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高效率三倍频产生355 nm皮秒激光的实验研究

程梦尧 王兆华 何会军 王羡之 朱江峰 魏志义


高效率三倍频产生355 nm皮秒激光的实验研究

程梦尧, 王兆华, 何会军, 王羡之, 朱江峰, 魏志义

Efficient third harmonic generation of 355 nm picosecond laser pulse

Cheng Meng-Yao, Wang Zhao-Hua, He Hui-Jun, Wang Xian-Zhi, Zhu Jiang-Feng, Wei Zhi-Yi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 具有高重复频率、高平均功率的皮秒放大激光在科学研究和工业生产中有着重要的应用, 尤其是在脆性材料的加工领域, 绿光或紫外皮秒激光具有独特的优势. 基于我们研制的平均功率23.2 W、重复频率500 kHz、脉冲宽度13.4 ps的Nd:YVO4激光器, 开展了LBO晶体高效率二倍频与三倍频的研究. 通过优化相位匹配和晶体内激光的走离, 分别得到了平均功率12.7 W的532 nm二倍频激光和9.25 W的355 nm三倍频激光, 相应的光光转换效率分别为54.7%和39.8%. 激光器具有结构简单、平均功率高、转换效率高等特点, 可以广泛地用于科学研究和工业生产中.
    Picosecond laser with high-repetition-rate and high pulse energy is widely favorite in many scientific and industrial applications. Some nonlinear crystals can be used to efficiently convert a near-infrared laser into a green laser or an ultraviolet laser which has a higher photon energy and a smaller focal area. Especially for high-quality and high-speed transparent hard material fabrication, green or ultraviolet picosecond laser has been found to possess unique advantages. In this paper, the experiments on high-efficiency second-harmonic-generation (SHG) and third-harmonic-generation (THG) by using a home-made all-solid-state picosecond laser amplifier and an LBO crystal are reported. The picosecond laser amplifier consists of a seed source, a regenerative amplifier and a two-stage single-pass amplifier. The seed source is a commercial all-solid-state picosecond oscillator with a pulse duration of 8.3 ps and a repetition rate of 68 MHz. The repetition rate is reduced from 68 MHz to 500 kHz by an electro-optic Pockels cell (PC), and the period doubling bifurcation is minimized by reducing the duration of high voltage in PC. Both the regenerative amplifier and the two-stage single-pass amplifier are pumped by three 30-W continuous-wave fiber-coupled laser diodes. After the regenerative amplifier, the seed laser is amplified to 4.86 W with a repetition rate of 500 kHz at 1064 nm. Then the laser power is increased to 23.2 W by a two-stage single-pass amplifier, and the M2 value of the amplified laser in the X direction and in the Y direction are 1.330 and 1.235, respectively. The final pulse duration is 13.4 ps, which is slightly stretched in the amplification chain compared with the seed pulse duration (8.3 ps). For high-efficiency SHG and THG from near-infrared to green and ultraviolet, we carefully study the optical characteristics of some nonlinear crystals, such as LBO, BBO, BIBO, CLBO, etc., and we find that the LBO crystal, which has a high damage threshold, small walk-off and high nonlinear coefficient, is the best choice for both SHG and THG. Then the parameters of the two crystals for SHG and THG are specially designed according to the phase matching condition, the walk-off and the laser parameter. As a result, a 4-mm-long type-I phase matching LBO with cutting angle of θ = 90° and φ = 11.6° is used for SHG, and a 3-mm-long type-II phase matching LBO with cutting angle of θ = 42.2° and φ = 90° is used for THG. Finally, we realize high-efficiency frequency conversion with SHG power of 12.7 W at 532 nm and THG power of 9.25 W at 355 nm. The corresponding optical-optical conversion efficiencies reach 54.7% and 39.6%, respectively.
      通信作者: 王兆华, zhwang@iphy.ac.cn ; 魏志义, zywei@iphy.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(批准号: XDB16030200)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11774410, 61575217)、国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2017YFC0110301)和中国科学院前沿科学重点研究计划(批准号: KJZD-EW-L11-03)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Zhao-Hua, zhwang@iphy.ac.cn ; Wei Zhi-Yi, zywei@iphy.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB16030200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774410, 61575217), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFC0110301), and the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KJZD-EW-L11-03).

    Erny C, Heese C, Haag M, Gallmann L, Keller U 2009 Opt. Express 17 1340Google Scholar


    王鹏, 赵环, 王兆华, 李德华, 魏志义 2006 55 4161Google Scholar

    Wang P, Zhao H, Wang Z H, Li D H, Wei Z Y 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4161Google Scholar


    何会军, 蒋建旺, 程梦尧, 宋贾俊, 王兆华, 方少波, 魏志义 2018 光子学报 47 0914002

    He H J, Jiang J W, Cheng M Y, Song J J, Wang Z H, Fang S B, Wei Z Y 2018 Acta Photon. Sin. 47 0914002


    Muhammad N, Whitehead D, Boor A, Oppenlander W, Liu Z, Li L 2012 Appl. Phys. A 106 607Google Scholar


    Weck A, Crawford T H R, Wilkinson D S, Haugen H K, Preston J S 2008 Appl. Phys. A 90 537Google Scholar


    张菲, 段军, 曾晓雁, 李祥友 2009 中国激光 36 3143

    Zhang F, Duan J, Zeng X Y, Li X Y 2009 Chin. J. Las. 36 3143


    Rauch T, Delmdahl R, Pfeufer V, Mondry M 2009 Laser Tech. J. 6 20


    Norreys P A, Zepf M, Moustaizis S, Fews A P, Zhang J, Lee P, Bakarezos M, Danson C N, Dyson A, Gibbon P, Loukakos P, Neely D, Walsh F N, Wark J S, Dangor A E 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 1832Google Scholar


    Liu J X, Wang W, Wang Z H, Lü Z G, Zhang Z Y, Wei Z Y 2015 Appl. Sci. 5 1590Google Scholar


    Offerhaus H L, Godfried H P, Witteman W J 1996 Opt. Commun. 128 61Google Scholar


    Dörring J, Killi A, Morgner U, Lang A, Lederer M, Kopf D 2004 Opt. Express 12 1759Google Scholar


    毛小洁, 秘国江, 庞庆生, 邹跃 2013 中国激光 38 1002004

    Mao X J, Bi G J, Pang Q S, Zou Y 2013 Chin. J. Las. 38 1002004


    Zhu P, Li D J, Liu Q Y, Chen J, Fu S J, Shi P, Du K M, Loosen P 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 4716Google Scholar


    Borsutzky A, Briinger R, Huang C H, Wallenstein R 1991 Appl. Phys. B 52 55Google Scholar


    Ghotbi M, Sun Z, Majchrowski A, Michalski E, Kityk I V, Ebrahim Z M 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 173124Google Scholar


    Ueda K, Orii Y,Takahashi Y, Okada G, Mori Y, Yoshimura M 2016 Opt. Express 24 30465Google Scholar


    Guo L, Wang G L, Zhang H B, Cui D F, Wu Y C, Lu L, Zhang J Y, Huang J Y, Xu Z Y 2007 Appl. Phys. B 88 197Google Scholar


    Yoshida H, Fujita H, Nakatsuka M, Yoshimura M, Sasaki T, Kamimura T, Yoshida K 2006 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 766Google Scholar


    王正平, 滕冰, 杜晨林, 许心光, 傅琨, 许贵宝, 王继扬, 邵宗书 2003 52 2176Google Scholar

    Wang Z P, Teng B, Du C L, Xu X G, Fu K, Xu G B, Wang J Y, Shao Z S 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2176Google Scholar


    Wu Y C, Sasaki T, Nakai S, Yokotani A, Tang H G, Chen C T 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 2614Google Scholar


    Wu B C, Chen N, Chen C T, Deng D Q, Xu Z Y 1989 Opt. Lett. 14 1080Google Scholar


    Chen L Y, Bai Z X, Pan Y L, Chen M, Li G 2013 Opt. Eng. 52 086107Google Scholar

  • 图 1  全固态皮秒激光放大器及SHG与THG光路图(HR, 高反镜; DM, 双色镜; LD, 二极管激光器; HT 1064 HR 532, 在1064 nm处高透, 在532 nm处高反)

    Fig. 1.  Structure of all-solid-state picosecond laser amplifier, SHG and THG (HR, high reflectivity mirror; DM, dichroic mirror; LD, laser diode; HT 1064 HR 532: high transmittance @ 1064 nm and high reflectivity @ 532 nm).

    图 2  种子光和基频光自相关曲线(sech2拟合) (a)种子光自相关曲线; (b)基频光自相关曲线

    Fig. 2.  Self-reference curve of seed laser and fundamental laser (sech2 fitting): (a) Self-referencecurve of seed laser; (b) self-reference curve of fundamental laser.

    图 3  基频光光谱图和光束质量(M2)图 (a)基频光光谱图; (b)基频光光束质量(M2)图

    Fig. 3.  Wavelength and beam quality (M2) of fundamental laser: (a) Wavelength of fundamental laser; (b) beam quality (M2) of fundamental laser.

    图 4  SHG与THG过程中光束空间走离及补偿的原理示意图

    Fig. 4.  Schematic diagram of space walk-off and compensation for SHG and THG.

    图 5  SHG激光功率稳定性

    Fig. 5.  Power stability of SHG power.

    图 6  THG激光功率曲线图

    Fig. 6.  THG output power versus input power.

    图 7  (a) SHG与(b) THG光谱图

    Fig. 7.  Wavelength of (a) SHG and (b) THG.

    表 1  非线性晶体参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of nonlinear crystal.

    晶体透射范围/nm损伤阈值/GW·cm–2deff 11/pm·V–1deff 22/pm·V–1走离角1/mrad走离角2/mrad
    LBO160—260036.3[18]0.83 (xy)0.53 (yz)7.06 (xy)9.30 (yz)
    BIBO286—25003.4[19]2.96 (yz)3.9 (yz)25.74 (yz)67.86 (yz)
    CBO170—300026[20]1.01 (xz)1.19 (xy)31.17 (xz)16.25 (xy)
    注: 1, 1064 nm倍频输出532 nm的条件下; 2, 1064 nm与532 nm和频输出355 nm的条件下
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    Erny C, Heese C, Haag M, Gallmann L, Keller U 2009 Opt. Express 17 1340Google Scholar


    王鹏, 赵环, 王兆华, 李德华, 魏志义 2006 55 4161Google Scholar

    Wang P, Zhao H, Wang Z H, Li D H, Wei Z Y 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4161Google Scholar


    何会军, 蒋建旺, 程梦尧, 宋贾俊, 王兆华, 方少波, 魏志义 2018 光子学报 47 0914002

    He H J, Jiang J W, Cheng M Y, Song J J, Wang Z H, Fang S B, Wei Z Y 2018 Acta Photon. Sin. 47 0914002


    Muhammad N, Whitehead D, Boor A, Oppenlander W, Liu Z, Li L 2012 Appl. Phys. A 106 607Google Scholar


    Weck A, Crawford T H R, Wilkinson D S, Haugen H K, Preston J S 2008 Appl. Phys. A 90 537Google Scholar


    张菲, 段军, 曾晓雁, 李祥友 2009 中国激光 36 3143

    Zhang F, Duan J, Zeng X Y, Li X Y 2009 Chin. J. Las. 36 3143


    Rauch T, Delmdahl R, Pfeufer V, Mondry M 2009 Laser Tech. J. 6 20


    Norreys P A, Zepf M, Moustaizis S, Fews A P, Zhang J, Lee P, Bakarezos M, Danson C N, Dyson A, Gibbon P, Loukakos P, Neely D, Walsh F N, Wark J S, Dangor A E 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 1832Google Scholar


    Liu J X, Wang W, Wang Z H, Lü Z G, Zhang Z Y, Wei Z Y 2015 Appl. Sci. 5 1590Google Scholar


    Offerhaus H L, Godfried H P, Witteman W J 1996 Opt. Commun. 128 61Google Scholar


    Dörring J, Killi A, Morgner U, Lang A, Lederer M, Kopf D 2004 Opt. Express 12 1759Google Scholar


    毛小洁, 秘国江, 庞庆生, 邹跃 2013 中国激光 38 1002004

    Mao X J, Bi G J, Pang Q S, Zou Y 2013 Chin. J. Las. 38 1002004


    Zhu P, Li D J, Liu Q Y, Chen J, Fu S J, Shi P, Du K M, Loosen P 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 4716Google Scholar


    Borsutzky A, Briinger R, Huang C H, Wallenstein R 1991 Appl. Phys. B 52 55Google Scholar


    Ghotbi M, Sun Z, Majchrowski A, Michalski E, Kityk I V, Ebrahim Z M 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 173124Google Scholar


    Ueda K, Orii Y,Takahashi Y, Okada G, Mori Y, Yoshimura M 2016 Opt. Express 24 30465Google Scholar


    Guo L, Wang G L, Zhang H B, Cui D F, Wu Y C, Lu L, Zhang J Y, Huang J Y, Xu Z Y 2007 Appl. Phys. B 88 197Google Scholar


    Yoshida H, Fujita H, Nakatsuka M, Yoshimura M, Sasaki T, Kamimura T, Yoshida K 2006 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 766Google Scholar


    王正平, 滕冰, 杜晨林, 许心光, 傅琨, 许贵宝, 王继扬, 邵宗书 2003 52 2176Google Scholar

    Wang Z P, Teng B, Du C L, Xu X G, Fu K, Xu G B, Wang J Y, Shao Z S 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2176Google Scholar


    Wu Y C, Sasaki T, Nakai S, Yokotani A, Tang H G, Chen C T 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 2614Google Scholar


    Wu B C, Chen N, Chen C T, Deng D Q, Xu Z Y 1989 Opt. Lett. 14 1080Google Scholar


    Chen L Y, Bai Z X, Pan Y L, Chen M, Li G 2013 Opt. Eng. 52 086107Google Scholar

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