We investigate the interband coupling induced odd-frequency pairing state by solving the microscopic Ginzburg-Landau model for the two band superconductor magnesium diboride (MgB2). It is found that the interband coupling can induce a new domain structure and a heliacal spontaneous magnetic vortex-antivortex pair around the cyclical domain wall, which breaks down spin-rotational symmetry and supports a time-reversal violating bound state, allowing the coexistence of spin-singlet and spin-triplet state close to the spontaneous vortex core. The odd-frequency spin-triplet even parity pairing state occurs since a successive operation in the orbital parity (P) and the time-reversal (T) obeys PT = + 1(–1) for spin-singlet (spin-triplet) pairing amplitude. A general phase diagram is presented.
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图 1 当温度
$T\in(T_1,T_2)$ , 外磁场磁通涡量$m=2$ 时, 四度旋转对称的Abriksov涡旋格子图 (a)−(c)分别为${\text{π}}-$ 带和σ带序参量和磁场的空间分布图; (e)−(g)分别为对应的等高图; (d)和(h)分别为${\text{π}}$ 带和$\text{σ}$ 带波函数的相位分布图, 两者的相位绕向彼此相反Fig. 1. The fourfold rotational symmetric Abrikosov vortex for the superconductor with coupled
${\text{π}}-$ and$\text{σ}-$ pairings under the external magnetic flux of two quanta (m = 2) and at the temperature$T\in(T_1,T_2)$ : Panels (a)−(c) show the spatial distributions for$ {\text{π}}-$ and$\text{σ}-$ channel amplitude and magnetic field H, respectively; (e)−(g) show the contour plots, respectively; (d) and (h) show the phase distribution for the${\text{π}}-$ and$\text{σ}-$ channel, An opposite phase winding is indicated in the${\text{π}}-$ and$\text{σ}-$ channels.图 2 当温度
$T=0.1{\rm K}$ , 外磁场磁通涡量$m=2$ 时,${\text{π}}-$ 和$\text{σ}-$ 带空间分离的两度旋转对称半涡旋图 (a)−(c)分别为${\text{π}}-$ 和$\text{σ}-$ 带序参量和磁场的空间分布图Fig. 2. The twofold rotational symmetric semi-vortex unit, consisting of spatially separated
${\text{π}}-$ wave and$\text{σ}-$ channel cores at the temperature$T=0.1{\rm K}$ and under the external magnetic flux of two quanta (m = 2), (a)−(c) show the contour plots for$ {\text{π}}-$ and$ {\text{σ}}-$ channel amplitude and magnetic field H, respectively.图 3 当温度
$T=0.1{\rm K}$ 时自发场图 (a)−(c)分别为${\text{π}}-$ 带和$\text{σ}-$ 带序参量和磁场的空间分布图; (d)−(f)分别为对应的等高图Fig. 3. Spontaneous magnetic field at the temperature
$T=0.1{\rm K}$ , Panels (a))−(c) show the spatial distributions for${\text{π}}-$ and$\text{σ}-$ channel amplitude and spontaneous magnetic field H, respectively; (d))−(f) show the contour plots, respectively. -
[1] Berezinskii V L 1974 JETP Lett. 20 287
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[40] Tanaka Y, Tanuma Y 2007 Phys. Rev. B 76 054522
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