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董帅 纪祥勇 李春曦



董帅, 纪祥勇, 李春曦

Large eddy simulation of Taylor-Couette turbulent flow under transverse magnetic field

Dong Shuai, Ji Xiang-Yong, Li Chun-Xi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 采用大涡模拟方法对横向磁场作用下导电流体Taylor-Couette湍流流动进行数值模拟, 以研究其运动规律. 计算模型为无限长度, 半径比为1/2. 雷诺数分别选取为3000和5000, 磁场加载方式为全局磁场, 哈特曼数取值0—50. 对磁场作用下泰勒涡的演化过程、速度分布和湍动能分布进行分析, 并与轴向磁场作用下泰勒涡演化过程进行对比. 结果表明: 磁场对流场有显著的抑制作用, 扭曲的泰勒涡在横向磁场的作用下破裂成小尺度涡结构, 并沿磁场方向排列; 在外圆筒和垂直于磁场方向的区域, 磁场抑制效果较强; 随着雷诺数的增加, 磁场抑制效果减弱, 在流场不同区域, 流动呈现出不同的特点. 与轴向磁场相比, 横向磁场对流场的抑制效果较弱, 流场分布呈现出明显的各向异性.
    By the large eddy simulation method, the turbulent Taylor-Couette flow of conducting fluid under a homogenous transverse magnetic field is investigated through using the computational fluid dynamic software ANSYS Fluent 17.0. The flow is confined between two infinitely long cylinders, thus a periodic boundary condition is imposed in the axial direction. The inner cylinder rotates while the outer one is at rest, and their radius ratio is 1/2. Two Reynolds numbers of 3000 and 5000 are considered in the simulations, and the Hartmann number is varied from 0 to 50. In the present study, we assume a lower magnetic Reynolds number $Re_{\rm m} \ll 1$, i.e., the influence of the induced magnetic field on the flow is negligible in comparison with the imposed magnetic field. The evolution of Taylor vortices, velocity profile of mean flow, and turbulent kinetic energy distribution under the transverse magnetic field are analyzed and compared with the results of the axial magnetic field counterpart. It shows that the imposed magnetic field has a significant damping effect on the Taylor-Couette flow. The twisted Taylor vortices break into small-scale vortex structures under the transverse magnetic field and they arrange themselves along the magnetic field. The fluctuations which are perpendicular to the magnetic field are suppressed effectively, while the one which is parallel to the magnetic field is nearly uninfluenced, resulting in quasi-two-dimensional elongated structure in the flow field. As anticipated, in a sufficiently strong magnetic field, the turbulent Taylor-Couette flow may eventually decay to a Couette laminar flow. In the outer cylinder and the area perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, the suppression effect is even stronger than those in any other places and fewer vortices are observed in the simulations. The turbulent kinetic energy is transferred firstly from large eddies to intermediate eddies, then to small eddies, and finally dissipated due to the viscous and Joule effect. As the Reynolds number increases, the suppression effect of the magnetic field weakens, and the flow behaves divergently in different areas of the apparatus. Compared with the axial magnetic field, the transverse magnetic field has a weak suppression effect on the flow field, and the profiles of related variables are obviously anisotropic.
      通信作者: 李春曦, Leechunxi@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12172129, 11302076)、河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2014502047)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: 2021MS081)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Li Chun-Xi, Leechunxi@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12172129, 11302076), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. A2014502047), and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. 2021MS081)

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    叶立, 蔡小舒, 童正明 2012 化工进展 31 1878

    Ye L, Cai X S, Tong Z M 2012 Chem. Ind. Eng. Prog. 31 1878


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    丁明松, 江涛, 刘庆宗, 董维中, 高铁锁, 傅杨奥骁 2020 69 134702Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Liu Q Z, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Fu Y A X 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 134702Google Scholar


    Kakarantzas S C, Benos L T, Sarris I E, Knaepenc B, Grecos A P, Vlachos N S 2017 Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 65 342Google Scholar


    Dong S 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 587 373Google Scholar


    Cheng W, Pullin D I, Samtaney R 2020 J. Fluid Mech. 890 17Google Scholar


    赵斌娟, 谢昀彤, 廖文言, 韩璐遥, 付燕霞, 黄忠富 2020 机械工程学报 56 216Google Scholar

    Zhao B J, Xie Y T, Liao W Y, Han L Y, Fu Y X, Huang Z F 2020 J. Mech. Eng. 56 216Google Scholar


    杜珩, 阙夏, 刘难生 2014 中国科学技术大学学报 44 761Google Scholar

    Du H, Que X, Liu N S 2014 J. Univ. Sci. Technol. China 44 761Google Scholar


    Leng X Y, Krasnov D, Kolesnikov Y, Li B W 2017 Magnetohydrodynamics 53 159Google Scholar

  • 图 1  物理模型

    Fig. 1.  Physical model.

    图 2  平均周向速度分布曲线 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 2.  Distribution of mean azimuthal velocity: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 3  平均角动量分布曲线 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 3.  Distribution of mean angular momentum (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 4  平均速度u+分布 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 4.  Distribution of mean velocity profile u+: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 5  Q = 2000时泰勒涡的演化过程图 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 5.  Diagram of Taylor vortex evolution process with Q = 2000: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 6  Re = 3000工况下子午面平均速度矢量图 (a) x = 0; (b) y = 0

    Fig. 6.  Diagram of mean velocity in the meridian plane at Re = 3000: (a) x = 0; (b) y = 0.

    图 7  Re = 5000工况下子午面平均速度矢量图 (a) x = 0; (b) y = 0

    Fig. 7.  Diagram of mean velocity in the meridian plane at Re = 5000: (a) x = 0; (b) y = 0.

    图 8  全流场周向速度分布曲线 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 8.  Distribution of the azimuthal velocity in the whole flow field: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 9  x = 0子午面周向速度分布曲线 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 9.  Distribution of the azimuthal velocity in the vertical plane of x = 0: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 10  y = 0子午面周向速度分布曲线 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 10.  Distribution of the azimuthal velocity in the vertical plane of y = 0: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 11  k = 1.01 m2/s2时湍动能分布图 (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000

    Fig. 11.  Distribution of turbulent kinetic energy with k = 1.01 m2/s2: (a) Re = 3000; (b) Re = 5000.

    图 12  Re = 3000工况下湍动能谱 (a) Ha = 0; (b) Ha = 30

    Fig. 12.  Power energy spectra for uθ at Re = 3000: (a) Ha = 0; (b) Ha = 30.

    图 13  Re = 3000工况下泰勒涡在轴向磁场作用下的演化过程图(Q = 2000)

    Fig. 13.  Diagram of Taylor vortex evolution process under the action of axial magnetic field at Re = 3000, Q = 2000.

  • [1]

    Taylor G I 1923 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A 223 289Google Scholar


    Andereck C D, Liu S S, Swinney H L 1986 J. Fluid Mech. 164 155Google Scholar


    叶立, 蔡小舒, 童正明 2012 化工进展 31 1878

    Ye L, Cai X S, Tong Z M 2012 Chem. Ind. Eng. Prog. 31 1878


    Dutta P K, Ray A K 2004 Chem. Eng. Sci. 59 5249Google Scholar


    Collet Y, Magotte O, Van den Bogaert N, Rolinsky R, Loix F, Jacot M, Regnier V, Marie J M, Dupret F 2012 J. Cryst. Growth 360 18Google Scholar


    Li Y, Ruan D, Imaishi N, Wu S, Peng L, Zeng D 2003 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 2887Google Scholar


    Gao X, Kong B, Vigil R D 2015 Bioresour. Technol. 198 283Google Scholar


    Gil L V G, Singh H, Da Silva J D S, Santos D P D, Suazo C A T 2020 Biochem. Eng. J. 162 107710Google Scholar


    Kang B K, Song Y H, Park W K, Kwag S H, Lim B S, Kwon S B, Yang W S, Yoon D H 2017 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 3673Google Scholar


    Serov A F, Nazarov A D, Mamonov V N, Terekhov V I 2019 Appl. Energy 251 113362Google Scholar


    Donnelly R J, Ozima M 1962 Proc. R. Soc. A 266 272Google Scholar


    Tagawa T, Kaneda M 2005 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 14 007Google Scholar


    Leng X Y, Kolesnikov Y B, Krasnov D, Li B W 2018 Phys. Fluids 30 015107Google Scholar


    Leng X Y, Yu Y, Li B W 2014 Comput. Fluids 105 16Google Scholar


    Zhao Y R, Tao J J, Zikanov O 2014 Phys. Rev. E 89 33002Google Scholar


    Kikura H, Aritomi M, Takeda Y 2005 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 289 342Google Scholar


    Davidson P A 1995 J. Fluid Mech. 299 153Google Scholar


    丁明松, 江涛, 刘庆宗, 董维中, 高铁锁, 傅杨奥骁 2020 69 134702Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Liu Q Z, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Fu Y A X 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 134702Google Scholar


    Kakarantzas S C, Benos L T, Sarris I E, Knaepenc B, Grecos A P, Vlachos N S 2017 Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 65 342Google Scholar


    Dong S 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 587 373Google Scholar


    Cheng W, Pullin D I, Samtaney R 2020 J. Fluid Mech. 890 17Google Scholar


    赵斌娟, 谢昀彤, 廖文言, 韩璐遥, 付燕霞, 黄忠富 2020 机械工程学报 56 216Google Scholar

    Zhao B J, Xie Y T, Liao W Y, Han L Y, Fu Y X, Huang Z F 2020 J. Mech. Eng. 56 216Google Scholar


    杜珩, 阙夏, 刘难生 2014 中国科学技术大学学报 44 761Google Scholar

    Du H, Que X, Liu N S 2014 J. Univ. Sci. Technol. China 44 761Google Scholar


    Leng X Y, Krasnov D, Kolesnikov Y, Li B W 2017 Magnetohydrodynamics 53 159Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-03-01
  • 修回日期:  2021-04-05
  • 上网日期:  2021-06-07
  • 刊出日期:  2021-09-20

