为了实现高纯度轨道角动量模式的传输和放大, 本文提出了一种可用于轨道角动量的受激布里渊放大的光子晶体光纤放大器并对其结构进行了设计. 利用有限元法在C波段内对该光子晶体光纤放大器的传输性能进行了系统分析, 研究结果表明, 该光子晶体光纤放大器可支持66种轨道角动量模式的高纯度传输和放大, 其传输的轨道角动量模式的纯度均高于99.4%. 通过对不同拓扑荷数的轨道角动量模式的布里渊增益谱进行系统的分析, 发现均具有较高的布里渊增益系数(> 7 × 10–9 m/W), 与现有的性能最优的OAM放大器相比提高了4—5个数量级, 实现了较高的信号增益. 该光子晶体光纤放大器的综合性能显著优于现有基于受激布里渊放大的光纤放大器和掺杂稀土离子的光纤放大器, 这使其能够稳定、准确地对OAM模式进行同步放大和长距离传输, 为轨道角动量模式激光系统的设计提供了一种可能.A probe made of amino acids is arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups of adjacent amino acid residues. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is determined by a gene and encoded in the genetic code. This can happen either before the protein is used in the cell, or as part of control mechanisms. In order to transmit and amplify high-purity orbital angular momentum mode, a photonic crystal fiber amplifier based on stimulated Brillouin amplification is proposed and designed in this paper. The transmission properties of the photonic crystal fiber amplifier are systematically analyzed by using the finite element method in the C-band. The results show that this photonic crystal fiber amplifier can support the transmission and amplification of 66 orbital angular momentum modes, and all values of the purity of the orbital angular momentum modes supported by this amplifier are higher than 99.4%. By systematically analyzing the Brillouin gain spectra of orbital angular momentum modes with different topological charges, it is found that they have all high Brillouin gain coefficients (> 7 × 10–9 m/W) which are 4–5 orders of magnitude higher than the existing OAM amplifiers with the best performance, thus higher signal gain can be obtained. The comprehensive performance of the proposed photonic crystal fiber amplifier is superior to that of the existing optical fiber amplifiers based on stimulated Brillouin amplification and the optical fiber amplifiers doped with rare-earth ions. This makes the amplification and long-distance transmission of OAM mode stable and accurate and provides a possibility for designing the orbital angular momentum mode laser system.
- orbital angular momentum /
- stimulated Brillouin amplification /
- high signal gain /
- photonic crystal fiber
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表 1 Schott SF2的Sellmeier系数
Table 1. Sellmeier coefficients of Schott SF2.
Coefficient B1 C1/µm2 B2 C2/µm2 B3 C3/µm2 Value 1.4734313 0.0109019 0.16368185 0.058568369 1.36920899 127.404933 表 2 本文提出的SBA-PCFA的性能
Table 2. Properties of the proposed SBA-PCFA in this work.
Number of supported
OAM modesη/ % γ/ (W–1·km–1) D/(ps·km–1·nm–1) LC/(dB·cm) g0/(m·W–1) Pth/mW υB/GHz ГB/MHz Gain/dB 66 > 99.4 > 25 < 45 < 10–5 > 7 × 10–9 < 14.1 8—8.7 12.6—14.4 < 1697.5 表 3 本文提出的SBA-PCFA与现有光纤放大器的比较
Table 3. Comparison between the SBA-PCFA and the existing fiber amplifier.
[1] Allen L, Beijersbergen M W, Spreeuw R J C, Woerdman J P 1992 Phys. Rev. A 45 8185
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