现代红外光电探测技术有着近八十年的历史. 从二战期间第一个可实用PbS红外探测器到第三代红外光电探测器概念的提出, 红外光电探测技术经历了翻天覆地的变化. 以碲镉汞、锑化铟、铟镓砷为代表的传统红外光电探测器已在军事、遥感、通信、生命科学和宇宙探索等领域发挥着至关重要的作用. 随着人类对光电探测不断增长的需求, 尤其近几年来在人工智能、大数据、智慧城市等方面对红外信息的探测和智能感知有着强烈的需求, 大幅降低红外光电探测器的尺寸(size)、重量(weight)、功耗(power)和价格(price), 以及提高探测器的性能(performance)迫在眉睫. 因此, 要满足上述需求, 必须要寻找具有变革性特征的红外光电探测器件. 当前红外探测器正处于新旧更迭的时代, 一大批新型红外光电探测器涌出. 本文系统地介绍了一些具有变革性特征的红外探测器前沿内容, 主要包括: 人工光子微结构调控的新型红外探测器、基于能带工程的红外探测器、新型低维材料红外探测器, 以及传统红外探测器的新方向. 最后, 展望了红外光电探测未来发展面临的机遇和挑战.Modern infrared detector technology has a history of nearly eighty years. Since the first PbS photodiode was put into use during the World War II, infrared detectors have achieved significant progress, even the third-generation infrared systems have been proposed. In the past decades, the traditional infrared detectors represented by HgCdTe, InSb and InGaAs have been widely applied in military, remote sensing, communication, bioscience, and space exploration. However, the increasing applications demand higher performance infrared detectors. Especially in recent years, the intelligent infrared detection technique was strongly demanded in many high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality systems and smart city. Therefore, the fabricating of infrared detection systems with smaller size, lighter weight, lower power, higher performance and lower price has become an urgent task. At present, the infrared photodetectors are in an age of rapid change, and many new type of advanced infrared photodetectors come to the fore quickly. For the purpose of summarizing these detectors, they are reviewed covering four parts: microstructure coupled infrared detector, infrared detector based on band engineering, new type of low-dimensional material infrared detector, and new directions for traditional infrared detectors. In the infrared detection systems, these photodetectors can be fully used for their prominent performance. The microstructure coupled infrared detector can improve chip integration with high quantum efficiency. Precise design of band structure will raise the operating temperature for mid and long wavelenth infrared photodetectors. Owing to the unique structures and physical properties, low-dimensional material infrared photodetectors have shown their potential application value in flexibility and room temperature detection systems. The ability of avalanche photodetector to detect the extremely weak signal makes it possible using in the frontier science such as quantum private communication and three-dimensional radar imaging systems. The device based on hot electron effect provides a new idea for far infrared detection. The barrier detectors will reduce the manufacturing cost of traditional materials and the design is also very illuminating for other new materials. In this review, firstly we present the history of infrared photodetectors in short. Then the mechanism and achievements of the advanced infrared photodetectors are introduced in detail. Finally, the opportunities and challenges of infrared detection are summarized and predicted.
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图 6 FDTD数值模拟在垂直光照射时小孔周围横向电场的模式(顶部是XY截面, 底部为YZ截面; 时间从左到右增加, T = 1.4, 6.2, 11, 16, 21 fs)[24] (a)圆柱形小孔; (b)漏斗形小孔
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Fig. 9. (a) Schematic diagram of the SPP structure with the metal hole array on the quantum dot infrared detector[32]; (b) SEM photograph of the metal hole array SPP structure[32]; (c) SEM photograph of the bull's eye detector[33]; (d) the bull's eye structure with slit[34]; copyright 2011 American Chemical Society (e) schematic diagram of graphene-surface plasmon photodetector[35]; (f) polarization dependent multi-wavelength SPP structure[36].
图 10 (a) TiS2纳米片的吸收谱; (b) LSP与SPP共同增强量子阱红外探测器; (c), (d)纳米片的LSP共振与非共振模式下的电场分布图[41]; (e)硅量子点辅助的超宽谱石墨烯探测器[42]; (f)—(h)金阵列增强型MoS2光电二极管[40]
Fig. 10. (a) Absorption spectra of TiS2 nanosheets; (b) quantum well infrared detectors enhanced by LSP and SPP together; (c),(d) electric field distribution of nanosheets of LSP resonance and non-resonant mode[41]; (e) ultra-wide spectrum graphene detector auxiliary by silicon quantum dots[42]; (f)−(h) Au arrays enhanced MoS2 phototransistors[40].
图 11 等离激元热电子能带图(肖特基势垒为ϕB; 电子-空穴对受激光激发; 满足动量守恒要求对应的过程为声子辅助或杂质辅助的)[43]
Fig. 11. The band diagram of plasmon hot electrons. Schottky barrier is ϕB. The illuminating light photoexcited electrons in metal, generating electron-hole pairs. Taking conservation of momentum in to consideration, this process may be aided by phonons or impurities[43].
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Fig. 12. (a) Schematic diagram of LSP-based photodetector; (b) SEM photo of photodetector based on LSP[43]; (c) schematic diagram of photodetector based on SPP; (d) SEM photograph of photodetector based on SPP thermoelectron; (e) photocurrent mapping of SPP plasmon thermal electronic devices[44].
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Fig. 22. (a) Schematic diagram of photovoltage field-effect transistors[78]; (b) gain-bandwidth product for different types of photodetectors[65]; (c) schematic diagram of mid-infrared graphene detector through interfacial gating of InSb; (d) the photoresponse of device in (c) at various temperatures[78,80].
图 23 (a) 300 nm P(VDF-TrFE)薄膜的电滞回线; (b) P(VDF-TrFE)处于三种极化状态下, P(VDF-TrFE)-MoS2晶体管的Ids-Vds曲线, fresh指未极化状态, P up, P down分别代表极化向上和极化向下状态; (c), (d) P(VDF-TrFE)极化向上和极化向下时器件示意图以及能带图[82]
Fig. 23. (a) The ferroelectric hysteresis loop 300 nm P(VDF-TrFE) film capacitor; (b) the Ids-Vds characteristics (at ZERO gate voltage) with three states of ferroelectric layer, and the three states are fresh state (ferroelectric layer without polarization), polarization up (polarized by a pulse Vg of –40 V), and polarization down (polarized by a pulse Vg of –40 V) states, respectively; (c), (d) the cross-section structures of the device and equilibrium energy band diagrams of three different ferroelectric polarization states[82].
图 25 (a) Graphene/Ta2O5/graphene隧道结红外探测器结构示意图; (b)多种功率下红外响应曲线, 入射光波长3.2 μm; (c) h-BN/b-P/h-BN垂直异质结的红外探测器; (d) h-BN/b-P/h-BN垂直异质结器件7.7 μm红外光电响应[93,94]
Fig. 25. (a) Structure diagram of graphene/Ta2O5/graphene tunneling diode; (b) infrared responsivity curve of variable incident power with 3.2 μm wavelength; (c) h-BN/b-P/h-BN vertical heterojunction photodetectors; (d) 7.7 μm infrared responsivity of h-BN/b-P/h-BN vertical heterojunction photodetectors[93,94].
图 26 (a) p-g-n异质结光电探测器的结构示意图; (b) p-g-n异质结光电探测器的光电响应; (c)黑砷磷b-As0.83P0.17样品的光学吸收谱, 插图为黑砷磷合金b-AsP/MoS2异质结器件结构示意图; (d) b-AsP/MoS2异质结光电探测器在中波红外的光电响应[98]
Fig. 26. (a) Structure diagram of p-g-n heterojunction photodetectors; (b) responsivity of p-g-n heterojunction photodetectors; (c) absorption spectrum of b-As0.83P0.17; (d) mid-infrared response of b-AsP/MoS2 heterojunction photodetectors[98].
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Fig. 30. (a) I-V characteristics of BP/InSe APD; (b) noise and gain of BP/InSe APD; (c) traditional ionizing collision process; (d) ballistic avalanche mechanism of BP/InSe APD[111].
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Fig. 42. For InSb nBn infrared photodetectors, the dark current characteristics at (a) 77 K and (b) 104−170 K, (c) the spectral response at 77 K, and (d) the dark current characteristics at different temperatures and structures[128,129].
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