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张泽峰 黄丽莲 项建弘 刘帅



张泽峰, 黄丽莲, 项建弘, 刘帅

Dynamic study of a new five-dimensional conservative hyperchaotic system with wide parameter range

Zhang Ze-Feng, Huang Li-Lian, Xiang Jian-Hong, Liu Shuai
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 保守系统因为没有吸引子, 与常见的耗散系统相比, 它的遍历性更好, 伪随机性更强, 安全性更高, 更适合应用于混沌保密通信等领域. 基于此, 设计了一个新的具有宽参数范围的五维保守超混沌系统. 首先, 进行 Hamilton 能量和 Casimir 能量分析, 证明了新系统满足 Hamilton 能量保守且能够产生混沌. 然后进行动力学分析, 包括保守性证明、平衡点分析、Lyapunov 指数谱和分岔图分析, 证明了新系统具有保守系统的特点, 且能够在宽参数范围内一直保持超混沌状态, 同时对比宽参数范围内系统的相图和 Poincaré 截面图, 结果表明随着参数增大, 系统的随机性和遍历性得到增强. 接着, 对新系统进行 NIST 测试, 结果显示该系统在宽参数范围内产生的混沌随机序列具有很强的伪随机性. 最后对保守超混沌系统进行电路仿真和硬件电路实验, 实验结果证实了新系统具有良好的遍历性和可实现性.
    Conservative systems have no attractors. Therefore, compared with common dissipative systems, conservative systems have good ergodicity, strong pseudo-randomness and high security performance, thereby making them more suitable for applications in chaotic secure communication and other fields. Owing to these features, a new five-dimensional conservative hyperchaotic system with a wide parameter range is designed. Firstly, the Hamiltonian energy and Casimir energy are analyzed, showing that the new system satisfies the Hamiltonian energy conservation and can generate chaos. Next, the dynamic analysis is carried out, including conservativeness proof, equilibrium point analysis, Lyapunov exponential spectrum, and bifurcation diagrams analysis, thereby proving that the new system has the characteristics of conservative system and can always maintain a hyperchaotic state in a wide parameter range. At the same time, the phase diagram and Poincaré section diagram of the new system in a wide parameter range are compared. The results show that the randomness and ergodicity of the system are enhanced with the increase of parameters. Then, the NIST test shows that the chaotic random sequences generated by the new system in a wide parameter range have strong pseudo-randomness. Finally, the circuit simulation and hardware circuit experiment of the conservative hyperchaotic system are carried out, which proves that the new system has good ergodicity and realizability.
      通信作者: 黄丽莲, lilian_huang@163.com ; 项建弘, xiangjianhong@hrbeu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61203004)、黑龙江省自然科学基金(批准号: F201220)和黑龙江省自然科学基金联合引导项目(批准号: LH2020 F022)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Huang Li-Lian, lilian_huang@163.com ; Xiang Jian-Hong, xiangjianhong@hrbeu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61203004), the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. F201220), and the Joint Guidance Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. LH2020 F022)

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    禹思敏 2011 混沌系统与混沌电路 (西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社) 第293—312页

    Yu S M 2011 Chaotic Systems and Chaotic Circuits (Xi’an: Xidian University Press) pp293−312 (in Chinese)

  • 图 1  数值仿真, 红色部分为系统${\varSigma _1}$, 蓝色部分为系统$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$ (a)时域波形; (b)Casimir功率; (c)${x_1}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_4}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$相图; (d)${x_1}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_4}$相图

    Fig. 1.  Numerical simulation, the red part is system${\varSigma_1}$, the blue part is system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$: (a) Time domain waveforms; (b) Casimir power; (c)${x_1}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_4}{\rm{\text-}}{x_5}$plane; (d)${x_1}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_4}$plane.

    图 2  数值仿真 (a)系统$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$的Lyapunov指数谱; (b)系统$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$的分岔图

    Fig. 2.  Numerical simulation: (a) Lyapunov exponent spectrum of system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$; (b) bifurcation diagram of system$\varSigma _1^{ {{\rm{H}}}}$

    图 3  系统$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$的相图和Poincaré截面图 (a)$ {\varPi _2} = 2 $时的相图; (b)$ {\varPi _2} = 2 $时的Poincaré截面图; (c)$ {\varPi _2} = 500 $时的相图; (d)$ {\varPi _2} = 500 $时的Poincaré截面图; (e)$ {\varPi _2} = 1000 $时的相图; (f)$ {\varPi _2} = 1000 $时的Poincaré截面图; (g)$ {\varPi _2} = 1500 $时的相图; (h)$ {\varPi _2} = 1500 $时的Poincaré截面图

    Fig. 3.  Phase diagrams and Poincaré maps of system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$: (a) The phase diagram when$ {\varPi _2} = 2 $; (b) the Poincaré map when$ {\varPi _2} = 2 $; (c) the phase diagram when$ {\varPi _2} = 500 $; (d) the Poincaré map when$ {\varPi _2} = 500 $; (e) the phase diagram when$ {\varPi _2} = 1000 $; (f) the Poincaré map when$ {\varPi _2} = 1000 $; (g) the phase diagram when$ {\varPi _2} = 1500 $; (h) the Poincaré map when $ {\varPi _2} = 1500 $.

    图 4  系统$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$$ {\varPi _2} = 2 $的相图 (a)${x_2}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$平面; (b)${x_3}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$平面

    Fig. 4.  Phase diagrams of system$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$when$ {\varPi _2} = 2 $: (a) ${x_2}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$plane; (b) ${x_3}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$plane.

    图 5  系统$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$非重叠模块匹配检验的P-values的直方图

    Fig. 5.  P-values histogram of non-overlapping template matching test of system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$.

    图 6  系统$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$的电路设计

    Fig. 6.  Circuit design of system$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$.

    图 7  系统$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$的仿真电路 (a)${x_2}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$相图; (b)${x_3}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$相图

    Fig. 7.  Simulation circuit of system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$: (a) ${x_2}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$plane; (b) ${x_3}{\rm{ \text- }}{x_5}$plane.

    图 8  系统$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$的实际电路 (a)硬件实验电路; (b)实验结果

    Fig. 8.  Actual circuit of system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$: (a) Hardware experimental circuit; (b) experimental result.

    表 1  系统$\varSigma_1^{\rm{H}}$的平衡点和特征值

    Table 1.  Equilibrium points and characteristic values of system$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$.

    系统平衡点($ {k_1}, {k_4} \in \mathbb{R} $)特征值($ \sigma , \omega \in {\mathbb{R}^ + } $)平衡点类型
    $\varSigma _1^{\rm{H} }$ $ (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) $ $ (0, {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, - {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}, - {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}) $ 中心点
    $ (0, {\sigma _1}, - {\sigma _2}, {\sigma _3} + {\rm{j}}\omega , {\sigma _3} - {\rm{j}}\omega ) $ 鞍焦点
    $ ({k_1}, 0, 0, 0, 0) $ $ (0, {\sigma _1}, - {\sigma _2}, - {\sigma _3} + {\rm{j}}\omega , - {\sigma _3} - {\rm{j}}\omega ) $ 鞍焦点
    $ (0, \sigma + {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, \sigma - {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, - \sigma + {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}, - \sigma - {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}) $ 鞍焦点
    $ (0, {\sigma _1}, {\sigma _2}, - {\sigma _3}, - {\sigma _4}) $ 鞍焦点
    $ (\sqrt 2 , 0, \sqrt 2 {k_4}, {k_4}, 0) $ $ (0, 0, - {\sigma _1}, {\sigma _2} + {\rm{j}}\omega , {\sigma _2} - {\rm{j}}\omega ) $鞍焦点
    $ (0, \sigma + {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, \sigma - {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, - \sigma + {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}, - \sigma - {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}) $鞍焦点
    $ (0, {\sigma _1}, {\sigma _2}, - {\sigma _3}, - {\sigma _4}) $ 鞍焦点
    $ ( - \sqrt 2 , 0, - \sqrt 2 {k_4}, {k_4}, 0) $ $ (0, 0, {\sigma _1}, - {\sigma _2} + {\rm{j}}\omega , - {\sigma _2} - {\rm{j}}\omega ) $ 鞍焦点
    $ (0, \sigma + {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, \sigma - {\rm{j}}{\omega _1}, - \sigma + {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}, - \sigma - {\rm{j}}{\omega _2}) $ 鞍焦点
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    表 2  系统$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$的NIST测试结果

    Table 2.  NIST test results of System$\varSigma _1^{\rm{H}}$.

    No.Statistical testP-valueProportion
    1 Frequency 0.759756 0.99
    2 Block frequency 0.494392 1.00
    3 Cumulative sums 0.595549 1.00
    4 Runs 0.867692 0.99
    5 Longest run 0.102526 0.98
    6 Rank 0.115387 1.00
    7 FFT 0.455937 1.00
    8 Nonoverlapping template 0.015598 0.98
    9 Overlapping template 0.699313 0.99
    10 Universal 0.678686 0.98
    11 Approximate entropy 0.574903 1.00
    12 Random excursions 0.186566 0.9836
    13 Random excursions variant 0.023812 1.00
    14 Serial 0.514124 0.99
    15 Linear complexity 0.350485 0.99
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    禹思敏, 吕金虎, 李澄清 2016 电子与信息学报 38 735

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    鲜永菊, 扶坤荣, 徐昌彪 2021 振动与冲击 40 15

    Xian Y J, Fu K R, Xu C B 2021 J. Vib. Shock. 40 15


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    Chen M, Wang C, Wu H G, Xu Q, Bao B C 2021 Nonlinear Dyn. 103 643Google Scholar


    Bouteghrine B, Tanougast C, Sadoudi S 2021 J. Circuits Syst. Comput. 30 2150280Google Scholar


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    徐昌彪, 钟德, 夏诚, 黎周 2019 振动与冲击 38 125

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    Xu C B, Li Z 2019 J. Zhejiang Univ. (Eng. Sci.) 53 1552Google Scholar


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    Rukhin A, Soto J, Nechvatal J, Smid M, Barker E, Leigh S, Levenson M, Vangel M, Banks D, Heckert A, Dray J, Vo S 2021https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-22/rev-1 a/final [2021-06-26]


    禹思敏 2011 混沌系统与混沌电路 (西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社) 第293—312页

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-03-30
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