2020年6月22日, 位于瑞典的全面禁止核试验条约国际监测系统放射性核素台站监测到大气中微量的134Cs, 137Cs和103Ru等放射性核素, 芬兰和爱沙尼亚在6月14至22日期间还监测到141Ce, 95Zr和95Nb等放射性核素, 国际上对这些核素的来源进行了各种猜测. 本文在确证这些核素及其活度浓度基础上, 结合国际监测系统放射性核素台站监测数据的统计分析, 对核事件性质进行了判断, 推算了放射性核素的释放时间, 并利用大气输运模拟程序对这些放射性核素来源进行了初步判断. 结果表明, 134Cs与137Cs活度浓度比值约为1.1, 可排除来自核试验或核爆炸; 位于俄罗斯境内的RN61核素台站探测到131I和133I与位于挪威境内的RN49核素台站探测到的133Xe相关, 可能来自反应堆运行过程中的泄漏; 初步判断134Cs, 137Cs和103Ru等核素可能来自北欧地区反应堆事故停堆换料或新鲜乏燃料转移过程中的意外释放; 探测到的放射性核素活度浓度为μBq/m3量级, 不会对公众健康产生影响.
- 全面禁止核试验条约 /
- 134Cs和137Cs /
- 103Ru /
- 活度浓度 /
- 大气输运模拟
On 22 June 2020, the trace amount of 134Cs, 137Cs and 103Ru in the atmosphere were detected by RN63 radionuclide station (in Sweden) of the International Monitoring System (IMS) for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). Finland and Estonia declared the observation of these radionuclides and 141Ce, 95Zr and 95Nb respectively from 14 to 22 June 2020. Regarding the source term of the detection, various views all over the world were expressed on the networks. In this paper, these radionuclides and their activity concentrations are analyzed, and the nature of the detective event is determined through the analysis of these monitored data and the historical monitored data of each station. In addition, the release time of these radionuclide is estimated, and possible source term regions are obtained by using an atmospheric transport model. The results show that the activity ratio of 134Cs to 137Cs is about 1.10, which can exclude the possibility that the radionuclides detected come from nuclear test or nuclear explosion. The detection of 131I and 133I at the IMS RN61 station may be related to the small defection of reactor fuel assembly, and correlated temporally with the detection of 133Xe at the IMS RN49 station. Preliminary conclusions indicate that the 134Cs, 137Cs and 103Ru are likely to be related to the release of improper handling of reactor maintenance or fresh spent fuel transfer in Northern Europe region. Furthermore, due to the activity concentration is only μBq/m3 order of these radionuclides, it has no effect on public health.-
- Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty /
- 134Cs and 137Cs /
- 103Ru /
- activity concentration /
- atmospheric transport model
[1] Europe On Alert After Unknown Radioactivity Spike Detected Over Baltic Sea, Jim H https://americantruthtoday.com/politics/2020/06/28/europe-on-alert-after-unknown-radioactivity-spike-detected-over-baltic-sea/ [2020-6-28]
[2] Radioactive Isotopes Detected Over Finland, https://www.foreigner.fi/articulo/news/abnormally-high-radiation-detected-over-finland/20200629121550006688.html [2020-6-29]
[3] Agencies Detect Elevated Radioactivity Levels in the Baltic Sea Region, Sten H https://estonianworld.com/security/elevated-radioactivity-levels-in-the-baltic-sea-region-detected/ [2020-6-29]
[4] Small Hike in Radioactivity Detected in Europe; Russia says nothing to worry about, World Israel News https://worldisraelnews.com/small-hike-in-radioactivity-detected-in-europe-russia-says-nothing-to-worry-about/ [2020-6-28]
[5] Radiation Levels at Northwestern Russian NPPs Normal-company, Russian News Agency https://tass.com/world/1172279 [2020-6-27]
[6] Radiation Leak in Europe Points to a Possible Russian Weapons Test, Kyle M https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/radiation-leak-in-europe-points-to-a-possible-russian-weapons-test/ar-BB167 zJR [2020-6-29]
[7] Russia’s New Super Weapons May be Causeof Radiation Leak, Sutton H I https://www.forbes.com/sites/hisutton/2020/07/01/russias-new-super-weapons-may-be-cause-of-radiation-leak/#15660 b2 e5 f8 c [2020-7-1]
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[14] 樊元庆, 王世联, 李慧娟, 张新军, 李奇, 贾怀茂, 赵允刚, 陈占营, 常印忠, 刘蜀疆 2013 原子能科学技术 47 189
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[15] 张利兴, 朱凤荣 2006 核试验放射性核素监测核查技术 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第86页
Zhang L X, Zhu F R 2006 Radionuclide Monitoring and Verification Technology for Nuclear Test (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p86 (in Chinese)
[16] Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety https://www.irsn.fr/FR/Actualites_presse/Actualites/Documents/IRSN_Report-on-IRSN-investigations-of-Ru-106-in-Europe-in-october-2017.pdf [2020-7-20]
[17] Iwashima K, Noboru Y 1966 J. Radiat. Res. 7 91
[18] Pöllänen R 1997 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 71 23
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[19] Michael S 2017 Pure Appl. Geophys. 174 2161
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[20] Pieter D M, Johan C, Andy D, Benoit D, Piet T 2016 J. Environ. Radioact. 164 280
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表 1 RN61台站监测的131I和133I活度浓度及推算的释放时间
Table 1. 133I and 131I activity concentration of RN61 and release time calculated through 133I/131I.
Sampling time Concentration of 131I/μBq·m–3 Concentration of 133I/μBq·m–3 133I/131I Release time 2020-06-05 5:38 236.9 194.0 0.819 2020-06-03 18:40 2020-06-06 5:57 91.0 34.3 0.377 2020-06-03 16:53 2020-06-07 5:46 27.4 5.3 0.193 2020-06-03 18:07 -
[1] Europe On Alert After Unknown Radioactivity Spike Detected Over Baltic Sea, Jim H https://americantruthtoday.com/politics/2020/06/28/europe-on-alert-after-unknown-radioactivity-spike-detected-over-baltic-sea/ [2020-6-28]
[2] Radioactive Isotopes Detected Over Finland, https://www.foreigner.fi/articulo/news/abnormally-high-radiation-detected-over-finland/20200629121550006688.html [2020-6-29]
[3] Agencies Detect Elevated Radioactivity Levels in the Baltic Sea Region, Sten H https://estonianworld.com/security/elevated-radioactivity-levels-in-the-baltic-sea-region-detected/ [2020-6-29]
[4] Small Hike in Radioactivity Detected in Europe; Russia says nothing to worry about, World Israel News https://worldisraelnews.com/small-hike-in-radioactivity-detected-in-europe-russia-says-nothing-to-worry-about/ [2020-6-28]
[5] Radiation Levels at Northwestern Russian NPPs Normal-company, Russian News Agency https://tass.com/world/1172279 [2020-6-27]
[6] Radiation Leak in Europe Points to a Possible Russian Weapons Test, Kyle M https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/radiation-leak-in-europe-points-to-a-possible-russian-weapons-test/ar-BB167 zJR [2020-6-29]
[7] Russia’s New Super Weapons May be Causeof Radiation Leak, Sutton H I https://www.forbes.com/sites/hisutton/2020/07/01/russias-new-super-weapons-may-be-cause-of-radiation-leak/#15660 b2 e5 f8 c [2020-7-1]
[8] Hoffmann W, Kebeasy R, Firbas P 1999 Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 113 5
Google Scholar
[9] 李奇, 王世联, 樊元庆, 赵允刚, 贾怀茂, 张新军 2019 原子能科学技术 53 926
Google Scholar
Li Q, Wang S L, Fan Y Q, Zhao Y G, Jia H M, Zhang X J 2019 Atomic Energy Sci. Technol. 53 926
Google Scholar
[10] Lloyd A C 1968 Anal. Chem. 40 586
Google Scholar
[11] Richard B F 1998 Table of Isotopes (New York: A Wiley-lnterscience Publication) pp148−150
[12] International Atomic Energy Agency 2019 The IAEA Nuclear Energy Series (2018) Review of Fuel Failures in Water Cooled Reactors in 2006−2015 (Vienna: IAEA) p35
[13] 235U Neutron-induced Cumulative Fission Yields, National Nuclear Data Center https://www.nndc.bnl.gov/sigma/getFissionYieldsData.jsp?evalid=15579&mf=8&mt=459 [2020-7-20]
[14] 樊元庆, 王世联, 李慧娟, 张新军, 李奇, 贾怀茂, 赵允刚, 陈占营, 常印忠, 刘蜀疆 2013 原子能科学技术 47 189
Google Scholar
Fan Y Q, Wang S L, Li H J, Zhang X J, Li Q, Jia H M, Zhao Y G, Chen Z Y, Chang Y Z, Liu S J 2013 Atomic Energy Sci. Technol. 47 189
Google Scholar
[15] 张利兴, 朱凤荣 2006 核试验放射性核素监测核查技术 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第86页
Zhang L X, Zhu F R 2006 Radionuclide Monitoring and Verification Technology for Nuclear Test (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p86 (in Chinese)
[16] Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety https://www.irsn.fr/FR/Actualites_presse/Actualites/Documents/IRSN_Report-on-IRSN-investigations-of-Ru-106-in-Europe-in-october-2017.pdf [2020-7-20]
[17] Iwashima K, Noboru Y 1966 J. Radiat. Res. 7 91
[18] Pöllänen R 1997 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 71 23
Google Scholar
[19] Michael S 2017 Pure Appl. Geophys. 174 2161
Google Scholar
[20] Pieter D M, Johan C, Andy D, Benoit D, Piet T 2016 J. Environ. Radioact. 164 280
Google Scholar
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