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ScxY1–x Fe2合金固溶和V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr有序-无序转变的理论预测

蒋永林 何长春 杨小宝


ScxY1–x Fe2合金固溶和V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr有序-无序转变的理论预测

蒋永林, 何长春, 杨小宝

Theoretical prediction of solution in ScxY1–x Fe2 and order-disorder transitions in V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr

Jiang Yong-Lin, He Chang-Chun, Yang Xiao-Bao
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 合金化是增加材料结构和性能多样性的重要手段. 本文先从考虑最近邻相互作用的Ising模型出发, 通过铁磁耦合研究二元合金的低温相分离、高温固溶体系, 通过反铁磁耦合研究低温有序固溶、高温无序体系. 以储氢合金中的Laves相V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr和ScxY1–x Fe2材料为例, 采用基于结构识别的高通量第一原理计算, 考虑结构简并度对配分函数的贡献, 可以对合金材料进行有限温度下的理论预测. 先通过第一原理计算得到基态 (零温下) 形成能, 形成能大于零的体系ScxY1–x Fe2在低温下相分离, 根据自由能符号确定合金固溶的临界温度; 形成能小于零的体系V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr在低温下倾向于形成有序相, 根据比热的计算可以确定体系出现有序-无序转变的临界温度. 其中, 高通量第一原理计算和对应的结构简并度统计可以通过我们课题组发布的程序SAGAR (structures of alloy generation and recognition)实现.
    Alloying is an important way to increase the diversity of material structure and properties. In this paper, we start from Ising model considering nearest neighbor interaction, in which a ferromagnetic system corresponds to a low temperature phase separation and high temperature solid solution of binary alloy, while antiferromagnetic system corresponds to a low temperature ordered solid solution and a high temperature disorder. The high-throughput first-principles calculation based on the structure recognition is realized by the program SAGAR (structures of alloy generation and recognition) developed by our research group. By considering the contribution of structural degeneracy to the partition function, theoretical prediction of alloy materials can be carried out at finite temperature. Taking hydrogen storage alloy (ScxY1–x Fe2 and V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr) for example, the formation energy of ground state (at zero temperature) can be obtained by the first-principles calculations. It is found that the formation energy of ScxY1–x Fe2 is greater than zero, thereby inducing the phase separation at low temperature. The free energy will decrease with the temperature and concentration increasing, where the critical temperature of solid solution of alloy is determined according to the zero point of free energy. The formation energies of V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr are all lower than zero, and the ordered phase occurs at low temperature. The order-disorder transition temperature of V0.5Fe1.5Zr and V1.5Fe0.5Zr are both about 100 K, while the transition temperature of VFeZr is nearly 50 K. The calculation process will effectively improve the high throughput screening efficiency of alloy, and also provide relevant theoretical reference for experimental research.
      通信作者: 杨小宝, scxbyang@scut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 广东省重点研究发展项目(批准号: 2020B010183001)和广东省计算科学与材料设计重点实验室(批准号: 2019B030301001)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Yang Xiao-Bao, scxbyang@scut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2020B010183001) and the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Computational Science and Materials Design Program, China (Grant No. 2019B030301001)

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  • 图 1  取代含量为半数时的一种构型下, V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr的(a)原胞结构和体积扩大为原胞(b) 2倍、(c) 4倍时对应的晶格; ScxY1–x Fe2合金体系的(d)原胞结构和(e)—(f)体积扩大为原胞4倍时对应的7种晶格(红色、绿色、黄色、青色和紫色小球分别代表 V, Zr, Fe, Y和Sc原子)

    Fig. 1.  Lattices of V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr (a) primitive cell and corresponding to volumes expanded respectively from primitive cell by (b) 2 times, (c) 4 times under a half of replacement content. (d) Primitive cell structure of ScxY1–x Fe2 alloys system and (e)−(f) the 7 kinds of lattices with 4 times volume of that of primitive one (red, green, yellow cyan and purple sphere represent respectively V, Zr, Fe, Y and Sc atom).

    图 2  根据Ising模型拟合结果得出的体系 (a)自由能符号; (c)热容; (b), (d)相转变温度

    Fig. 2.  Systems obtained according to the fitting results of Ising model: (a) Free energy signal; (c) heat capacity; (b), (d) phase transition temperature.

    图 3  (a) ScxY1–x Fe2 体系立方晶格中不同取代浓度下随温度变化的自由能符号; (b) 1/8和(c) 5/8取代浓度下不同晶格结构随温度变化的自由能; (d) ScxY1–x Fe2体系温度-浓度相图

    Fig. 3.  (a) Free energy signal induced by temperature under different replacement concentration in ScxY1–x Fe2 cubic structure. Free energy versus temperature for different crystal structures at (b) 1/8 and (c) 5/8 replacement concentration, respectively. (d) Temperature-concentration phase diagram of ScxY1–x Fe2 alloy system

    图 4  (a) V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr体系的温度-浓度相图(图中浓度指代为$ x $); (b) V0.5Fe1.5Zr, (c) VFeZr和(d) V1.5Fe0.5Zr组分及邻近组分合金结构的热容

    Fig. 4.  (a) Phase diagram of temperature versus concentration in V2x Fe2(1–x)Zr system (concentration in Fig. 4 is devoted to x). Heat capacities of (b) V0.5Fe1.5Zr, (c) VFeZr and (d) V1.5Fe0.5Zr components and their adjacent components

    表 1  利用SAGAR对图1所示两种合金在不同晶格下生成的所有不等价结构数目

    Table 1.  Numbers of all nonequivalent structures from different lattices created by using SAGAR for the two kinds of alloy system shown as Fig. 1

    晶型 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)
    结构数 5 28 531 3 43 34 43 21 34 30 16
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