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王红霞 张清华 侯维君 魏一苇



王红霞, 张清华, 侯维君, 魏一苇

Analysis of terahertz wave attenuated by sand and dust storms with different modes

Wang Hong-Xia, Zhang Qing-Hua, Hou Wei-Jun, Wei Yi-Wei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 太赫兹波空间传输特性研究对于太赫兹波在空间中的应用具有重要意义. 为研究太赫兹波在沙尘暴天气中的传输特性, 本文根据沙尘粒子尺度的对数正态分布, 应用Mie散射理论和Monte Carlo方法, 分析了国内不同地域的六种干沙模态沙尘暴对1—10 THz频段太赫兹波的衰减特性, 给出了消光参量和衰减率与频率的关系. 结果表明, 随着频率的增大, 1—10 THz频段太赫兹波的衰减率呈先增加后减小的趋势, 沙尘暴的模态不同, 太赫兹波衰减较强的频段范围有所不同. 为了分析沙粒含水量对太赫兹波传输衰减的影响, 计算了不同尺寸的沙尘粒子3个效率因子与含水量的关系, 发现粒子尺寸不同, 含水量对消光的影响也不同; 应用Monte Carlo方法计算了两种湿沙模态的沙尘暴对1—10 THz频段太赫兹波的衰减, 给出了衰减率与含水量及频率的关系. 结果表明, 随沙粒含水量增大, 沙尘暴对太赫兹波衰减较强的频段向低频方向移动, 含水量小于5%时, 太赫兹波衰减率随含水量增大显著增强, 湿度较大的沙尘暴天气对太赫兹波的传输衰减影响更大.
    The research on space transmission characteristics of terahertz wave is of great significance for the application of terahertz wave in space. In order to study the transmission characteristics of terahertz wave in sand and dust storm weather, according to the lognormal distribution of dust particle sizes, Mie scattering theory and Monte Carlo method are used to analyze the attenuation characteristics of six dry sand modes of sand and dust storm in different regions of China in a frequency band of 1–10 THz, and the relationship of the extinction parameters and attenuation rate to the frequency is given. The results show that with the increase of frequency, the attenuation rate of 1–10 THz terahertz wave first increases and then decreases. Different mode of sand and dust storm leads to different frequency range of strong attenuation of terahertz wave. In order to analyze the influence of sand dust particle moisture content on terahertz wave propagation attenuation, the relationship of three efficiency factors to water content of sand dust particles with different sizes is calculated. The results show that the influence of water content on extinction is different from that of the particle size. Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the attenuation of terahertz wave by sand and dust storm in two kinds of wet sand modes, and the relationship of the attenuation rate and water content to the frequency is given, the results are compared with those from the dry sand mode, showing that the albedo of wet sand mode is obviously lower than that of dry sand mode with the same size distribution. The absorption of wet sand particles increases with water content increasing. The extinction of wet sand and dust storm results from scattering and absorption. With the increase of water content in sand particles, the frequency band with strong attenuation of terahertz wave by wet sand and dust storm moves toward low frequency. When the water content is less than 5%, the attenuation rate of terahertz wave increases significantly with the increase of water content. Sand and dust storms with higher humidity have a greater influence on the transmission attenuation of terahertz wave.
      通信作者: 王红霞, redlightw@163.com
      Corresponding author: Wang Hong-Xia, redlightw@163.com

    Sarieddeen H, Alouini M S, Al-Naffouri T Y 2019 IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 37 2040Google Scholar


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    Xu W Z, Zhong K, Mei J L 2015 Infrared Laser Eng. 44 523Google Scholar


    董群锋, 郭立新, 李应乐, 王明军 2018 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 16 599Google Scholar

    Dong Q F, Guo L X, Li Y L, Wang M J 2018 J. Terahertz Sci. Electron. Inf. Technol. 16 599Google Scholar


    周旺, 周东方, 侯德亭 2005 强激光与粒子束 17 1259

    Zhou W, Zhong D F, Hou D T 2005 High Pow. Las. Part. Beam. 17 1259


    Sihvola A H, Kong J A 1988 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 26 420Google Scholar


    Liebe H J, Hufford G A, Manabe T 1991 Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves 12 659Google Scholar


    Ahmed A S 1987 IEE Proc. H 134 55Google Scholar


    董庆生 1997 电波科学学报 12 15

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    Ansari A J, Evans B G 1982 IEE Proc. F 129 315Google Scholar


    Seyoung M, Dongyun K, Eunji S 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 336Google Scholar


    王红霞, 竹有章, 田涛, 李爱君 2013 62 024214Google Scholar

    Wang H X, Zhu Y Z, Tian T, Li A J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024214Google Scholar


    高志文, 周又和, 郑晓静 2008 中国科学G辑 38 955

    Gao Z W, Zhou Y H, Zheng X J 2008 Sci. Chin. Ser. G 38 955


    Prahl S A, Keijzer M, Jacques S L 1989 SPIE Proceedings IS 5 102


    Binzoni T, Leung T S, Gandjbakhche A H 2006 Phys. Med. Biol. 51 313Google Scholar

  • 图 1  消光效率因子与频率的关系

    Fig. 1.  Relationship between extinction efficiency factor and frequency.

    图 2  效率因子与沙粒直径的关系(1 THz)

    Fig. 2.  Relationship between efficiency factor and sand diameter (1 THz).

    图 3  效率因子与沙粒含水量的关系(1 THz)

    Fig. 3.  Relationship between efficiency factor and sand moisture content (1 THz).

    图 4  六种干沙模态沙尘暴对太赫兹波的衰减与频率的关系 (a) ω vs. f ; (b) g vs. f ; (c) μ vs. f ; (d) A vs. f

    Fig. 4.  Relationship of THz wave attenuation caused by six dry sand and dust storms to frequency: (a) ω vs. f ; (b) g vs. f ; (c) μ vs. f ; (d) A vs. f .

    图 5  黄土沙尘暴对太赫兹波的衰减与含水量的关系 (a) ω vs. p; (b) g vs. p; (c) μ vs. p; (d) A vs. p

    Fig. 5.  Relationship between THz wave attenuation and water content of loess sand and dust storms: (a) ω vs. p; (b) g vs. p; (c) μ vs. p; (d) A vs. p.

    图 6  海岸沙尘暴对太赫兹波的衰减与含水量的关系 (a) ω vs. p; (b) g vs. p; (c) μ vs. p; (d) A vs. p

    Fig. 6.  Relationship between THz wave attenuation and water content of coastal sand and dust storms: (a) ω vs. p; (b) g vs. p; (c) μ vs. p; (d) A vs. p.

    图 7  不同含水量的黄土沙尘暴对太赫兹波的衰减与频率的关系 (a) ω vs. f ; (b) g vs. f ; (c) μ vs. f ; (d) A vs. f

    Fig. 7.  Relationship of THz wave attenuation caused by loess sand and dust storms with different water content to frequency: (a) ω vs. f ; (b) g vs. f ; (c) μ vs. f ; (d) A vs. f .

    图 8  不同含水量的海岸沙尘暴对太赫兹波的衰减与频率的关系 (a) ω vs. p; (b) g vs. p; (c) μ vs. p; (d) A vs. p

    Fig. 8.  Relationship between THz wave attenuation caused by coastal sand and dust storms with different water content to frequency: (a) ω vs. p; (b) g vs. p; (c) μ vs. p; (d) A vs. p.

    表 1  沙粒的尺度分布参数

    Table 1.  Size distribution parameters of sand particles.

    Sand sourcem0σ
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    Sarieddeen H, Alouini M S, Al-Naffouri T Y 2019 IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 37 2040Google Scholar


    Chong H, Yi C 2018 IEEE Commun. Mag. 56 96Google Scholar


    Jiang Y, Deng B, Wang H 2016 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 28 1684Google Scholar


    Hu B B, Nuss M C 1995 Opt. Lett. 20 1716Google Scholar


    Mellinger J S, Yang Y, Mandehgar M 2012 Opt. Express 20 6788Google Scholar


    Elsheikh E A A, Islam M R, Habaebi M H 2017 IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 65 4200Google Scholar


    Chen H Y, Ku C C 2011 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 10 469Google Scholar


    Chiou M M, Kiang J F 2016 IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 13 1Google Scholar


    Chu T S 2013 Bell Labs Tech. J. 58 549Google Scholar


    Li X C, Gao X, Wang J 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 34208Google Scholar


    Dong Q F, Li Y L, Xu J D, Zhang H, Wang M J 2013 IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 61 910Google Scholar


    吴振森, 由金光, 杨瑞科 2004 中国激光 31 1075Google Scholar

    Wu Zh S, You J G, Yang R K 2004 Chin. J. Las. 31 1075Google Scholar


    王红霞, 孙红辉, 张清华 2020 红外与激光工程 49 20201022Google Scholar

    Wang H X, Sun H H, Zhang Q H 2020 Infrared Laser Eng. 49 20201022Google Scholar


    杨瑞科, 李茜茜, 姚荣辉 2016 65 094205Google Scholar

    Yang R K, Li Q Q, Yao R H 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 094205Google Scholar


    李宇晔, 王新柯, 张平 2008 激光与红外 9 921Google Scholar

    Li Y H, Wang H K, Zhang P 2008 Laser Infr. 9 921Google Scholar


    许文忠, 钟凯, 梅嘉林 2015 红外与激光工程 44 523Google Scholar

    Xu W Z, Zhong K, Mei J L 2015 Infrared Laser Eng. 44 523Google Scholar


    董群锋, 郭立新, 李应乐, 王明军 2018 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 16 599Google Scholar

    Dong Q F, Guo L X, Li Y L, Wang M J 2018 J. Terahertz Sci. Electron. Inf. Technol. 16 599Google Scholar


    周旺, 周东方, 侯德亭 2005 强激光与粒子束 17 1259

    Zhou W, Zhong D F, Hou D T 2005 High Pow. Las. Part. Beam. 17 1259


    Sihvola A H, Kong J A 1988 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 26 420Google Scholar


    Liebe H J, Hufford G A, Manabe T 1991 Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves 12 659Google Scholar


    Ahmed A S 1987 IEE Proc. H 134 55Google Scholar


    董庆生 1997 电波科学学报 12 15

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    Ansari A J, Evans B G 1982 IEE Proc. F 129 315Google Scholar


    Seyoung M, Dongyun K, Eunji S 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 336Google Scholar


    王红霞, 竹有章, 田涛, 李爱君 2013 62 024214Google Scholar

    Wang H X, Zhu Y Z, Tian T, Li A J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024214Google Scholar


    高志文, 周又和, 郑晓静 2008 中国科学G辑 38 955

    Gao Z W, Zhou Y H, Zheng X J 2008 Sci. Chin. Ser. G 38 955


    Prahl S A, Keijzer M, Jacques S L 1989 SPIE Proceedings IS 5 102


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