Optical elements such as stretcher, compressor and thick lenses will lead to spatially-dependent temporal properties of a large aperture laser pulse, which is called spatiotemporal coupling (STC). Beyond pure temporal characterization measurement, a measure of spatiotemporal coupling distortion based on spatial-spectral interference is proposed in this study. Full one-dimensional spatiotemporal coupling characteristics can be obtained in a single-shot measurement, and the complete spatiotemporal coupling characteristics in the near field can be obtained by scanning along another spatial dimension. The spatiotemporal coupling characteristics introduced by the wedge glasses are measured, and the experimental results accord well with the theoretical results.
[1] Trebino R, Kane D J 1993 Opt. Soc. Am. A 10 1101
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[2] Li Y Y, Chen Y, Li W K, Wang P F, Shao B J, Peng Y J, Leng Y X 2019 Opt. Laser Technol. 120 105671
Google Scholar
[3] Iaconis C, Walmsley I A 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 792
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[4] Radunsky A S, Walmsley I A, Gorza S P, Wasylczyk P 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 181
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[5] Oksenhendler T, Coudreau S, Forget N, Grabielle S, Kaplan D, Gobret O 2010 Appl. Phys. B 99 7
[6] Trisorio A, Grabielle S, Divall M, Forget N, Hauri C P 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 2892
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[7] Miranda M, Fordell T, Arnold C, Huillier A L, Crespo H 2012 Opt. Express 20 688
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[8] Loriot V, Gitzinger G, Forget N 2013 Opt. Express 21 24879
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[9] Walowicz K A, Pastirk I, Lozovoy V V, Dantus M 2002 J. Phys. Chem. A 106 9369
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[10] 赵冠凯, 刘军, 李儒新 2014 63 164207
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Zhao G K, Liu J, Li R X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 164207
Google Scholar
[11] 左言磊, 曾小明, 黄小军, 赵磊, 王逍, 周凯南, 张颖, 黄征 2009 58 8264
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Zuo Y L, Zeng X M, Huang X J, Zhao L, Wang X, Zhou K N, Zhang Y, Huang Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8264
Google Scholar
[12] Jolly S W, Gobert O, Quéré F 2020 J. Opt. 22 103501
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[13] Dorrer C 2019 IEEE J. Quantum. Electron. 25 3100216
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[14] Li Z Y, Ogino J, Tokita S, Kawanaka J 2019 Opt. Express 27 13292
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[15] Pariente G, Gallet V, Borot A, Gobert O, Quéré F 2016 Nat. Photonics 10 547
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[16] Gabolde P, Trebino R 2008 Opt. Soc. Am. B 25 A25
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[17] Dorrer C, Bahk S W 2018 Opt. Express 26 33387
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[18] Meshulach D, Yelin D, Silberberg Y 1997 Opt. Soc. Am. B 14 2095
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[19] 赵丹, 王逍, 母杰, 左言磊, 周松, 周凯南, 曾小明, 李志林, 粟敬钦, 朱启华 2017 66 024201
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Zhao D, Wang X, Mu J, Zuo Y L, Zhou S, Zhou K N, Zeng X M, Li Z L, Su J Q, Zhu Q H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 024201
Google Scholar
[20] 母杰, 王逍, 左言磊, 胡必龙, 李伟, 曾小明, 周凯南, 王晓东, 孙立, 吴朝辉, 粟敬钦 2020 中国激光 47 0401003
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Mu J, Wang X, Zuo Y L, Hu B L, Li W, Zeng X M, Zhou K N, Wang X D, Sun L, Wu Z H, Su J Q 2020 Chin. J. Lasers 47 0401003
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[21] Bowlan P, Gabolde P, Trebino R 2007 Opt. Express 15 10219
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图 3 谱相位提取过程 (a) 干涉条纹频域图像; (b) 频域带通滤波器; (c) 频域滤波后干涉条纹图; (d) 二值化干涉条纹图; (e) 细化图像, 提取干涉条纹中心; (f) 干涉条纹级次标记; (g) 谱相位图; (h)去除线性项后的谱相位图
Fig. 3. Spectral phase recovery process: (a) Frequency domain image; (b) frequency domain bandpass filter; (c) filtered image; (d) binary image; (e) thinning image and identify the center of the stripe; (f) labeled the order of stripes; (g) spectral phase; (h) spectral phase (remove the linear terms).
图 5 加入1号劈板单次采样 (a) 谱相位信息模拟计算结果; (b) 时空耦合特性模拟计算结果; (c) 谱相位信息测量结果; (d) 时空耦合特性测量结果
Fig. 5. Single sampling results (insert WG1): (a) Spectral phase simulation results; (b) spatiotemporal coupling characteristics simulation results; (c) spectral phase measurement results; (d) spatiotemporal coupling characteristics measurement results.
图 6 加入1号劈板近场时空特性 (a) 近场光斑模拟结果; (b) 近场脉冲前沿模拟结果; (c) 近场脉冲宽度模拟结果; (d) 近场光斑测量结果; (e) 近场脉冲前沿测量结果; (f) 近场脉冲宽度测量结果
Fig. 6. Near-field spatiotemporal characteristics (insert WG1): (a) Near field intensity simulation results; (b) near field pulse front simulation results; (c) near field pulse width simulation results; (d) near field intensity measurement results; (e) near field pulse front measurement results; (f) near field pulse width measurement results.
图 7 加入2号劈板单次采样 (a) 谱相位信息模拟计算结果; (b) 时空耦合特性模拟计算结果; (c) 谱相位信息测量结果; (d) 时空耦合特性测量结果
Fig. 7. Single sampling results (insert WG2): (a) Spectral phase simulation results; (b) spatiotemporal coupling characteristics simulation results; (c) spectral phase measurement results; (d) spatiotemporal coupling characteristics measurement results.
图 8 加入2号劈板近场时空特性 (a) 近场光斑模拟结果; (b) 近场脉冲前沿模拟结果; (c) 近场脉冲宽度模拟结果; (d) 近场光斑测量结果; (e) 近场脉冲前沿测量结果; (f) 近场脉冲宽度测量结果
Fig. 8. Near-field spatiotemporal characteristics (insert WG1): (a) Near field intensity simulation results; (b) near field pulse front simulation results; (c) near field pulse width simulation results; (d) near field intensity measurement results; (e) near field pulse front measurement results; (f) near field pulse width measurement results.
[1] Trebino R, Kane D J 1993 Opt. Soc. Am. A 10 1101
Google Scholar
[2] Li Y Y, Chen Y, Li W K, Wang P F, Shao B J, Peng Y J, Leng Y X 2019 Opt. Laser Technol. 120 105671
Google Scholar
[3] Iaconis C, Walmsley I A 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 792
Google Scholar
[4] Radunsky A S, Walmsley I A, Gorza S P, Wasylczyk P 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 181
Google Scholar
[5] Oksenhendler T, Coudreau S, Forget N, Grabielle S, Kaplan D, Gobret O 2010 Appl. Phys. B 99 7
[6] Trisorio A, Grabielle S, Divall M, Forget N, Hauri C P 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 2892
Google Scholar
[7] Miranda M, Fordell T, Arnold C, Huillier A L, Crespo H 2012 Opt. Express 20 688
Google Scholar
[8] Loriot V, Gitzinger G, Forget N 2013 Opt. Express 21 24879
Google Scholar
[9] Walowicz K A, Pastirk I, Lozovoy V V, Dantus M 2002 J. Phys. Chem. A 106 9369
Google Scholar
[10] 赵冠凯, 刘军, 李儒新 2014 63 164207
Google Scholar
Zhao G K, Liu J, Li R X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 164207
Google Scholar
[11] 左言磊, 曾小明, 黄小军, 赵磊, 王逍, 周凯南, 张颖, 黄征 2009 58 8264
Google Scholar
Zuo Y L, Zeng X M, Huang X J, Zhao L, Wang X, Zhou K N, Zhang Y, Huang Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8264
Google Scholar
[12] Jolly S W, Gobert O, Quéré F 2020 J. Opt. 22 103501
Google Scholar
[13] Dorrer C 2019 IEEE J. Quantum. Electron. 25 3100216
Google Scholar
[14] Li Z Y, Ogino J, Tokita S, Kawanaka J 2019 Opt. Express 27 13292
Google Scholar
[15] Pariente G, Gallet V, Borot A, Gobert O, Quéré F 2016 Nat. Photonics 10 547
Google Scholar
[16] Gabolde P, Trebino R 2008 Opt. Soc. Am. B 25 A25
Google Scholar
[17] Dorrer C, Bahk S W 2018 Opt. Express 26 33387
Google Scholar
[18] Meshulach D, Yelin D, Silberberg Y 1997 Opt. Soc. Am. B 14 2095
Google Scholar
[19] 赵丹, 王逍, 母杰, 左言磊, 周松, 周凯南, 曾小明, 李志林, 粟敬钦, 朱启华 2017 66 024201
Google Scholar
Zhao D, Wang X, Mu J, Zuo Y L, Zhou S, Zhou K N, Zeng X M, Li Z L, Su J Q, Zhu Q H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 024201
Google Scholar
[20] 母杰, 王逍, 左言磊, 胡必龙, 李伟, 曾小明, 周凯南, 王晓东, 孙立, 吴朝辉, 粟敬钦 2020 中国激光 47 0401003
Google Scholar
Mu J, Wang X, Zuo Y L, Hu B L, Li W, Zeng X M, Zhou K N, Wang X D, Sun L, Wu Z H, Su J Q 2020 Chin. J. Lasers 47 0401003
Google Scholar
[21] Bowlan P, Gabolde P, Trebino R 2007 Opt. Express 15 10219
Google Scholar
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