熵是热力学中表征物质状态的参量之一, 是体系混乱程度的度量. 一个信号的熵可以用来表示信号的复杂度. Duffing混沌系统从临界混沌状态向大尺度周期状态跃变的阈值是混沌系统分析的一个重要参数, 它的求解方法是混沌理论目前亟待解决的问题之一. 然而传统的实验分析法或者定量分析法存在一定的局限性. 本文在研究中发现, 系统处于混沌态和周期态时输出的多尺度熵值存在较大差异, 且当系统进入周期态后多尺度熵值趋于平稳, 基于这一现象结合遗传算法提出了基于多尺度熵的Duffing混沌系统阈值确定方法. 利用该方法对正弦信号和方波信号的检测系统跃变阈值进行了计算, 结果表明该方法快速准确且计算简单.Entropy is one of the parameters describing the state of matter in thermodynamics, it can be used to measure the degree of confusion. The entropy of the signal can be used to express the complexity of the signal. The threshold for the transition of the Duffing chaotic system from the critical chaotic state to the large-scale periodic state is called the transition threshold. It is an important parameter for the analysis of chaotic systems, and its solution method is one of the problems urgently to be solved in chaos theory. If the jump threshold is smaller than the real threshold of the system, it will affect its detection signal-to-noise ratio. If the jump threshold is larger than the real threshold, it will cause incorrect detection results, so it is very important to accurately determine the jump threshold. In this study, we found that the multiscale sample entropy value of the Duffing system is significantly different when the system is in the chaotic state and the periodic state, when the system is in a chaotic state, the entropy value is larger, when the system is in a periodic state, the entropy value is smaller, and when the system enters the periodic state, the multiscale entropy value tends to be stable, this paper proposes to use this phenomenon to determine the transition threshold by analyzing the relationship between the entropy of the system and the amplitude of the driving force. When the entropy value is obviously smaller and tends to be stable, the corresponding driving force amplitude is the jump threshold. using this method, the jump threshold of the sinusoidal signal and square wave signal detection system is calculated, the results show that the method is fast, accurate and simple to calculate. However, this method may have a problem that the calculated threshold value is smaller than the real threshold value, our analysis is that the random selection of the subsequence used for calculation causes the calculation threshold value to be too small, so the method is improved in conjunction with genetic algorithm, using genetic algorithm to find the most complicated subsequence in the whole sequence, then this subsequence is used to solve the threshold, Through a large number of calculations and analysis, it can be seen that the problem of a small threshold is no longer present, and the improved method can obtain the jump threshold of the Duffing system very accurately.
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表 1 Duffing子序列段熵值(
$r = 0.826$ )Table 1. Entropy value of the Duffing subsequence segment (
$r = 0.826$ )序列 1 2 3 4 5 6 MsEn 0.1188 0.0779 0.0768 0.0796 0.0766 0.0780 表 2 Duffing子序列段MsEn值(
$r = 0.827$ )Table 2. Entropy value of the Duffing subsequence segment(
$r = 0.827$ )序列 1 2 3 4 5 6 MsEn 0.0820 0.0822 0.0802 0.0790 0.0777 0.0753 -
[1] 王冠宇, 陶国良, 陈行, 林建亚 1997 仪器仪表学报 18 98
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[16] 梁涤青, 陈志刚, 邓小鸿 2015 电子学报 43 1972
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[18] 陈祥龙, 张兵志, 冯辅周, 江鹏程 2018 振动工程学报 31 902
Chen X L, Zhang B Z, Feng F Z, Jiang P C 2018 Journal of Vibration Engineering 31 902
[19] 王鸿姗, 周静雷, 房乔楚 2019 西安工程大学学报 32 57
Wang H S, Zhou J L, Fang Q C 2019 Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University 32 57
[20] 徐为 2017 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 黑龙江大学)
Xu W 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (Haerbin: HeiLongJiang University) (in Chinese)
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