0^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $S_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (c) $S_2^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (d) $S_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$
Fig. 9. Broadband Stokes parameters depth distribution curves for Pekeris waveguide: (a) $S_0^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $S_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (c) $S_2^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (d) $S_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$.
图 10 Pekeris波导环境下归一化宽带Stokes参数深度分布曲线 (a) 归一化宽带Stokes参数$s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) 归一化宽带Stokes参数$s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$
Fig. 10. Normalized broadband Stokes parameters depth distribution curves for Pekeris waveguide: (a) Normalized broadband Stokes parameter $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) normalized broadband Stokes parameter $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$.
图 11 Pekeris波导环境下归一化宽带Stokes参数的深度-距离分布 (a) 归一化宽带Stokes参数$s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) 归一化宽带Stokes参数$s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$
Fig. 11. Depth-range distribution of normalized broadband Stokes parameters for Pekeris waveguide: (a) Normalized broadband Stokes parameter $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) normalized broadband Stokes parameter $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$.
图 12 不同频率范围的归一化宽带Stokes参数深度分布曲线 (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(带宽$ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $—125 Hz); (b) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(带宽$ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $—250 Hz); (c) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(带宽$ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $—500 Hz) ; (d) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(带宽$ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $—125 Hz) ; (e) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(带宽$ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $—250 Hz) ; (f) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(带宽$ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $—500 Hz)
Fig. 12. Normalized broadband Stokes parameters depth distribution curves for different frequency ranges: (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$($ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $− 125 Hz); (b) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$($ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $−250 Hz); (c) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$($ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $- 500 Hz); (d) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$($ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $−125 Hz); (e) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$($ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $−250 Hz); (f) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$($ {f_{{\text{c1}}}} $− 500 Hz)
图 13 不同声源深度的归一化宽带Stokes参数深度分布 (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$
Fig. 13. Normalized broadband Stokes parameters depth distributions for different sound source depths: (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$.
图 15 不同声速剖面的归一化宽带Stokes参数深度分布曲线 (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(正梯度); (b) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(负梯度); (c) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(负跃层); (d) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(正梯度); (e) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(负梯度); (f) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(负跃层)
Fig. 15. Normalized broadband Stokes parameters depth distribution curves for different sound speed profiles: (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(positive gradient); (b) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(negative gradient); (c) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(negative thermocline); (d) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(positive gradient); (e) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(negative gradient); (f) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(negative thermocline).
图 16 不同海深环境的归一化宽带Stokes参数深度分布曲线 (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(海深50 m); (b) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(海深100 m); (c) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(海深200 m); (d) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(海深50 m); (e) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(海深100 m); (f) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(海深200 m)
Fig. 16. Normalized broadband Stokes parameters depth distribution curves for different depths of water column: (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(depth 50 m); (b) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(depth 100 m); (c) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(depth 200 m); (d) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(depth 50 m); (e) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(depth 100 m); (f) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$(depth 200 m).
图 20 归一化宽带Stokes参数随时间的变化 (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $s_2^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (c) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$
Fig. 20. Time-varying curves of the normalized broadband Stokes parameters: (a) $s_1^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (b) $s_2^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$; (c) $s_3^{\left[ {{f_1}, {f_2}} \right]}$.
[1] 休罗夫V 著 (贾志富 译) 2011 海洋矢量声学(北京: 国防工业出版社)第2—5页
Shchurov V (translated by Jia Z F) 2011 Vector Acoustics of the Ocean (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp2–5
[2] 姜哲, 郭骅 1991 声学学报 16 330
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Jiang Z, Guo H 1991 Acta Acust. 16 330
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[3] Li J F, Pascal J C, Carles C 1998 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103 962
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[4] Shi C, Zhao R, Long Y, Yang S, Wang Y, Chen H, Ren J, Zhang X 2019 Natl. Sci. Rev. 6 707
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[5] Bliokh K Y, Nori F 2019 Phys. Rev. B 99 020301
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[6] Long Y, Ge H, Zhang D, Xu X, Ren J, Lu M H, Bao M, Chen H, Chen Y F 2020 Natl. Sci. Rev. 7 1024
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[7] Long Y, Zhang D, Yang C, Ge J, Chen H, Ren J 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 4716
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[8] Shchurov V A, Kuleshov V P, Cherkasov A V 2011 Acoust. Phys. 57 851
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[9] D’Spain G L, Hodgkiss W S 1991 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90 2300
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[10] Dall'Osto D R, Dahl P H 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 109
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[12] Dahl P H, Dall'Osto D R 2021 IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. 47 680
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[13] 刘伟 2014 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)
Liu W 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University
[14] Du B, Zhang W, Shi X 2016 IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA) Harbin, China, August 8, 2016 pp1−3
[15] 韩雪 2020 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)
Han X 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University
[16] Bonnel J, Flamant J, Dall'Osto D R, Le Bihan N, Dahl P H 2021 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150 1897
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[17] 玻恩M, 沃尔夫 E 著 (杨葭荪 译) 2016 光学原理: 光的传播、干涉和衍射的电磁理论(北京: 电子工业出版社)第20—27页
Born M, Wolf E (translated by Yang J S) 2016 Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp20–27
[18] Dahl P H, Bonnel J 2022 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 3818
Google Scholar
[19] Dahl P H, Dall'Osto D R, Hodgkiss W S 2023 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 154 1482
Google Scholar
[20] Flamant J, Bonnel J 2023 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 153 3012
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[21] 延森 F B, 库珀曼 W A, 波特 M B, 施米特 H 著 (周利生, 王鲁军, 杜栓平 译) 2017 计算海洋声学 (第2版) (北京: 国防工业出版社)第272—275页
Jensen F B, Kuperman W A, Porter M B, Schmidt H (translated by Zhou L S, Wang L J, Du S P) 2017 Computational Ocean Acoustics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp272–275
[22] Tsekhmistrenko M, Sigloch K, Hosseini K, Barruol G 2021 Nat. Geosci. 14 612
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[23] Trabattoni A, Barruol G, Dréo R, Boudraa A 2023 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 153 260
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