激光等离子体相互作用(LPI)过程一直以来是惯性约束聚变(ICF)点火中重要的研究内容, 宽带激光在理论上一直以来被认为具有抑制LPI的潜力. 宽带二倍频激光装置—“昆吾”, 为实验研究宽带激光LPI效果提供了可靠的实验研究平台. 针对大尺度低密度等离子体的LPI过程中强烈的受激布里渊散射和受激拉曼散射信号, 开展了相同条件下宽带和窄带激光驱动C8H8平面薄膜靶的透过激光、前向散射和大角度近前向散射的实验研究. 主要针对宽带和窄带激光前向透过信号的组分和近前向散射的光谱及份额信息进行对比研究, 发现宽带和窄带激光驱动的LPI过程具有显著差异. 同时, 初步结果显示宽带激光相比于窄带激光体现出更强的穿透能力, 烧蚀靶并穿过等离子体的时间提前了近1 ns, 透过能量提升了近10倍, 穿透等离子体后有更小的空间发散角. 这些结果对于更好地理解宽带激光对于LPI的作用效果具有很好的参考价值.
- 激光等离子体相互作用 /
- 宽带激光 /
- 受激布里渊散射 /
- 受激拉曼散射
Laser plasma interaction (LPI) has always been an important research topic in the ignition phase of inertial confinement fusion (ICF). Over the years, researchers have attempted to use various laser beam smoothing schemes and optimized light source solutions to suppress the development of LPI. Among them, low-coherence laser drivers have attracted widespread attention in the fields of laser-plasma physics and laser technology in recent years. Recently, a broadband second harmonic laser facility named “Kunwu” has provided a reliable experimental research platform for the LPI process driven by broadband lasers. Aiming at the strong stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in the LPI process of large-scale low-density plasma, forward scattering experiment and near-forward scattering experiment on C8H8 planar film targets driven by broadband laser and narrowband laser under the same conditions are carried out. Based on the “Kunwu” laser facility, two sets of measurement systems are designed, one is centered around fiber-heads and spectrometer, and the other around phototubes and oscilloscope. These systems enable multi-directional precise measurements of scattered lightand a comprehensive analysis of LPI. The main focus is on the comparison of the components and spectral information of the scattering beams between broadband laser and narrowband laser, and it is found that the LPI processes driven by broadband laser and narrowband laser are greatly different. Additionally, preliminary results indicate that broadband laser exhibits a stronger penetration capability than narrowband laser. The time to ablation the target and penetrate the plasma are both nearly 1 ns ahead, with the transmitted energy increased by nearly an order of magnitude. And after penetrating the plasma, there is a smaller spatial divergence angle. These results provide good reference value for better understanding the effect of broadband laser on LPI.-
- laser plasma interaction /
- broadband laser /
- stimulated Brillouin scattering /
- stimulated Raman scattering
[1] 吴钟书, 赵耀, 翁苏明, 陈民, 盛政明 2019 68 195202
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Wu Charles F, Zhao Y, Weng S M, Chen M, Sheng Z M 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 195202
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[2] Seaton A, Arber T 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 082704
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[3] Myatt J, Zhang J, Short R, Maximov A, Seka W, Froula D, Edgell D, Michel D, Igumenshchev I, Hinkel D 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 055501
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[4] Pak A, Divol L, Kritcher A, Ma T, Ralph J, Bachmann B, Benedetti L, Casey D, Celliers P, Dewald E 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 056306
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[5] Lushnikov P M, Rose H A 2006 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 48 1501
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[6] Edwards M, Patel P, Lindl J, Atherton L, Glenzer S, Haan S, Kilkenny J, Landen O, Moses E, Nikroo A 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 070501
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[7] Turnbull D, Michel P, Ralph J, Divol L, Ross J, Hopkins L B, Kritcher A, Hinkel D, Moody J 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 125001
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[8] Li C, Dong L, Feng J, Huang Y, Sun H 2020 Rev. Sci Instrum. 91 026105
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[9] Froula D, Divol L, London R, Berger R, Döppner T, Meezan N, Ross J, Suter L, Sorce C, Glenzer S 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 045006
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[10] Niemann C, Berger R, Divol L, Kirkwood R, Moody J, Sorce C, Glenzer S 2011 J. Instrum. 6 P10008
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[11] Ruyer C, Debayle A, Loiseau P, Masson-Laborde P, Fuchs J, Casanova M, Marquès J, Romagnani L, Antici P, Bourgeois N 2021 Phys. Plasmas 28 052701
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[12] Michel P, Rosenberg M, Seka W, Solodov A, Short R, Chapman T, Goyon C, Lemos N, Hohenberger M, Moody J 2019 Phys. Rev. E 99 033203
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[13] 余诗瀚, 李晓锋, 翁苏明, 赵耀, 马行行, 陈民, 盛政明 2021 强激光与粒子束 33 012006
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Yu S H, Li X F, Weng S M, Zhao Y, Ma H H, Chen M, Sheng Z M 2021 High Power Laser Part. Beams 33 012006
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[14] Duluc M, Penninckx D, Loiseau P, Riazuelo G, Bourgeade A, Chatagnier A, d'Humières E 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 42707
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[15] Sarri G, Cecchetti C, Jung R, Hobbs P, James S, Lockyear J, Stevenson R, Doria D, Hoarty D, Willi O 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 095001
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[16] 杨冬, 李志超, 李三伟, 郝亮, 李欣, 郭亮, 邹士阳, 蒋小华, 彭晓世, 徐涛, 理玉龙, 郑春阳, 蔡洪波, 刘占军, 郑坚, 龙韬, 王哲斌, 黎航, 况龙钰, 李琦, 王峰, 刘慎业, 杨家敏, 江少恩, 张保汉, 丁永坤 2018 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学 48 065203
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Yang D, Li Z C, Li S W, Hao L, Li X, Guo L, Zou S Y, Jiang X H, Peng X S, Xu T, Li Y L, Zheng C Y, Cai H B, Liu Z J, Zheng J, Long T, Wang Z B, Li H, Kuang Y L, Li Q, Wang F, Liu S Y, Yang J M, Jiang S E, Zhang B H, Ding Y K 2018 Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron. 48 065203
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[17] 赵耀, 郑君, 於陆勒, 陈民, 翁苏明, 盛政明 2015 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学 45 035201
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Zhao Y, Zheng J, Yu L Q, Chen M, Weng S M, Sheng Z M 2015 Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron. 45 035201
Google Scholar
[18] Zhao Y, Weng S, Chen M, Zheng J, Zhuo H, Ren C, Sheng Z, Zhang J 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 112102
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[19] Zhao Y, Weng S, Sheng Z, Zhu J 2019 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 61 115008
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[20] Zhou H, Xiao C, Zou D, Li X, Yin Y, Shao F, Zhuo H 2018 Phys. Plasmas 25 062703
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[21] Bates J, Follett R, Shaw J, Obenschain S, Myatt J, Weaver J, Wolford M, Kehne D, Myers M, Kessler T 2023 Phys. Plasmas 30 052703
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[22] 刘庆康, 张旭, 蔡洪波, 张恩浩, 高妍琦, 朱少平 2024 73 055202
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Liu Q K, Zhang X, Cai H B, Zhang E H, Gao Y Q, Zhu S P 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 055202
Google Scholar
[23] Gao Y, Cui Y, Ji L, Rao D, Zhao X, Li F, Liu D, Feng W, Xia L, Liu J 2020 Matter Radiat. Extremes 5 065201
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[24] Wang P P, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Xie Z Y, Wang C, He Z Y, Jia G, Wang R R, Zheng S, Xia L, Feng W, Shi H T, Wang W, Sun J R, Gao Y Q, Fu S Z 2024 Matter Radiat. Extremes 9 015602
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[25] Lei A, Kang N, Zhao Y, Liu H, An H, Xiong J, Wang R, Xie Z, Tu Y, Xu G, Zhou X, Fang Z, Wang W, Xia L, Feng W, Zhao X, Ji L, Cui Y, Zhou S, Liu Z, Zheng C, Wang L, Gao Y, Huang X, Fu S 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 035102
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[26] Rosenberg M, Hernandez J, Butler N, Filkins T, Bahr R, Jungquist R, Bedzyk M, Swadling G, Ross J, Michel P 2021 Rev. Sci Instrum. 92 033511
Google Scholar
[27] Moody J, Williams E, Glenzer S, Young P, Hawreliak J, Gouveia A, Wark J 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 245001
Google Scholar
[28] Froula D, Divol L, Meezan N, Dixit S, Neumayer P, Moody J, Pollock B, Ross J, Suter L, Glenzer S 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 055705
Google Scholar
[29] Moody J, MacGowan B, Glenzer S, Kirkwood R, Kruer W, Montgomery D, Schmitt A, Williams E, Stone G 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2114
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表 1 驱动10 μm厚C8H8靶的透过激光能量
Table 1. Transmitted laser energy driving a 10 μm thick C8H8 target.
序号 带宽 激光
百分比/%1 宽带 680 172.8 138.6 20.4 2 宽带 685 152.0 121.9 17.8 3 窄带 694 16.9 13.3 1.9 4 窄带 694 13.7 10.8 1.6 5 窄带 608 13.1 10.3 1.7 -
[1] 吴钟书, 赵耀, 翁苏明, 陈民, 盛政明 2019 68 195202
Google Scholar
Wu Charles F, Zhao Y, Weng S M, Chen M, Sheng Z M 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 195202
Google Scholar
[2] Seaton A, Arber T 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 082704
Google Scholar
[3] Myatt J, Zhang J, Short R, Maximov A, Seka W, Froula D, Edgell D, Michel D, Igumenshchev I, Hinkel D 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 055501
Google Scholar
[4] Pak A, Divol L, Kritcher A, Ma T, Ralph J, Bachmann B, Benedetti L, Casey D, Celliers P, Dewald E 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 056306
Google Scholar
[5] Lushnikov P M, Rose H A 2006 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 48 1501
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[6] Edwards M, Patel P, Lindl J, Atherton L, Glenzer S, Haan S, Kilkenny J, Landen O, Moses E, Nikroo A 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 070501
Google Scholar
[7] Turnbull D, Michel P, Ralph J, Divol L, Ross J, Hopkins L B, Kritcher A, Hinkel D, Moody J 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 125001
Google Scholar
[8] Li C, Dong L, Feng J, Huang Y, Sun H 2020 Rev. Sci Instrum. 91 026105
Google Scholar
[9] Froula D, Divol L, London R, Berger R, Döppner T, Meezan N, Ross J, Suter L, Sorce C, Glenzer S 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 045006
Google Scholar
[10] Niemann C, Berger R, Divol L, Kirkwood R, Moody J, Sorce C, Glenzer S 2011 J. Instrum. 6 P10008
Google Scholar
[11] Ruyer C, Debayle A, Loiseau P, Masson-Laborde P, Fuchs J, Casanova M, Marquès J, Romagnani L, Antici P, Bourgeois N 2021 Phys. Plasmas 28 052701
Google Scholar
[12] Michel P, Rosenberg M, Seka W, Solodov A, Short R, Chapman T, Goyon C, Lemos N, Hohenberger M, Moody J 2019 Phys. Rev. E 99 033203
Google Scholar
[13] 余诗瀚, 李晓锋, 翁苏明, 赵耀, 马行行, 陈民, 盛政明 2021 强激光与粒子束 33 012006
Google Scholar
Yu S H, Li X F, Weng S M, Zhao Y, Ma H H, Chen M, Sheng Z M 2021 High Power Laser Part. Beams 33 012006
Google Scholar
[14] Duluc M, Penninckx D, Loiseau P, Riazuelo G, Bourgeade A, Chatagnier A, d'Humières E 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 42707
Google Scholar
[15] Sarri G, Cecchetti C, Jung R, Hobbs P, James S, Lockyear J, Stevenson R, Doria D, Hoarty D, Willi O 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 095001
Google Scholar
[16] 杨冬, 李志超, 李三伟, 郝亮, 李欣, 郭亮, 邹士阳, 蒋小华, 彭晓世, 徐涛, 理玉龙, 郑春阳, 蔡洪波, 刘占军, 郑坚, 龙韬, 王哲斌, 黎航, 况龙钰, 李琦, 王峰, 刘慎业, 杨家敏, 江少恩, 张保汉, 丁永坤 2018 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学 48 065203
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Yang D, Li Z C, Li S W, Hao L, Li X, Guo L, Zou S Y, Jiang X H, Peng X S, Xu T, Li Y L, Zheng C Y, Cai H B, Liu Z J, Zheng J, Long T, Wang Z B, Li H, Kuang Y L, Li Q, Wang F, Liu S Y, Yang J M, Jiang S E, Zhang B H, Ding Y K 2018 Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron. 48 065203
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[17] 赵耀, 郑君, 於陆勒, 陈民, 翁苏明, 盛政明 2015 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学 45 035201
Google Scholar
Zhao Y, Zheng J, Yu L Q, Chen M, Weng S M, Sheng Z M 2015 Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron. 45 035201
Google Scholar
[18] Zhao Y, Weng S, Chen M, Zheng J, Zhuo H, Ren C, Sheng Z, Zhang J 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 112102
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[19] Zhao Y, Weng S, Sheng Z, Zhu J 2019 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 61 115008
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[20] Zhou H, Xiao C, Zou D, Li X, Yin Y, Shao F, Zhuo H 2018 Phys. Plasmas 25 062703
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[21] Bates J, Follett R, Shaw J, Obenschain S, Myatt J, Weaver J, Wolford M, Kehne D, Myers M, Kessler T 2023 Phys. Plasmas 30 052703
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[22] 刘庆康, 张旭, 蔡洪波, 张恩浩, 高妍琦, 朱少平 2024 73 055202
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Liu Q K, Zhang X, Cai H B, Zhang E H, Gao Y Q, Zhu S P 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 055202
Google Scholar
[23] Gao Y, Cui Y, Ji L, Rao D, Zhao X, Li F, Liu D, Feng W, Xia L, Liu J 2020 Matter Radiat. Extremes 5 065201
Google Scholar
[24] Wang P P, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Xie Z Y, Wang C, He Z Y, Jia G, Wang R R, Zheng S, Xia L, Feng W, Shi H T, Wang W, Sun J R, Gao Y Q, Fu S Z 2024 Matter Radiat. Extremes 9 015602
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[25] Lei A, Kang N, Zhao Y, Liu H, An H, Xiong J, Wang R, Xie Z, Tu Y, Xu G, Zhou X, Fang Z, Wang W, Xia L, Feng W, Zhao X, Ji L, Cui Y, Zhou S, Liu Z, Zheng C, Wang L, Gao Y, Huang X, Fu S 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 035102
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[26] Rosenberg M, Hernandez J, Butler N, Filkins T, Bahr R, Jungquist R, Bedzyk M, Swadling G, Ross J, Michel P 2021 Rev. Sci Instrum. 92 033511
Google Scholar
[27] Moody J, Williams E, Glenzer S, Young P, Hawreliak J, Gouveia A, Wark J 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 245001
Google Scholar
[28] Froula D, Divol L, Meezan N, Dixit S, Neumayer P, Moody J, Pollock B, Ross J, Suter L, Glenzer S 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 055705
Google Scholar
[29] Moody J, MacGowan B, Glenzer S, Kirkwood R, Kruer W, Montgomery D, Schmitt A, Williams E, Stone G 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2114
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