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郑昊哲 刘圆圆 王力 程建平



郑昊哲, 刘圆圆, 王力, 程建平

Application and development of liquid argon detector in rare event detection

Zheng Hao-Zhe, Liu Yuan-Yuan, Wang Li, Cheng Jian-Ping
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 稀有事例探测是近几年热门的粒子物理前沿课题, 如暗物质、无中微子双贝塔衰变、中微子-核子相干弹性散射等实验都在逐渐被规划和实施. 进行稀有事例探测要求探测器有极佳的性能, 同时对环境本底有很高的要求, 因此探测器和相关材料的选择是稀有事例探测的一个重要课题. 液氩因为成本低、闪烁性能好、体积限制较小等优势成为稀有事例探测器的一种重要介质. 经过几十年的发展, 单相液氩闪烁体探测器和两相氩时间投影室成为两种常见的液氩探测器类型, 并开始被国内外各实验组应用于稀有事例探测实验中. 本文首先对两种常见的液氩探测器的原理和特性进行介绍, 然后详细介绍国内外相关稀有事例探测实验组对液氩探测器的研究和应用现状以及未来规划, 最后讨论未来液氩探测器在稀有事例探测中的应用前景和优化方向.
    Rare event detection is a frontier subject in particle physics and nuclear physics. In particular, dark matter detection, neutrino-free double beta decay and neutrino-nucleon coherent elastic scattering are being planned and implemented gradually. Rare event detection requires not only the detectors to possess excellent performances but also extremely low environmental background, so the selection of detectors and related materials is an important issue in rare event detection. Liquid argon has become an important scintillator material for scintillator detectors because of its low cost, good scintillation performance and large volume. Liquid argon was first studied in the 1940s as a sensitive material for ionizing radiation detectors. The first measurements of high-energy beta particles were obtained by using a liquid argon ionization chamber in 1953. The ICARUS group put forward the idea of constructing liquid argon temporal projection chamber, and made attempt to construct liquid argon temporal projection chamber in 1977. The scintillation light signals were collected for the first time in a liquid argon temporal projection chamber in 1999. Thus, the drift time of the particle can be obtained to determine the particle track. After development, single-phase liquid argon scintillator detector and two-phase argon time projection chamber have become two common types of liquid argon detectors, and have been extensively used in rare event detection experiments in recent years. For dark matter detection, the DEAP group and DarkSide group have achieved good results with single-phase liquid argon scintillation detector and two-phase argon time projection chamber, respectively. For neutrino-free double beta decay experiments, the GERDA group has done a lot of researches of liquid argon anti-coincidence system and applied the said system to experiments. The LEGEND group, which is the combination of GERDA and MAJORANA experimental group, upgraded the liquid argon anti-coincidence system which was applied to the following LEGEND-200 project. For neutrino-nucleon elastic scattering experiments, COHERENT obtained the latest results by using the liquid argon detectors. The Taishan neutrino-nucleon coherent elastic scattering project of the High Energy Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences has also begun to study the feasibility of liquid argon anti-coincidence system. Finally, this paper discusses the direction of optimizing the liquid argon detector, such as exposure, background level and optical readout scheme, and gives a good prospect of liquid argon detector applied to rare event detection in the future.
      通信作者: 刘圆圆, yyliu@bnu.edu.cn ; 王力, wangl@bnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2022YFA1604701)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 1222200227) 资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Yuan-Yuan, yyliu@bnu.edu.cn ; Wang Li, wangl@bnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFA1604701) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 1222200227).

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  • 图 1  激发态氩原子形成原理

    Fig. 1.  Formation mechanism of excited argon.

    图 2  液氩闪烁光产生和收集过程示意图

    Fig. 2.  Schematic diagram of the generation and collection process of liquid argon scintillation.

    图 3  两相氩TPC装置示意图[28]

    Fig. 3.  Schematic diagram of double-phase argon TPC[28].

    图 4  60Co源测试能谱[45]

    Fig. 4.  The energy spectrum of 60Co source[45].

    图 5  GERDAⅡ期实验装置图 (a) 锗探测器阵列和液氩反符合系统装置图[46]; (b)实验整体装置图[46]

    Fig. 5.  GERDA phase Ⅱ experimental setup: (a) Diagram of germanium detector array and liquid argon veto system[46]; (b) the overall setup[46].

    图 6  GERDAⅡ期实验结果[9]

    Fig. 6.  Results of GERDA phaseⅡ experiment[9]

    表 1  稀有事例探测常用探测器类型对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of detector types in rare event detection.

    优势成本低, 有粒子甄别能力,
    低阈值, 极高能量分辨率高能量分辨率,
    缺点能量分辨率相对较低成本较高, 能量
    成本较高, 探测器生产
    工艺复杂, 单个晶体
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    表 2  液氩闪烁光特性[24]

    Table 2.  Scintillation properties of liquid argon.

    β事件快慢成分比Is/It (e)0.3
    α事件快慢成分比Is/It (α)1.3
    裂变碎片事件快慢成分比Is/It (ff)3
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    表 3  国内外液氩探测器相关实验组概况

    Table 3.  General situation of liquid argon detector related experimental groups at home and abroad.

    DEAP暗物质单相液氩闪烁体3260 kgPMT+光导运行中较早采用液氩为介质探测暗物质
    WArP暗物质两相氩TPC140 kgPMT已结束最早尝试用TPC探测暗物质
    DarkSide暗物质两相氩TPC46.4 kgPMT运行中地下氩、中子反符合
    1400 kgSiPM+光
    SiPM+光纤建设中实验组合并, 新的读出方案研究
    COHERENTCEνNS单相液氩闪烁体79.5 kgPMT运行中第一个尝试用液氩探测器探测CEνNS事例
    200 kgPMT建设中尝试用液氩探测器作为CEνNS
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    表 4  液氩探测器优化和升级

    Table 4.  Optimization and upgrade of liquid argon detector.

    DarkSide地下氩生产技术应用水切伦科夫探测器抑制μ子, 载硼或载钆液闪抑制中子同时进行去除电负性
    GERDA水切伦科夫探测器抑制μ子, 液氩探测器抑制其他本底SiPM+光纤读出
    LEGEND地下氩生成技术研究水切伦科夫探测器抑制μ子, 液氩探测器抑制其他本底液氩纯度监测仪SiPM+光纤双端读出
    Taishan地下氩生产技术研究塑料闪烁体抑制μ子, 液氩探测器抑制其他本底SiPM低温稳定读出技术研究
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