基于一维弹道导体, 建立了三端纳米线制冷机模型. 该模型是由一个中间空腔和左右电子库组成, 中间空腔和两电子库通过一维纳米线导体进行连接. 利用朗道方程和基本热力学公式推导出两电子库之间电荷流和能量流的表达式, 进而得出该制冷机模型的工作区间, 然后分析其性能特征并讨论制冷机性能优化. 研究表明: 不同的参数下该制冷机会有不同的制冷区间, 但每个制冷区间都存在一个温差上限, 超过该温差, 此装置将不能进行制冷. 制冷率随制冷系数变化的特征曲线为回原点扭叶型曲线, 这为衡量该制冷机性能提供了重要指标. 尽可能减小纳米线的能级宽度会提高该制冷机的工作性能.In this paper, the model of a three-terminal nanowire refrigerator is established based on one-dimensional (1D) ballistic conductor. It is composed of an intermediate cavity and left/right electron reservoir in which the intermediate cavity and left/right electron reservoir are connected by 1D nanowire conductor. The expression for the charge current and that for the energy current flowing from two electron reservoirs are derived by using Landauer formula and basic thermodynamic laws. Then, the working region of the refrigerator is obtained, its performance characteristics are analyzed, and its performance optimization is discussed. It is shown that the refrigerator under different parameters operates in different working regions. For each refrigeration region, there is an upper limit of temperature difference, and the refrigerator will be unable to refrigerate beyond the upper limit. The characteristic curve of the cooling rate changing with performance coefficient is a loop-shaped one, which provides an important index for us to evaluate the performance of the refrigerator. The energy level width of the nanowire can be reduced as much as possible, which will improve the performance of the refrigerator.
- three-terminal thermoelectric refrigerator /
- nanowires /
- cooling rate /
- coefficient of performance
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图 3 在
$\gamma \to 0$ 时(a)制冷率和(b)制冷系数随着能级位置变化的三维图; (c)—(f)分别是$\gamma = 0.5$ 和$\gamma = 1$ 对应的制冷率和制冷系数的三维图Fig. 3. Three-dimensional graphs for (a) the cooling rate and (b) the coefficient of performance varying with the energy level positions under
$\gamma \to 0$ ; (c)–(f) are the three-dimensional graphs for the cooling rate and the coefficient of performance at given$\gamma = 0.5$ and$\gamma = 1$ , respectively.图 5 (a) 优化的制冷率随电压变化的图像; (b) 相应制冷系数随电压变化的图像; (c) 最优能级位置随电压变化的图像
Fig. 5. (a) The curves of the optimized cooling rate as a function of voltage; (b) the curves of the corresponding coefficient of performance as a function of voltage; (c) the curves of the optimal energy level position as a function of voltage.
图 6 (a) 优化的制冷率随能级宽度变化的图像; (b) 相应的制冷系数随能级宽度变化的图像; (c) 最优能级位置随能级宽度变化的图像
Fig. 6. (a) The curves of the optimized cooling rate as a function of the width of energy level; (b) the curves of the corresponding coefficient of performance as a function of the width of energy level; (c) the curves of the optimal position of energy level as a function of the width of energy level.
图 7 (a) 最大制冷率随温差变化的图像; (b) 最大制冷率下的制冷系数和以卡诺制冷系数为单位的制冷系数随温差变化的图像
Fig. 7. (a) The curves of the maximum cooling rate as a function of the temperature difference; (b) the curves of the coefficient of performance at the maximum cooling rate and the coefficient of performance in a unit of Carnot value as a function of the temperature difference.
[1] Hicks L D, Dresselhaus M S 1993 Phys. Rev. B 47 12727
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[2] Hicks L D, Harman T C, Dresselhaus M S 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 3230
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[44] Datta S 1995 Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
[45] Nakpathomkun N, Xu H Q, Linke H 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 235428
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