The interface dynamic behavior of borophene is one of the issues that need investigating for its applications. In this paper, the interaction between graphene and borophene, h-BN is investigated. The results show that the interactions between C atoms and B atoms are weaker than those between C atoms and N atoms when graphene slides on h-BN substrate. The corrugation of interface potential between graphene and borophene is smaller than between graphene and h-BN, which implies smaller friction. Moreover, the pull-out force in the simulation system including graphene and borophene is smaller than the interaction between graphene and h-BN, which indicates a weaker boundary effect. Therefore, borophene promises to exhibit an excellent tribological behavior in application.
- borophene /
- graphene /
- corrugation of interface potential /
- friction
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图 2 石墨烯与h-BN在相对滑动过程中的层间作用力FLJ与势能VLJ (a) 石墨烯与h-BN之间的势能; (b) 石墨烯与h-BN之间的作用力; (c) 石墨烯中的C与N原子的相互作用; (d) C与B原子的相互作用
Fig. 2. Force and interface potential between graphene and h-BN during the sliding process: (a) The interface potential from phase I to phase III; (b) the force between graphene and h-BN; (c) the interaction between C and N atoms; (d) the interaction between C and B atoms.
表 1 Lennard-Jones势函数参数表
Table 1. Parameters for Lennard-Jones potential.
模型 原子 σ/nm ε/kJ·mol–1 Graphene/h-BN C—B 0.343 0.329 C—N 0.338 0.407 Graphene/Borophene C—B 0.343 0.329 -
[1] Iijima S 1991 Nature 354 56
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[2] Qian D, Wagner G J, Liu W K, Yu M F, Ruoff R S 2002 Appl. Mech. Rev. 55 495
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